update 1.7.7 Restriction # 44

Please take a note of what type of restriction it is, this will show you what file you will need to check.

For example
Remoteexec Restriction #93 - Look inside remoteexec.log
Public Varable Restriction #53 - Look inside publicvariable.log

If its just a script restriction, then its in scripts.log - however please note:
Anything to do with a certian type of kick is normally found under a single log file, for example:
A Public Variable Restriction will also log inside the same file as a Public Variable Value Restriction :)

The restriction is the line number inside the file (minus any commented lines)
Example (first digit is line number)

1  5 createVehicle
- //5 seagull
2 5 Seagull !"seagull"
3 5 Stuff
4 5 Other Stuff
- // Stuff as well!
5 5 More Stuff!

Notice how the line number does not increase when a comment is made, this way work out what line number the filter is talking about.

Pro Tip:
Personally, what i do is i find any line that starts with a comment identifier (//) and remove the line completely, this way the line numbers (using CTRL+G in most notepad(++) apps) will show the correct kick line from within your definition files (such as scripts.txt, or remoteexec.txt)

Sorry to go on, thought it would be helpful :)
What is your script.txt file say?

42 - 5 setDamage !"scripts_nathan\clothes.sqf"!"\"setDamage\"," !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n0.1 fadeSound 0;" !"this setDamage 1;" !"this setDamage 0.8" !"\"\nst\ns_modules\mutants\scripts\mut_att.sqf\"; \n};\n_target setDamage (damage _target + 0.15); \n};\n} else {\nif (!isMultiplayer) t" !" CLIENT] :: and is not in a building, sorry.\"];\nplayer setDamage ((damage player) + 0.15);\ndiag_log format[\"[NAC BLOWOUT CLI" !"_target setDamage ((damage _target) + 0.15); \n" !" (_mut_target isKindOf "zZombie_Base") then {\n\n_mut_target setDamage ((damage _mut_target) + 0.15);\n} else {\n\n_r_player_blood = "

43 - 5 setDammage !"\"setDammage\","
44 - 5 setDate !"\"setDate\"," !"rsetDate = 'setDate'" !"rsetDatecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setDate.sqf')" !"dayzSetDate"
45 - 5 setFog !"\"setFog\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"FOG\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setFog _targetWeatherValue;\n};" !"0 setFog _initialFog;\n\nif (_initialOvercast == -1) then {"
46 - 5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\"" !"if (_fuel >= 1.0) then { _fuel = 1.0; };\n\n_target setFuel _fuel;" !"dayzSetFuel_code = _code;" !"dayzSetFuel = _val;"
Open your scripts.log file and find the entry that kicked the player(s) in question, and post that too :)
I had the same problem when i tried to update to 1.7.7, Script #44 error. I went to
and updated my filters and i got past script #44, but after running for 10 mins i had variable script #0 kick. I am testing differnt things out now. Problem is if i update scripts, i lose all my Custom filters i added.
Open your scripts.log file and find the entry that kicked the player(s) in question, and post that too :)

I will put the log of a player:
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) GUID - # 75 "this setPosATL [getPosATL this select 0, getPosATL this select 1, (getPosATL this select 2) + 0.2];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "tPosASL select this one (this select getPosASL 2) 40]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:05: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 ", this select getPosASL 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2)]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 133 "tPosASL this select 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2) 30]; this setVectorDirAndUp [[0, 1, 0], [-1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 134 "SASL this first select (select getPosASL cor3 2) 30]; this setVectorDirAndUp [[0, 1, 0], [-1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 133 "tPosASL this select 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2) 30]; this setVectorDirAndUp [[0, 1, 0], [-1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 134 "SASL this first select (select getPosASL cor3 2) 30]; this setVectorDirAndUp [[0, 1, 0], [-1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 133 "tPosASL this select 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2) 30]; this setVectorDirAndUp [[0, -1, 0], [1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) GUID - # 134 "SASL this select 1, (getPosASL cor3 select 2) +30]; setVectorDirAndUp this [[0, -1, 0], [1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 133 "tPosASL this select 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2) 30]; this setVectorDirAndUp [[0, -1, 0], [1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) GUID - # 134 "SASL this select 1, (getPosASL cor3 select 2) +30]; setVectorDirAndUp this [[0, -1, 0], [1 , 0, 0]]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam ((PI) GUID - # 132 "tPosASL this select 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2) -25]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, -1], = _nul [this] execVM "addin \ anomalyNuclea.sqf"; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "tPosASL this select 1 (getPosASL select cor3 2) -25]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, -1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) GUID - # 75 "this setposATL [getPosATL this select 0, getPosATL this select 1, (select this getPosATL 2) -0.5]; setVectorUp this [0, 0 , 1]; "
12/06/2013 20:48:06: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 132 "PosATL select this one (this select getPosATL 2) -0.5]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];"
12/06/2013 20:48:12: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) address GUID - # 9 "ation, [], 0," CAN_COLLIDE "];
_driver = _fire;

_driver allowdamage false;
_driver disableAI "MOVE";
_driver disableAI "ANIM"; "
12/06/2013 20:48:12: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) GUID - # 132 "[0:05, -9, -2225]];
sleep .1;
_driver setpos _pos;
_driver setvectorUp _vector;
_train setvectorUp _vector;
sleep .1;

and found that more below: 12/06/2013 20:48:15: [ߣĐ] Saddam (IP) GUID - # 44 "Andler {(_this select 1) spawn local_gutObject};
I think that's the reason.
ummm i get a public variable restriction #0 everytime i join

edit logs:

in the log it shows this
#0 "dayzLogin" = ["7411145",<NULL-object>]