Vehicle Towing and Heli Lifting script

Don't mind them, you can view the code in:
in your mission folder, granted you have the R3F Artillery and Logistics mod installed.

What do I have to do to make you UNkind-Sir? and will you turn green?
too freaking funny man, DS9 RULED! dont care what everyone says.
Urban, when you say enter code. is that a vehicle or something in dayz? im confused. how would i get into it? im lost. someone find me.
My research says that is it not possible to make it work if ur host is is that correct, cause im stuck at script restriction 245 ? anything i can do ?

will the R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG script work on Taviana 2.0[Solved]

Edit: for other dumbasses like myself they are talking about this and it will work on all servers if u just adjust the heights and meters :)
In the object_init.sqf file located in the r3F_log folder...

Change this code:
// Ne pas monter dans un véhicule qui est en cours de transport
_objet addEventHandler ["GetIn",
    if (_this select 2 == player) then
        _this spawn
            if ((!(isNull (_this select 0 getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par")) && (alive (_this select 0 getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par"))) || !(isNull (_this select 0 getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par"))) then
                player action ["eject", _this select 0];
                player globalChat STR_R3F_LOG_transport_en_cours;

To this: (or just delete it all together)
// Ne pas monter dans un véhicule qui est en cours de transport
_objet addEventHandler ["GetIn",
    if (_this select 2 == player) then
        _this spawn
            if ((!(isNull (_this select 0 getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par")) && (alive (_this select 0 getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par"))) || !(isNull (_this select 0 getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par"))) then
                player action ["eject", _this select 0];
                player globalChat STR_R3F_LOG_transport_en_cours;

I just deleted it outright, and it still is giving the error for there is a player inside, but apparently people can now tow vehicles from the passenger seat of a car xD
I just deleted it outright, and it still is giving the error for there is a player inside, but apparently people can now tow vehicles from the passenger seat of a car xD

Nevermind, I figured out that you can't tow a vehicle that HAS people in it, but you can tow a vehicle, then have people get in it. Thanks.
this script interfeers with the Halo Spawn and will disable it.. any way you can make this work with halo spawn?
Hey - for some reason I can't lift helicopters with a helicopter? (

Everything else works. Any ideas?

Do you know how I can make it so only one vehicle can be towed at a time? I don't want people towing a train of cars on my Epoch server.

Thanks in advance...
Wanted to know that this is installed on my server but locked vehicles are still able to be towed/lifted. how do I make it so they can not be? thanks
have you ever seen a policeman go to tow someones car and say " damn, its locked I guess we will have to leave it here". No? Therefore locked vehicles should be towed.

But there is an epoch script to fix this already.