[Support] Epoch Server pack

Just wanted to say thanks for such a great pack, i do know of a few bug.

for basebuilding if you build an info stand(keycode pad for doors) it provides your 4 digit code, however it doesnt work. ive checked in the database and it adds the code into the fuel section and thats where its suppose to pull from, however the files that actually read the code are not setup properly(this is for the basebuilding 0.1 upgrades that fixed this) and the code is just so greatly different i couldnt fix it.

also you forgot the debug folder for sarge ai in the mission folder so it doesnt add markers to the map.

also if you run the custom_debug monitor the self action cancel doesnt work(cant cancel an action such as chopping trees, or bandage or anything really by moving away like your suppose to be able to do, but if you dont enable this mod, it works fine)

i noticed you fixed the suicide option, that was a bug i was going to report.

my users are telling me, if you build a gate, on restart the gate flips around and faces the wrong way, no idea how to resolve that.

for the rf3 towing, my users are making congo lines of vehicles they are towing, i seen you fixed this but im not sure how to fix it myself
i've plugged this into my server and its just setting me in the debug after it counts up to 50 from the loading screen. i know i followed the directions as their is only acouple steps.
Hello, Asian! I'm sorry, but I am having some problems with the installation of this pack. I love its description and capabilities, but after installation for DayZ Epoch and copy this files (for instruction) maximum is achieved in which I was able to - is waiting for host. And I still prescribe to file additional scripts on the same vendors, such as (

Reference to them was in your topic to dayzepoch.com). Please, could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Because the review is a great production server. One time I was even able to run it, but the traders did not work (there were like texture) and did not work repairing vehicles.
Hi, since you had to delete my previous posts from the release thread, maybe you can help here.
I was interested in placing the fallen city into a separate mod that could be loaded in by including the required files, sort of on-the-fly. Is the fallen city part of the map or is it actually just spawned in dynamically?
I'd like to use it as an event arena and would greatly appreciate any information on it.
Also, love the server pack and think it's a great way to enable others to host much more eventful servers.
Hi, since you had to delete my previous posts from the release thread, maybe you can help here.
I was interested in placing the fallen city into a separate mod that could be loaded in by including the required files, sort of on-the-fly. Is the fallen city part of the map or is it actually just spawned in dynamically?
I'd like to use it as an event arena and would greatly appreciate any information on it.
Also, love the server pack and think it's a great way to enable others to host much more eventful servers.

Fallen City is a separate sqf file that is loaded via the init.sqf, its commented in there so you can find out where it is, i believe it loads 3 files to do this, also the sarge AI is setup to only spawn the NPCs in fallen city so there isnt roaming ai. you will need to figure out how to find the spawn locations and make sure you setup that file properly if you want roaming ai on your map.
everything is setup for it, you just need to find which file in sarge ai is in control of those spawning npcs, and make a copy of that file and setup sarge ai to load that file with the rest of the stuff.

i prefer roaming ai on my server instead of it only being in fallen city. also my players dont go to fallen city due to the AI glitching/shooting through walls and just straight being hackers almost lol. so i ended up removing fallen city and got the latest sarge ai and made them into very smart ai.
It's a toss up between Sarge's AI and DZAI, have you used the latter? And could you comment on their comparability?
I have not used DZAI but i am very happy with sarge, very customizable to the point that you can setup skins, weapons, loot, skills, also the AI gain experience from kills which they become better and better.
you'd need to find out which file controls the ai spawn, and make sarge load that file separately. since i dont use fallen i don't want to look it up :p
found it but how to put them togethere?
// =========================================================================================================
// SAR_AI - DayZ AI library
// Version: 1.5.0
// Author: Sarge ([email protected])
//Wiki: to come
//Forum: http://opendayz.net/#sarge-ai.131
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Required:
// UPSMon
// SHK_pos
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SAR_AI_spawn.sqf - handle the logic of spawning and despawning AI groups via the defined trigger array
// last modified: 28.5.2013
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

private ["_snipers","_soldiers","_group","_check","_probability","_chance","_playerlist","_triggername","_tmparr","_markername","_player","_valuearray","_max_grps","_rnd_grps","_max_p_grp","_grps_band","_grps_sold","_grps_surv","_grps_upd","_respawn"];

if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // only run this on the server

_playerlist = _this select 0;
_triggername = _this select 1;

_tmparr=toArray (_triggername);

_tmparr set[4,97];
_tmparr set[5,114];
_tmparr set[6,101];
_tmparr set[7,97];

_markername=toString _tmparr;

{if(isPlayer _x) then {_player = _x;};} foreach _playerlist;

if (SAR_DEBUG) then {diag_log format["SAR_DEBUG: Triggered by (might be wrong): %1", _player];};

diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Content of the Monitor before adding spawned groups.";
call SAR_DEBUG_mon;

if (SAR_dynamic_group_respawn) then {
_respawn = true;

_valuearray= [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp","grps_band","grps_sold","grps_surv"],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_read;

_max_grps=_valuearray select 0;
_rnd_grps=_valuearray select 1;
_max_p_grp=_valuearray select 2;
_grps_band=_valuearray select 3;
_grps_sold=_valuearray select 4;
_grps_surv=_valuearray select 5;
_grps_upd =[];

_grps_upd = _grps_band;

