Zed Nuker script

Hi guys is possible to add "double zone" for this script?, i mean in two diferent location of the maps, for example in my admin base and at the safe - trading post?, can any post me here an example of two together coordinates?.-
Thanks : )
Hi guys is possible to add "double zone" for this script?, i mean in two diferent location of the maps, for example in my admin base and at the safe - trading post?, can any post me here an example of two together coordinates?.-
Thanks : )

Add a second line with a different world space location. You can do this as many times as you want. Dont forget to adjust your radius for the size area you want to cover.

Example below....The worldspace coordinates are not correct for anything. Just added numbers for an example.

[[7604,6834,0],100] execVM "addons\fixes\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";
[[5678,7587.4,0],200] execVM "addons\fixes\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";
I have a about half a dozen zed nukes. My real question is this: Is there a way to despawn or delete AI that come into the domes. in a way that works with the Zed Nuker? My nukes and my domes are set to the same Coordinates. I have have everything working except the AI are raiding locations I dont want them to be able to get into.
while {true} do {

_entity_array = (getPos _nuker) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_radius];
if (! isPlayer _x) then {
deleteVehicle _x;

} forEach _entity_array;
sleep 2;
Thanks Fox.
Sorry for the delayed response.

Can I just add this in the the nuker where it looks like this:
_entity_array = (getPos _nuker) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_radius];
if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
_x setDamage 1;
if (! isPlayer _x ) then {
_x setDamage 1;
} forEach _entity_array;
sleep 2;

And change the one line on both to delete the zed and the AI at the same time? Wouldnt that be the same command then? ie deleteVehicle _x;
Anyone have an Idea of why this would randomly stop working?

Same issue here. I'm starting to think its the antihack however don't know for sure. Zed killer seemed to work fine on the 1.7 code. Are there zed names that need to be added due to the 1.8 update or does zZombieBase cover them all?
zZombieBase covers them all. The problem with this script is it uses remote execution which could conflict with antihack in any number of places. You really don't need remote execution to delete zombies. Here is an example of a very simple way to do it that isn't always running on loop when no players are in the area:

In mission.sqm add a sensor like so:
class Item7
            expCond="(player distance zombiefreearea) < 110;";
            expActiv="zombiefree = true; zombiefreezone = [] execVM ""scripts\zombiefree.sqf"";";
            expDesactiv="terminate zombiefreezone; titleText [""\n\nLeaving zombie free zone."", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
            class Effects
            titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN";
            title="Entering zombie free zone.";

And adjust the number of sensors at the top to however many you have:
    class Sensors

In scripts\zombiefree.sqf put this:
if (isNil "zombiefree") then {
    zombiefree = false;

while {zombiefree} do {
            _entity_array = (getPos player) nearEntities ["CAManBase",110];
                if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
                    deletevehicle _x;
            } forEach _entity_array;
            sleep 4;

Now every time a player enters within 110m of those coordinates the script is activated on them and all zombies in 110m are deleted every 4 seconds. And you can add as many zombie free zones as you want. Just add another sensor with the coordinates for each one. And adjust 110m to whatever radius you want. I would not recommend using > 200m radius because constantly checking an area larger than that for all CAManBase every 4 seconds can cause lag.

I appreciate the suggestion ebay. Unfortunately I would need to create about 22 sensors for custom player bases and another 5 or so for zed free zones. I don't mind giving your suggestion a try, just seems a bit more work than what I wanted to put in. But I guess I'll need to do whatever it takes to get the job done. I was able to call the Sarge nuker server side however that method did not rid the zombies. Anywho, thanks again, and good luck with the antihack :)
zZombieBase covers them all. The problem with this script is it uses remote execution which could conflict with antihack in any number of places. You really don't need remote execution to delete zombies. Here is an example of a very simple way to do it that isn't always running on loop when no players are in the area:

In mission.sqm add a sensor like so:
class Item7
            expCond="(player distance zombiefreearea) < 110;";
            expActiv="zombiefree = true; zombiefreezone = [] execVM ""scripts\zombiefree.sqf"";";
            expDesactiv="terminate zombiefreezone; titleText [""\n\nLeaving zombie free zone."", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
            class Effects
            titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN";
            title="Entering zombie free zone.";

And adjust the number of sensors at the top to however many you have:
    class Sensors

In scripts\zombiefree.sqf put this:
if (isNil "zombiefree") then {
    zombiefree = false;

while {zombiefree} do {
            _entity_array = (getPos player) nearEntities ["CAManBase",110];
                if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
                    deletevehicle _x;
            } forEach _entity_array;
            sleep 4;

Now every time a player enters within 110m of those coordinates the script is activated on them and all zombies in 110m are deleted every 4 seconds. And you can add as many zombie free zones as you want. Just add another sensor with the coordinates for each one. And adjust 110m to whatever radius you want. I would not recommend using > 200m radius because constantly checking an area larger than that for all CAManBase every 4 seconds can cause lag.

But would not it be possible that when you enter the area the player does not spawn the zeds?
Is this working for anyone? Can't seem to get it working.

This is the line in my init file:

[[11463.747,317.3078,11349.89],150] execVM "custom\nukezeds\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";

I used the same coordinates that I use for my survivor safe zone (http://www.opendayz.net/threads/guide-creating-safezones.9014/), with the same size.
This is probably too old, and you either figured it out or gave up on it, but did you put SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf in a folder called nukezeds inside another folder called custom? If not, that's your problem.
I like the way ebay did it, it workes great, but the only thing, when i try to adjust it for bots either with the aid of:

if (! isPlayer _x) then {
deleteVehicle _x;

But as far as I adapted it for my safe zones, traders also dissapear when entering it.
So how could I force this to delete only my bots instead of all aAI? May be it could be done with some kind of array like zZombie_Base with all skins included for bots?
If I understood it clearly so I should edit files which is used to spawn bots that could enter safe zones, so these are patrols and missions, am i right?
If yes it is to many job cause i have a lot of missions amd WAI and EMS bots, so if there is a chance to adapt it for traders instead of bots, something like making a range for _Unit_1 - _unit_82, i don't know how to make scripts, it seems to be something like
_traders = ["_unit_1", "_unit_2", "_unit_82"] ; //here paste all traders, i dont how to make a range, so made it as array
if (! isPlayer _x ! = _traders) then {
deleteVehicle _x;
Or may be I dissmissed something from your post cause english is not my mother tongue