[WORKING] Admin Tool

Now, It works fine. Every function of admintool work. But the first player join after server restart will stale on loading when he abort and join again It work (Only the first one get this) I put comment as the code below.
//[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
thanks jasonpointer
Now, I find the problem. Okey, Admin tools work fine. But Custom loadout profile in database not working. Is there any way to fix this issue ? Or this problem appear with Blurgaming anti-hack
@ontopic Managed to get the admin tools working by using http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/431-release-custom-chernarus-server-pack-121

@offtopic Now i am experiencing these battleye issues on the default setup of that pack if your able to help.

Dog taming (call dog) causes BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #303
Apache hellfire missles causes BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #17
Ejecting from a heli (when it crashes) causes BattlEye: RemoteExec Restriction #0
Take clothes causes BattlEye: Script Restriction #40
As I was running the tutorial here
Teleport, esp is using
However, vehicle spawn SetVariable Restriction # 0 kicked
What's the matter?
What i have done to fix this temporarly on my local test server was delete everything in the battleye folder except "bans.txt, BEServer.cfg, BEServer.dll, scripts.txt" and just run a anti hack script on the server.

Not sure if thats a very good idea but as long as you have some sort of anti hack and are watching the logs and stuff regularly it shouldn't be a problem
I just tried blue phoenix, and first got kicked for publicVariable Restriction #0. So I temp deleted publicVariable.txt's. I no longer got kicked for this, but all players were stuck at debug. Failed to load the game. Any Ideas? Thank you in advance, I really appreciate any help! :)
I just tried blue phoenix, and first got kicked for publicVariable Restriction #0. So I temp deleted publicVariable.txt's. I no longer got kicked for this, but all players were stuck at debug. Failed to load the game. Any Ideas? Thank you in advance, I really appreciate any help! :)

I get the same problem i get stuck at debug when i join my server
Got it to work, but when I put on a Ghillie suit the menu disappear.
Tryed to switch back, but I have to relogg to get it back.
Hello @jasonpointer

i need your help :), on my server i have Battleye disabled (Script Rescription #95) and i have the Admin tool and the Anti-Hack, if i press ESP/Tele (for example) and press M i get kicked because of the anti-hack, if i disable it, then it works fine (but then only hackers (today 1 group 3 members wanted to fuck my Server but i banned them) so can you help me please :) )

i am German, so sorry for any orthography

Thanks in the future :)

EDIT #1 if i turn Godmode and Cargod, after 1 minutes i get kicked.

EDIT #2 Wow, i got a BIG trouble now, i had 2 versions of admin tools the first one had only 3 selections, the second 5 (that i am using right now) and the Problem is they join to my Server,
blabla uses modified data file
Player blabla connecting
Player blabla connected
Player blabla disconnected

and that happen with over 6 people, i changed the Admin tool today, i use this one right now
from youtube :

Please help me guuuuys :(

EDIT #3 btw, i use **Pwnozor** Server
So I use your downloaded chernarus 1 file and it works and the scroll menu comes up but I click it and get script restriction #151, help if possible
So I use your downloaded chernarus 1 file and it works and the scroll menu comes up but I click it and get script restriction #151, help if possible

So I disabled battleeye, and then logged in as admin and then clicked tools menu, and then nothing happened, if possible help :) thanks
So I got Jason to look at my files, and he spotted that i needed to delete the ####'s however i load it up, black screen, until i press esc and to see im in the debug plains and invisible... When i scroll however the tools menu is there showing its usuable... I have replied to jason saying it does still does not work, however if anyone has any information on this i will grateful!
so i got this to work, but for some reason it take a huge amount of time to load the server now right after a restart and it tries to autheticate like 3-4 times before it actually logs in and starts to creates character (sometimes it fails aswell) ... also the esp is a bit buggy and will sometimes show floating vehcles on the map and carepack drops end up in lower corner. When i do the heal thing, it will only work for me and not for other players around me, even tho it says so.
did i do something wrong or is that normal?

other than that it works pretty good, but is there a way to turn off cargod again, once i turned it on or do i have to relog for that?
So I got Jason to look at my files, and he spotted that i needed to delete the ####'s however i load it up, black screen, until i press esc and to see im in the debug plains and invisible... When i scroll however the tools menu is there showing its usuable... I have replied to jason saying it does still does not work, however if anyone has any information on this i will grateful!

I am getting the exact same thing