Zombie attack distance


Well-Known Member
Currently in dayz epoch the zombies can be pretty far from you to attack you, how do i change the distance at what the zombies can attack you at?

I want it more like vanailla dayz.

The zombies in dayz epoch can hit you way to far away.

I can prolly figure out how to change it but i don't know which file i should edit
You would need to make yourself a custom variables.sqf.
Its located at
dayz_code.pbo(client) > init > variables.sqf

You need to put that in your mission and change this in your init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
to point to it.

Then I believe you need to edit this line.
dayz_areaAffect =                3.5;
It would be in meters.

If that doesn't work, then it's player_spawn_2.sqf that needs put in your mission and your compiles.sqf needs edited.