[SOLVED] Vehicle Spawning


New Member
I just switched from Bliss and for some reason my server is not spawning any vehicles. Is there a way to manually spawn them? Or a way to set how many vehicles spawn per server?
if you followed the instructions correctly, they should spawn as soon as you start the server
Everything starts up fine but for some reason object_spawns and object_data are empty. I can try a fresh install but would still like to be able to change how many vehicles are on the server, both total and how many of each individual vehicle.

Also if they are destroyed are they automatically cleaned up and respawned? I know on bliss i had to run the perl script to do all of that.

Thanks for the quick reply.
What map may i ask?

Also, the Vehicle maintenance script is run automatically every-time the server is (re)started
Just vanilla Chernarus.

A reinstall seems to have fixed the issue with them spawning, not sure what happened the first time.
you probably made a tiny spelling error in a username or something, i did that yesterday :)
That actually only partially fixed it. None of the choppers are actually spawned in, they have locations and are in the Object_data tables but they are not in game when I teleport to them.

I'm also unable to get the values in the object_class table to save under MaxNum, maybe im just used to having more control with bliss. I would really love to be able to modify my vehicle spawns though, I want more than 24 of them on the map and right now as far as I can tell im unable to change it at all.
just go to functions > pMain

and edit pMain.

On this line:

change the 25 to whaever you want (providing you have all the spawns:)
Thanks, sorry for the bother getting used to another flavor after having used bliss for months can be frustrating. Any idea why my choppers only wouldnt be spawning? It seems strange that it is only them, I tested one of each kind as well.
They are showing up in the database but not actually in game. I currently have it set to 75 and have checked 2 spots so far with no luck.

Checked a few more spots and it seems that its just the little birds for some reason. Maybe something to do with them adding the MH6J? I will look into it more in the morning.