Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

Damn, I had no idea, I thought one controlled the other. That would explain the massive problems I was getting with description.ext as I was making the changes there until you guys helped me out.

All I want is to have a custom compiles.sqf

Yes I did. I will correct that and put the PBO's back to their original files. I will then copy what I need into my mission folder and edit from there. Thank you very much guys. I will keep you posted.

It worked, Seaweed and Rosska - you guys are f****** heroes, thank you so much.
Remove the #include thats in the 1.8 file, then open the 1.8 dayz_code.pbo and locate system\mission\description.sqf copy the contents of this into your description.ext in place of the #include

Then do as the basebuilding instructions say.

Thanks Seaweed! It's up and running now! Now I recall we had to do this with 1.7.7.x and it didn't get in my notes... It's noted now!
Thanks man I've added my items to your list instead should have spotted that I had a few setvariable restrictions and a setpos one with the concrete gates and keypanels all fixed now :D

I'm using the 1.8 filters rather than the old ones from daimyo

edit: was also a kick for the combat timer variable, I believe that set and check won't work under 1.8 either atm should be a quick fix though unless you already got it?

Can I ask what filter you added for the Setpos kick. I have figured out the others but the Setpos info in my log is confusing.

As a side note - I changed the UID of my gates in the database to a 4 number pin and it worked. Not a great solution but handy if necessary.
Can I ask what filter you added for the Setpos kick. I have figured out the others but the Setpos info in my log is confusing.

As a side note - I changed the UID of my gates in the database to a 4 number pin and it worked. Not a great solution but handy if necessary.

Heres my setpos.txt

5 "" !"Concrete_Wall_EP1" !="Concrete_Wall_EP1" !"FunctionsManager" !"Shot" !"z_doctor" !"z_hunter" !"z_new_villager1" !"z_new_villager2" !"z_new_villager3" !"z_new_villager4" !"z_new_worker1" !"z_new_worker2" !"z_new_worker3" !"z_new_worker4" !"z_policeman" !"z_priest" !"z_soldier_heavy" !"z_soldier_pilot" !"z_soldier" !"z_suit1" !"z_suit2" !"z_teacher" !"z_villager1" !"z_villager2" !"z_villager3" !"z_worker1" !"z_worker2" !"z_worker3" !"zZombie_Base"
1 "  "

Don't think I needed both filters probably just !"Concrete_Wall_EP1" but I was being lazy at the time as I was fed up of restarting the server
I'm sorry to bother you all about this but I /think/ I've tried everything i can about removing the objects from the database. I am running and inside my player_remove.sqf this is what I put:

//Player removes object successfully
if (!isNull _obj) then {
cutText [format["You removed a %1 successfully!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
if (isServer) then {
    PVDZ_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
//    dayzDeleteObj = [_dir, _pos, _objectID, _objectUID];
        PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
    if (isServer) then {
        PVDZ_obj_Delete call local_deleteObj;
        deletevehicle _obj;
        breakout "exit";

Can someone confirm that i did this right? Everything else is working perfectly in the script. Building, removing (temp not from database) the build list the menu, Its all good. I just cant seem to get it removed from the databse after I remove it in-game.
Nevermind, I fixed my issue, Turns out there was two places I was suppose to replace this:

PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
if (isServer) then {
PVDZ_obj_Delete call local_deleteObj;
deletevehicle _obj;
breakout "exit";


So I'm all good.
i got a bit of a problem now ... my kill msg stopped working on overwatch 0.2.4 and i belive it happend sometime after i installed basebuilding i think (didnt notice untill a player told me a few days later) ...
everything is as it should be, and it seems like its still adding MPhit event to the players in the rpt log, but nothing pops up when guys get killed ... i tried changing it from global chat to txt messages (and both) but nothing shows ... could this be relatet to something i changed in the mission file or the server file?
i got a bit of a problem now ... my kill msg stopped working on overwatch 0.2.4 and i belive it happend sometime after i installed basebuilding i think (didnt notice untill a player told me a few days later) ...
everything is as it should be, and it seems like its still adding MPhit event to the players in the rpt log, but nothing pops up when guys get killed ... i tried changing it from global chat to txt messages (and both) but nothing shows ... could this be relatet to something i changed in the mission file or the server file?

I wish I could tell you what causes it but I never figured it out as we stopped running kill messages a long time ago any way. I remember seeing some MPHit code somewhere later and thinking to myself I wonder if this was what caused it but I never tested as we stopped running the mod. I think either basebuilding added some mphit related code or replaced some. Sorry I can't be of any more help but I can definitely confirm its BB that breaks the messages.
thanks, then i wasnt all stupid ... im imagining its something in either server_monitor or maybe updateobject?

im not sure if im on the right track tho ... im thinking if thats not it, then maybe something that changed in variables or description? (could that even course this?)
Definitely one of the server side files I think rather than the mission. I dont have any old pbos with working kill messages to test though.
can you remember the list of files that changes with basebuilding?

i just went through some of the server files i know for sure that changed and i think the only thing im still unsure about is this part ... i couldnt understand this in the beginning either and i just read sowhere that the basebuilding part had to be put in later than what was said in the tutorial, since the part where it says it goes in the tut is commentet out these days ... however i will try to comment out the basebuilding part here and see if that solves the message problem.
anyways ill paste my server_monitor.sqf here:
hmm maybe this is why its freaking out and lagging up the game with the ss antihack ... guess i will find out later, when testing, ill try switch it back on
    player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
why is this line in the settings sqf?

edit: did not help anything commenting it out ...
but as far as i can understand this disables radio messages ... would that disable global chat?
    player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
why is this line in the settings sqf?

edit: did not help anything commenting it out ...
but as far as i can understand this disables radio messages ... would that disable global chat?

When I was having the kill messages problem I added something in to log each kill to the RPT, instead of just broadcasting over global. The log messages never showed up therefore I assumed the code was never running and it was not a problem with radio messages but instead something related to mphit.
Hope one of you guys can give me some help with my problem.
My tents/vehicles/stashes do not save Loot. The database is not going to update the inventory for some reason.

Thank you for any help

here is my server_updateObject.sqf

and here is my server_updateNearbyObjects
hey guys. need help. we have version Dayz.ST Cherno map. base building script is installed. only key pad disappears right after installation and other players can remove someone else buildings without having a code, everything but sniper tower and two story bunker.
need help.

Thank you

Also, flaming barrels will disappear after restart. Off the topic question...anyone had or has a problem with desync? seems like people are playing and its a different time for everyone. Once we loaded AI mission with ammo crates as reward we started to have this issue..

Thank you
Hope one of you guys can give me some help with my problem.
My tents/vehicles/stashes do not save Loot. The database is not going to update the inventory for some reason.

Thank you for any help

here is my server_updateObject.sqf

and here is my server_updateNearbyObjects

Did you already check the tent fix in my sig that I told you to try the other day?
i found out what coursing the mphit not to work ... i commentet this part out, and now i got kd msg again:

    //Add in custom eventhandlers or whatever on skin change
    if (_currentSkin != globalSkin) then {
        globalSkin = _currentSkin;
        player removeMPEventHandler ["MPHit", 0];
        player removeEventHandler ["AnimChanged", 0];
        ehWall = player addEventHandler ["AnimChanged", { player call antiWall; } ];

... not sure if it breaks something else, but it dosnt seem to be any changes even if i change skins