Zupa's Advanced Trading. Not showing up on scroll menu


New Member
I been experiencing some trouble from Advanced Trading 1.0 by Zupa, The server works and everything is fine, but the script isnt working? I followed every single step but then i come to where Advanced Trading in blue or whatever color doesnt show on scroll menu even though added the dialog is added in the antihack :( its 711197 i think i added that in the Allowed dialogs section but its still not showing .. I would appreciate the help :)
if need help allways post your RPT otherwise nobody can really help you.
Next thing would be to double check every step and look for any mistakes.
could not find anything in there for the trading but there is defently something wrong with your files:

0:57:50 Error position: <_weapon select 0 == "Throw") then
0:57:50 Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon
0:57:50 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fnc_plyrHit.sqf, line 12

and alot of:
1:03:41 "PHIT: B 1-1-D:1 (en) REMOTE was hit by B 1-1-F:1 (Suspect) REMOTE with AKS_GOLD from 1.67217m with 0.832105 dmg"
This guy is like a bullet sponge and the other one dont have to reload as it seems to be. Maybe you need to check this too.

also post your fn_selfaction, init and compiles.sqf
hm... cant find anything false in there, can you upload you whole mission so i can check everything with the installtion instruction
ok just checked it and actually its working at least on some traders.
On those on which the option is not showing its because their skins are not in the servertraders array.
Just add them in there an you should be good to go
can i ask which traders are they working on? and where can i add the skins for those other traders? Where as in, what part of what Sqf file..

serverTraders = ["Tanny_PMC",....

Every Skin which is in there will get this option
I just checked one of the traders that was on the list, and it seems like the scroll menu for adv trading doesnt show up to him either CIV_EuroMan02_EP1 In bash.. Im getting frustraded ..
i dont know, i just used your fn_selfactions and the traders.sqf and the option showed up like it supposed to do
I checked all traders and it shows up to none ... and some traders have a name in the script and show up in a different skin name ingame ..
Wait Wait... i think i found the problem but idk how to solve it, I have traders for chernarus 11 when i go on my control panel and edit traders from my server host website but in my mission file i have traders that are for chernarus 17 traders/server_traders_cherno_17.sqf ... how do i solve this o.o?
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dont know actaully.

try to rename the file into server_traders.sqf and place it into your root directory from your mission (where init.sqf and mission.sqm are located)
then remove your compile trader line in your init.sqf:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";                //Compile trader configs
dont know if this can solve this problem but at least its a chance ^^
I am having the same issue. It doesn't seem it is only working on certain skins as it is only on certain menus. At each trader, and at a custom trader I made using all new skins (US Delta Force ones) the only traders advanced trading works is for is the medical and the food/water traders, none of the other traders show the tool. I searched the files of his mod and cant seem to find anything that speaks to specific trader menus. Anyone who could help on this would be a savior!