DayZ Civilian v 2.0 Rolling Changelog

i mean.... cmon man! the guy is NOT the lead blah blah blah fart muncher of that horrible flop of a mod (DAY ZERO)!!!!!
i checked into him,,, plus the only two posts he's ever made on open dayz is the two where he is bitching like a newborn baby girl???? he is NON-EXISTENT ON DAYZMOD--REDDITT--4CHAN-- and everywhere else i've looked. Just some jealous little shit ***Please Don't stand for this man,!!!! **** there are no proprietary rights even in the cunt hair sized chance it is the dayz zero dev. *** fouc is a bit more calm then me on this issue and i know that i have just completely lost my cool over this whole thing. Sorry to the Civ dev team; i am not a hot head,,, BUT I DO KNOW BULLSHIT WHEN I SMELL IT! :D

I lol'd
I will say this and then i will go back and delete all of those barrages of anger filled outbursts that spewed from my fingers yesterday.

Nothing i have said reflects in any way the ideas, beliefs, or views of DayZ Civilian and/or her development team. This is a great gift these guys are bestowing upon the ever growing dayz community, A very talented group of guys that are always open minded, respectful, hard-working, and humbly eager to enhance every players gameplay experience in any and every way they can. And from having that impression of them and the respect i have grown to embrace for this project i felt the need to jump to their defense. (Sometimes i jump to high) I apologize to anyone i offended and for any negative & derrogatory statements i made (no matter how true they may be) This is not the place and that is not what this project is about. Thanks for keeping me around guys :)
I just retextured the Coyote to look white, we can do many colors
The backpack all the way to the left was created by Lennard. The two Coyotes are textures I quickly made :)
they look fantastic!!! what do you think about adding the crafting table that allows you to gather raw materials to build equipment/weapons/and necessities??? sems like an easy enough script to implement and perfect for civilian.
HAHAHAHA!!!! Brilliant !!!! Maybe one with the Yellow smiley face with a bullet hole in the head. and 'X's for eyes

-a punisher one would also be cool-
Congrats sharkking! mine will turn 10 &11 in October. Feels like i'm celebrating with them each year, we've kept them alive and happy another year :D
Sorry for silence over the weekend, I have been working quite a lot on those new sniper variants. So I updated the changelog.
The mod seems stable for release, definitely 100 x's better than what is out presently. Couldnt you guys proceed with the release then continue on and release a smaller hotfix update in the near future to add some of the other things that are in the making? Presently the mod is so buggy to the point that players can't save their 'precious gear' due to skin bugs desyncing amongst other catastrophic glitches.