Upgrade/Maintain walls etc


Well-Known Member
I am having a problem upgrading walls etc, there is no option on the scroll menu to upgrade or maintain.

The mods we have installed are:-

Remove Clothes,
Drink Water from Ponds,
SelfBlood Bag,
Lift & Tow,
Refuel & Repair Stations,
Dance around Fire,
Skalisty Bridge,
Skalisty Island Castle/Camp,
Sleep in Tents,
Salvage Vehicles,
Sarge AI,
Trader Zones are Safe/God zones,
Tower & Street Lights,
Crafting System.

Someone mentioned it could be conflicting code with the SelfBB so I removed it and it still did not show any menu's., anyone else had the same issue ?
I have all of your mods except Crafting System and Sarge AI and I have no problems, so try to remove those and try again, would be my best advice.
Stripped the server back to basic's with default code and it is working so I am going to add the mods to the test server one at a time to see where the problem is.
It has got to be something simple which I am missing.

I have clean files:


When I change the location of the compiles.sqf

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compiles.sqf";

It will not work, this is what is stopping it working (for me), I have a folder called dayz_code where compiles.sqf and fn_selfactions.sqf is placed they are both clean version which I have just got from YourArma2OAfolder\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\compile