What vehicles are allowed per map


Well-Known Member
I am noticing that different maps allow different vehicles to spawn. How can I find out what vehicles are allow on what map by default?
I am noticing that different maps allow different vehicles to spawn. How can I find out what vehicles are allow on what map by default?

I was just messing around last night and found out if you start the game with the mod you want to check ( like @dayzfallujah) at the main menu hit ctrl-e to goto the 3d editor then you can select the map (Fallujah) and place vehicles if it shows up it will work in the game if not then it wont.
The only way I know of is to check dayz_anin > config.cpp

Anything shown as *not* BANNED is allowed.
Download a script called Wuats menu. It was used as a cheat in the early days but I've found it useful as a testing tool on servers

The outdated vehicle spawner uses the configs to generate a list of unbanned vehicles. I'm uncomfortable posting what is essentiall a cheat but I'll strip the vehicles part in case anyone wants to have a look.

hint "Generating Vehicle listings.";
_kindOf = ["Car"];
_filter = ["BIS_Steerable_Parachute"];
_filter1 = ["ParachuteBase"];
_cfgvehicles = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";

for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgvehicles)-1 do {
_vehicle = _cfgvehicles select _i;
if (isClass _vehicle) then {
_veh_type = configName(_vehicle);
if ((getNumber(_vehicle >> "scope")==2)and(getText(_vehicle >> "picture")!="")and(KINDOF_ARRAY(_veh_type,_kindOf))and!(KINDOF_ARRAY(_veh_type,_filter))and!(KINDOF_ARRAY(_veh_type,_filter1))) then {

pic = pic + [format["%1",getText(_vehicle >> "picture")]];
hacks = hacks + [format["%1",_veh_type],"wuat\scripts\!spawnvehicle2.sqf","SQF"];


I know it comes from something that did a lot of damage to dayz, but why not steal some skiddie ideas if their useful!! ^_^
There's actually a few decent scripts in there if you like mission editing. It's worth a pick through, obviously there's trash greifing ones.

If you search for wauts menu or such it'll be easy to find. Just OBVIOUSLY don't run this with battleye on.