Zombie Me.

Dayz Epoch has made it happen. You can play as a zombie. If you die with an infection, you respawn as a zombie. It's really fun to play. You can't hold or pick up loot or weapons; you can't get into vehicles. You have the blood of a player and independence to move as one (though, if you're serious about taking out players... best to mimic the other zombies and plan your aggro carefully). You don't bleed. And you can perform zombie attacks on players. And, you can run in buildings - HAHA!

Zombies pay no attention to you except in two cases... the first is if you get really, really close... then they will attack you. If you move away from them, they do not follow. The next is a feature called "Raise Horde" which, basically, is a zombie screech that aggro's all the zombies in a 100m radius to you (and whatever survivors may be around you.) If the zombies catch up with you, they will attack you. And you run the risk of being re-infected, meaning, when your zombie dies you will spawn as a zombie again. But, because there ability to see and hear your movements is almost zero, they will give up on you pretty quickly. For long trips, you have to keep calling them... and sometimes go back for stragglers.

The various stances mimic the various types of zombies and their movements - crouching means moving like the monkey zombies, for example. Don't bother sprinting, because you run as fast as zombies do.

You can raise your blood by eating animals and players. But, there's no way to drink anything, I don't think, so... you will eventually die of dehydration.

I played this for a bit and it gets boring on a low pop server, but could be a lot of fun on high pop ones... I aggro'd a ton of zombies up to the 1st roof of the office building in Cherno. And brought a small horde from Balota to Cherno. The fact that zeds will attack you when your close or if you raise a horde wasn't problematic in practice.

There are a couple of issues... the biggest being that if you stop moving, it becomes clear that you're a player zombie because you will stand or crouch like a player - so you have to keep moving to keep up appearances. The next is that attacking is a scroll wheel option like opening a door or opening a backpack. Neither of these is too bad and, considering the other benefits, probably keeps it from being OP. I quickly adapted to it.

Maybe the devs could contact them about getting the code for this.