Origins Server 1.71+ 1.785 miniClient

im testing some vehicles:

in the admin tools working but if make spawn and clases entry dont work:

Cannot create non-ai vehicle
dont work

Hmm... i see no problem, i have both vehicles inserted in the class and spawn table, and its respans fine.
you must use an unique ObjectUID and this name ori_originsmod_pickupold and all should run.

i upload later a SQL file but now i have found an other problem and will it fix first.
Should be in the AIConfig.sqf Line:

/// Sets radius for AI patrols (call spawn_group)
ai_patrol_radius = 5;

/// Sets number of waypoints to add in patrol area (call spawn_group)
ai_patrol_radius_wp = 5;

play with it.

I changed value ai_patrol_radius = 0; and ai_patrol_radius_wp = 0;
don't work this, bots though not run, but falling from roofs and prone
Maybe need edit this value: ai_behaviour = "Stealth"?
I think you need to change the value to "Aware" or "Combat"
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hmmm stealth was ok for me.
here is a link for the value.
i have had the patrol problem on isle krk and have resolved it with the patrolradius.

when you need a still standing Unit or group you can use
doStop UNIT; or {doStop _x} forEach units group;
but i have no time to check it now.
When you use
_unit disableAI "MOVE";
the unit can only look forward and is useless.
You are using Origins files to run the server that are ONLY given to lag free servers anyone else with files has got them from an illegal source. I just worry about stuff like this after the devs did so much work on the mod. I have contacted Vilas one of the devs who was not insane to look this over and to give his opinion on the scenario. I think what you are doing is great and you are keeping origins alive but we need to know whether or not this is legal you know?
You are using Origins files to run the server that are ONLY given to lag free servers anyone else with files has got them from an illegal source. I just worry about stuff like this after the devs did so much work on the mod. I have contacted Vilas one of the devs who was not insane to look this over and to give his opinion on the scenario. I think what you are doing is great and you are keeping origins alive but we need to know whether or not this is legal you know?
legal or illegal, who gives a shit? the devs don't want to release the stupid files cause they wanted to earn as much money as possible.. and the serverfiles he is using is the ones who got released a long time ago (1.7.1)
You are using Origins files to run the server that are ONLY given to lag free servers anyone else with files has got them from an illegal source. I just worry about stuff like this after the devs did so much work on the mod. I have contacted Vilas one of the devs who was not insane to look this over and to give his opinion on the scenario. I think what you are doing is great and you are keeping origins alive but we need to know whether or not this is legal you know?
Origins dev team earn money by renting servers, although the development of addons, mods and etc. belong to Bohemia Interactive and should be freely available.
Thanks for your replay, i have found the server files on this github.
and there frustrated that so a great mod will die , becouse the developer will close the project and give no one the chance to further develop this mod.
i hope that GP give the files free so that origins dont die.
i love it!!!
What you are doing mate is great and I love you for it. I am sure Vilas will get you in touch with the right people or post on here within a week keep up the great work! (until told otherwise)
legal or illegal, who gives a shit? the devs don't want to release the stupid files cause they wanted to earn as much money as possible.. and the serverfiles he is using is the ones who got released a long time ago (1.7.1)
You should care. How would you feel if 1000s of hours of work was stolen in any product. Vilas is not a bad dev KnightHunt is the problem do not associate all devs with their stupid head of the team. I really hope KnightHunt gets kicked in the head by a horse for what he did. But that does not stop it from being illegal.
legal or illegal, who gives a shit? the devs don't want to release the stupid files cause they wanted to earn as much money as possible.. and the serverfiles he is using is the ones who got released a long time ago (1.7.1)
Also no money was made by any devs other than KnightHunt. All of these rumors of 5 figures are fake and should be ignored.
What you are doing mate is great and I love you for it. I am sure Vilas will get you in touch with the right people or post on here within a week keep up the great work! (until told otherwise)

thank you for your support and I hope Origins can be revived.
i have found a problem with the Fix for Exploding Vehicles.
Please dont use it, the vehicles will not more saved .
i looking for an other solution.
when you need a still standing Unit or group you can use
doStop UNIT; or {doStop _x} forEach units group;
but i have no time to check it now.
When you use
_unit disableAI "MOVE";
the unit can only look forward and is useless.

This need to edit in server_monitor.sql or where?