[Support] ESSV2

You shouldn't need to change anything in this to make it work with DZMS or any of the AI systems afaik. Without knowing what you changed it is hard to tell the cause. Try reverting back to the default files. Check your client RPT files for errors. Directions for finding it are in the OP of this thread.

Thanks for the reply but its all good, i just forced air spawn.
Thanks for the reply but its all good, i just forced air spawn.
thats not a solution. the error is still there and may cause other issues in the future, or currently is cuasing other problems that you havent noticed. at best you are removing an expected option from the player.
this happens to me when i use infistar and set god mode so i dont die, then just drop without a parachute. on the ground i have to still open chute then it drags me a bit ... i dont die because of god mode. so you are still doing a parachute spawn but are setting the altitude to 0.
No, not with the _customLoadout list as it is written. But you can create another VIP level (FAQ shows how) with only their UID in it. Then you can add multiple loadouts that only they can select.

Right, i forget about the VIP always ^^. Is it possible to hide a VIP Loadout like the custom loadouts and only show them if the UID matches?
any reason players would be getting stuck in debug with no options, able to move run around ect?

sometimes spawn automatically on ground without god mode disabling?

edit :: not all players, only a few

have tried deleting them from db ect, nothing

it doesnt look like their worldspace is getting updated and their not getting moved
I cant answer any questions about ESS but maybe you should post an RPT log showing when this occurs, maybe I can see something, but usually this is all beyond me and requires ebay.
I've got a fun one for you.

To start with, I run a hive.
My main server has the spawn script in it and it works great. My second server does not have the spawn script.

The problem:
Player joins main server, picks setup, and spawn location.
Player does stuff bla bla bla and has not died.
Now player joins second server spawns in just fine with Epoch default spawn system.
Player still has there gear from the other server on them, does stuff bla bla bla and has not died.
Now the player joins the main server again. Wait what the heck? Player has to pick load out and spawn location? But what about all the gear on the player from the other server?

At this point the player can ether pick a load out and spawn location and spawn in like normal but only with the load out they picked. Or press esc twice disconnect and then join again only to have no gear at all.

My question:
Is there a way to have the script check if the player is a fresh spawn and only bring up the spawn menu if they are?
Or give the option to pick your current load out that is on your player in the database?

It would be cool if it checked to see if the player was a fresh spawn and if not it gave the ground/halo option only and let you keep your gear.

Thank you for any help anyone can provide. It is greatly appreciated. This mod is the BOM! :)
I forgot to say that the only thing that changes when I switch servers is the InstanceID and the Worldspace.

Now if I join the server that does not use your spawn system and then after I disconnect I change the InstanceID to the server I am going to join that uses your spawn mod then it lets me spawn in with all my gear without loading up any spawn menus.

Hope that helps.
Character_data lookup is done based on instance ID. You can see that in dayz_server\compile\server_playerSetup.sqf:
// Came from another server force random spawn
   if (_lastinstance != dayZ_instance) then {
     _randomSpot = true;

If you remove that it should fix your problem. You will not want to do that if running different maps, since some coordinates on land in Chernarus are in the ocean on Taviana, etc.
I run more than one map.
How would I go about changing your mod so that it leaves the gear that you have on you and just gives you the option for ground/air spawn.