100% Custom Loot tables - TUTORIAL

Yes, I managed to get it to work on Celle - now a matter of tweaking all the values.

I find loot pile changing to be really awesome if you make your own custom piles, here's an example:

Loot Table:

Loot Pile:

stanaggl[] = {
"20Rnd_556x45_Stanag",// 20 Round Stanag
"30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", //30 Round Stanag
"100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",//100 round stanag
// M203 Utility

Obviously you wana tweak the percentages to your liking, but for me I wanted M203 Weps to have a chance to spawn with utility, as for the Masterkey weps and so on. In my case, 20 round stanag and m203 utility heavily outweigh the odds of getting a 100rnd or 30rnd mag.
Yes, I managed to get it to work on Celle - now a matter of tweaking all the values.

I find loot pile changing to be really awesome if you make your own custom piles, here's an example:

Loot Table:

Loot Pile:

stanaggl[] = {
"20Rnd_556x45_Stanag",// 20 Round Stanag
"30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", //30 Round Stanag
"100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",//100 round stanag
// M203 Utility

Obviously you wana tweak the percentages to your liking, but for me I wanted M203 Weps to have a chance to spawn with utility, as for the Masterkey weps and so on. In my case, 20 round stanag and m203 utility heavily outweigh the odds of getting a 100rnd or 30rnd mag.

Mate that is a great idea why did I not even think of making new piles!

Has anyone managed to find the medbox and ammo boxes and change the contents or add new ones?

Also does the above spawn the scar with the loot pile? By adding the second bit after the scar weapon to building loot table: {"RH_SCARL_SD_GL_EOTECH","stanaggl"},
I want to change the chance of spawning food in residential buildings but how do i lower the chances in the "generic" and "civilian" list? If i do so the server still spawns food like crazy. I also tried to put generic and civilian to 0% in the building_spawnLoot.sqf but then the server crashs. What am i doing wrong?
Nothing that I have edited has spawned. I added nvgs to spawn at a 50% chance and they won't spawn. I have tried for 2 hours to get this to work. Also inside of my Client RPT files I can't find SPAWNING WITH CUSTOM LOOT. Why is this. Also I have a self blood bag on which is this:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
building_spawnLoot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\building_spawnLoot.sqf";
Hi, I can't seem to get any loot to spawn. Here is my init and building_spawnLoot.sqf



If you need anything else, ask me.

Extra server info:
Taviana 2.0
Latest version of arma

Found this in my arma2oa.rpt log, have something to do with the issue?

Ok, So I was googling this error and came across a peice of code for this particular add-on that worked. It was a refurbished building_spawnloot.sqf file. Click here to view it. Thank me later
Looks like broken code to me. And I can't see how its better if its the same code...
Yours was at fault because you made an error.
Hi folks, thanks for the scripts and instructions OP, managed to get this working fine. I have two questions though;

1. If I update the loot table sometimes to include various weapons/kit that I have seen working in-game (G36A, MG36 etc.) it seems to stop the server spawning gear. I'm not sure if this is just an input error (like me missing a comma out or something) or if it's to do with weapon/gear restrictions. Could someone please advise?

2. Is there anyway to get extra/new skins to work and add them to this loot table?

Thanks in advance
Say I wanted to get Land_A_Villa_EP1 and Land_LHD_4 spawning loot, what do I need to do to give them the ability to spawn loot. Is there another file that I got to tweak to give it spots to actually spawn loot inside it beyond adding stuff like:

case "Land_A_Villa_EP1": { _LootClass = "MilitarySpecial"; };
case "Land_LHD_3": { _LootClass = "Military"; };

to the building_spawnLoot.sqf? Is there a tutorial for adding loot to buildings that aren't in the normal Chernarus Dayz map?
Ok I'm having an issue with the custom loot, I'm running Tavi 2.0 and Rmod 2.1. For some reason I can't get this to work no matter what I do. Will someone please help me? Just message or email me and I'll send you my PBO, this is driving me away from dayz >_>