Unable to upgrade and unable to lock/pack safes


New Member
So after a few days of having a few scripts on the server all hell is breaking loose. So far the two bugs I have found and cannot figure out what to do is the first any safe that is placed on the ground, after locking it you can still access the gear, you cannot lock it or pack it. Pops up a message saying "That Safe is already being locked/packed". After reconnecting you can pack it but it just dupes the safe 3-4 times. The other issue I am having is that you cannot upgrade any building parts. When you try it just says "Not setup yet". Here are two new errors in my RPT and the location for the referring files. Yes we are running the latest version. I am at a loss here, I have no idea what to do. If there are any files that you need to see, please let me know I will post them. At the bottom of the post is a list of scripts installed. Thank you.
Bad conversion: array
 Error in expression <r"] call server_updateObject;
} forEach nearestObjects [_pos, dayz_updateObjects>
 Error position: <nearestObjects [_pos, dayz_updateObjects>
 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 209

205 // Force gear updates for nearby vehicles/tents
206 _pos = _this select 0;
207 {
208 [_x, "gear"] call server_updateObject;
209 } forEach nearestObjects [_pos, dayz_updateObjects, 10];
210 //[_charPos] call server_updateNearbyObjects;

 Error in expression <_this select 1;
_allowed = false;

if ((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) >
 Error position: <typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) >
 Error Generic error in expression
 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 130


125 check_publishobject = {
126 private["_allowed","_object","_playername"];
128 _object = _this select 0;
129 _playername = _this select 1;
130 _allowed = false;
132 if ((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) then {
133 //diag_log format ["DEBUG: Object: %1 published by %2 is Safe",_object, _playername];
134 _allowed = true;
135 };
136    _allowed
137 };

Scripts Installed

AGN safezones
Snap Build
Self Bloodbag
Deploy Bike
Attach Everything to PlayerID
j0k3r5 Debug
Server Welcome Credits
Take Clothes v2
Infistar AH
are you using a custom debug monitor?
Sounds to me like you've improperly installed a debug monitor with a toggle. This will block other functions from working, specifically base building.
If you're using a debug monitor with a toggle.. how do you have it installed ?
Yeah, So I have the default debug monitor which I am unsure how to disable, I have jokers debug monitor and infistar comes with a debug monitor but it is disabled. I've had jokers and the default in there for some time and this just started happening.
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Quick update, removed all debug monitors except the one epoch comes with and still have this issue.
Hmm ok.. Did any of those mods listed instruct you to make changes to your server_functions and/or dayz_updateObject? Im not sure what steps you use for "attach everything to player ID" I mean some of this stuff sounds like its having errors when updating. Im really just guessing a lot here but I have never heard of your problem and I have some similar mods installed. Unfortunately the best thing you can probably do is start with some fresh PBO's and add the mods one by one until you find the one that causes the conflict.
Have you got a custom "variables.sqf" file and if so, can you please Upload it ore paste the contents on PasteBin (is to big to paste here)
Yeah there are some modifications to variables.sqf you can view it here https://gist.github.com/anonymous/616bd6ed5e24318fe441

Thank you for this. I am willing to help, but your errors seem to be a bit more complicated. Do you get in your .RPT something saying "Error, cannot sync character"? And do you have a TeamSpeak or Skype name?

Also please do / answer following:

- Upload "fn_selfActions.sqf"
- Upload AHConfig.sqf (Do NOT Publish AH.sqf)
- "Attach everything to player ID" - Please try to take this out again.
- Upload "jokers debug"
j0k3r5 debug (has been disabled)

And this is the "Keep your plotpole after death" script.

Right i looked trough all files you provided and it seems like the last one you send me is causing the problems. So you can put jokers debug back in, if you want. Well actually i'm pretty sure it's the "Keep plotpole after death". Technically (if you did everything correct) it would work, BUT: Actions, which require a characterID like the upgrade would not work correctly, if the system is not all set up for it. I highly recommend to revert that system and simply take Plot Poles out completely as it's just a Pain for players anyway. Your fn_selfAction.sqf and AHConfig.sqf seems to be fine, except a very few smal errors, such as the Bike Deploy and a few arrays.
Nope, removing that script didn't change anything. Still receiving this error when placing a safe down and still getting "Not Setup Yet" when trying to upgrade any building items.

Error in expression <_this select 1;
_allowed = false;

if ((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) >
Error position: <typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) >
Error Generic error in expression
File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 130

Here are both my server and mission files.
Right i looked trough all files you provided and it seems like the last one you send me is causing the problems. So you can put jokers debug back in, if you want. Well actually i'm pretty sure it's the "Keep plotpole after death". Technically (if you did everything correct) it would work, BUT: Actions, which require a characterID like the upgrade would not work correctly, if the system is not all set up for it. I highly recommend to revert that system and simply take Plot Poles out completely as it's just a Pain for players anyway. Your fn_selfAction.sqf and AHConfig.sqf seems to be fine, except a very few smal errors, such as the Bike Deploy and a few arrays.
How does one go about no longer needing plot poles?
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