Need help with death messages

its funny youre trying to make it so it doesnt show who killed who and im trying to make it show who killed who
_killerPlayerID = getPlayerUID _killer;
_message = format["%1 was killed with weapon %3 from %4m",_victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance];
_loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 (%5) was killed by %2 (%6) with weapon %3 from %4m", _victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance, _playerID, _killerPlayerID];

This part doesn't need any editing?
I have tried getting death messages working on my utes and thirsk server, and I keep getting the same errors in my RPT file:
19:40:22 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
19:40:23 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found

The files are physically there but they aren't initializing correctly.
_killerPlayerID = getPlayerUID _killer;
_message = format["%1 was killed with weapon %3 from %4m",_victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance];
_loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 (%5) was killed by %2 (%6) with weapon %3 from %4m", _victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance, _playerID, _killerPlayerID];

This part doesn't need any editing?

I know this is old and you've probably got it figured out by now, but if you're looking to remove the killer's name from the message entirely then find this (right under the bit you posted)
    diag_log _loc_message;
    [nil, nil, rspawn, [_killer, _message], { (_this select 0) globalChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;
    //[nil, nil, rHINT, _message] call RE;
and change it to this
    diag_log _loc_message;
    [nil, nil, rspawn, [_victim, _message], { (_this select 0) globalChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;
    //[nil, nil, rHINT, _message] call RE;
or just use the file I attached.

Then give thanks to dayz10000 for steering me in the right direction


  • server_playerDied.sqf
    2.9 KB · Views: 19
I can try to get it working if you want, i'll need you to post your default files and you'll need to tell me what you want it to say.
Hey this is finally working for me. but i dont think the if statements working.

    if (_victimName == _killerName) then
        _message = format["%1 killed himself",_victimName];
        _loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 killed himself", _victimName];

the message _message = format["%1 killed himself",_victimName];
does not show ever.
Ok, so every time I upload the script "fnc_plyrHit" it causes my server to crap out and everyone gets Requesting Auth untill "Something went wrong" . I've looked at my server log for errors and its not showing any. Anyone have this issue? Currently the script is not in my pbo, but all the other stuff remains. (I.e. All steps from the wiki have been done, except for putting the script into my .pbo/compilefolder. Even the server_functions script has the line for the fnc_plyrHit script in it) as soon as i put that script in, BANG, no join
Ok, so every time I upload the script "fnc_plyrHit" it causes my server to crap out and everyone gets Requesting Auth untill "Something went wrong" . I've looked at my server log for errors and its not showing any. Anyone have this issue? Currently the script is not in my pbo, but all the other stuff remains. (I.e. All steps from the wiki have been done, except for putting the script into my .pbo/compilefolder. Even the server_functions script has the line for the fnc_plyrHit script in it) as soon as i put that script in, BANG, no join

upload ur pbo
EVEN WORSE. I tried again and it ran. Its the same PBO I used earlier wtf. I tried about 10 times earlier today and it didnt work.
followed the .st wiki, but its failing to display, could some one take a look ?
Just wanting to have it display who died, from how far, and with what gun, if I can get it working I plan to have a few funny messages for when a player gets axed or chopped :)

where is the upload button?

First post here so I feel remiss in it being a question but I require some assistance if possible. My server is currently running with the DayZ.ST changes for player death messages and it works amazing, for the first kill that player makes. Past that it does not display a kill message. I would very much appreciate some assistance from anyone who would be willing to help.

- Brick