//for [{_i = (count _grps_band)},{_i < (_max_grps select 0)}, {_i=_i+1}] do
for "_i" from (count _grps_band) to ((_max_grps select 0) - 1) do
if(_max_p_grp select 0 > 0) then {
_probability = _rnd_grps select 0;
_chance = (random 100);
if(_chance < _probability) then {
_snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 0)-1));
_soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 0)-1) - _snipers;
_group = [_markername,3,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_AI;
_grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group];
// update AI monitor
_check = [["grps_band"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

_grps_upd = _grps_sold;

//for [{_i = (count _grps_sold)},{_i < (_max_grps select 1)}, {_i=_i+1}] do
for "_i" from (count _grps_sold) to ((_max_grps select 1) - 1) do
if(_max_p_grp select 1 > 0) then {
_probability = _rnd_grps select 1;
_chance = (random 100);
if(_chance < _probability) then {
_snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 1)-1));
_soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 1)-1) - _snipers;
_group = [_markername,1,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_AI;
_grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group];
// update AI monitor
_check = [["grps_sold"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

_grps_upd = _grps_surv;

//for [{_i = (count _grps_surv)},{_i < (_max_grps select 2)}, {_i=_i+1}] do
for "_i" from (count _grps_surv) to ((_max_grps select 2) - 1) do
if(_max_p_grp select 2 > 0) then {
_probability = _rnd_grps select 2;
_chance = (random 100);
if(_chance < _probability) then {
_snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 2)-1));
_soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 2)-1) - _snipers;
_group = [_markername,2,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_AI;
_grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group];
// update AI monitor
_check = [["grps_surv"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Content of the Monitor after adding spawned groups.";
call SAR_DEBUG_mon;

// =========================================================================================================
// SAR_AI - DayZ AI library
// Version: 1.5.0
// Author: Sarge ([email protected])
//Wiki: to come
//Forum: http://opendayz.net/#sarge-ai.131
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Required:
// UPSMon
// SHK_pos
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SAR_AI_spawn.sqf - handle the logic of spawning and despawning AI groups via the defined trigger array
// last modified: 28.5.2013
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

private ["_snipers","_soldiers","_group","_check","_probability","_chance","_playerlist","_triggername","_tmparr","_markername","_player","_valuearray","_max_grps","_rnd_grps","_max_p_grp","_grps_band","_grps_sold","_grps_surv","_grps_upd","_respawn"];

if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // only run this on the server

_playerlist = _this select 0;
_triggername = _this select 1;

_tmparr=toArray (_triggername);

_tmparr set[4,97];
_tmparr set[5,114];
_tmparr set[6,101];
_tmparr set[7,97];

_markername=toString _tmparr;

{if(isPlayer _x) then {_player = _x;};} foreach _playerlist;

if (SAR_DEBUG) then {diag_log format["SAR_DEBUG: Triggered by (might be wrong): %1", _player];};

diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Content of the Monitor before adding spawned groups.";
call SAR_DEBUG_mon;

if (SAR_dynamic_group_respawn) then {
_respawn = true;

_valuearray= [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp","grps_band","grps_sold","grps_surv"],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_read;

_max_grps=_valuearray select 0;
_rnd_grps=_valuearray select 1;
_max_p_grp=_valuearray select 2;
_grps_band=_valuearray select 3;
_grps_sold=_valuearray select 4;
_grps_surv=_valuearray select 5;
_grps_upd =[];

_grps_upd = _grps_band;

//for [{_i = (count _grps_band)},{_i < (_max_grps select 0)}, {_i=_i+1}] do
for "_i" from (count _grps_band) to ((_max_grps select 0) - 1) do
if(_max_p_grp select 0 > 0) then {
_probability = _rnd_grps select 0;
_chance = (random 100);
if(_chance < _probability) then {
_snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 0)-1));
_soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 0)-1) - _snipers;
_group = [_markername,3,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_AI;
_grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group];
// update AI monitor
_check = [["grps_band"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

_grps_upd = _grps_sold;

//for [{_i = (count _grps_sold)},{_i < (_max_grps select 1)}, {_i=_i+1}] do
for "_i" from (count _grps_sold) to ((_max_grps select 1) - 1) do
if(_max_p_grp select 1 > 0) then {
_probability = _rnd_grps select 1;
_chance = (random 100);
if(_chance < _probability) then {
_snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 1)-1));
_soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 1)-1) - _snipers;
_group = [_markername,1,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_AI;
_grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group];
// update AI monitor
_check = [["grps_sold"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

_grps_upd = _grps_surv;

//for [{_i = (count _grps_surv)},{_i < (_max_grps select 2)}, {_i=_i+1}] do
for "_i" from (count _grps_surv) to ((_max_grps select 2) - 1) do
if(_max_p_grp select 2 > 0) then {
_probability = _rnd_grps select 2;
_chance = (random 100);
if(_chance < _probability) then {
_snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 2)-1));
_soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 2)-1) - _snipers;
_group = [_markername,2,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_AI;
_grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group];
// update AI monitor
_check = [["grps_surv"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;

diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Content of the Monitor after adding spawned groups.";
call SAR_DEBUG_mon;
find the file that is calling that file, and make a copy of it and give it a different name and have it call both files instead of just 1.