Updating to latest DZAI

Hi, Buttface!
I made a mistake not changing the line
if (isServer) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf";};

read more .. all by default, only 5 helicopter patrols, nothing else changed
Please see at line 100
It feels good and bots should be ...
but aero sit half an hour and they are not)

if interested ...
put while working 170, and 181 will be trying on a test server, and then the guys waiting to play)
Everything works, they are gorgeous!))
I would like to know what other than helicopters "UH1H_DZ","UH1Y_DZ","Mi17_DZ" can be installed?
Dense test)
Thank you!
Excellent, man!
Thank you so quickly corrected it, everything works fine! There are a couple of obscure bugs me ...
dayz_epoch1.0.3, then read http://opendayz.net/threads/epoch-1-0-3-users-please-read.17549/#post-87533
21:24:57 Error position: <DZE_ForceNameTags;
21:24:57 Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_forcenametags
21:24:57 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\init.sqf, line 41
21:25:28 "Initializing DZAI version 1.8.1_M"
21:25:28 "[DZAI] Reading DZAI configuration file."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] DZAI Variables loaded."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] Compiling DZAI functions."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] Base classname tables loaded."
21:25:28 "DZAI Debug: Detected mod variant @DayZ_Epoch."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] Server is running map chernarus. Loading static trigger and classname configs."
21:25:28 "DayZ Epoch loot tables loaded."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] AI to zombie hostility is enabled."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] Zombie hostility to AI is enabled."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] DZAI loaded with settings: Debug Level: 1. DebugMarkers: 0. ModName: epoch. DZAI_dynamicWeaponList: true. VerifyTables: true."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] DZAI loading completed in 0.0109863 seconds."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] 77 locations gathered in 0.019043 seconds."
21:25:28 "[DZAI] Building DZAI weapon arrays using CfgBuildingLoot data."
Those errors are related to Epoch, not DZAI. From what I see, DZAI is working perfectly.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk