[Support] ESS

You're the best! However, now when players spawn they just recieve a black screen, and if they hit esc then they're a normal spawn
(i hope you dont mind @ebay)








ok since i didnt find the problem i just made a solution:
i added this to my altimeter:
if ((_myalt) > 0) then {
deleteVehicle "ParachuteC";

maybe this could help someone else either:)
Hi there mate, works fine until we put xyz into the varibles then it just crashes, ive looked all over for a fix but no joy.


ok its not crashing anymore, its now sitting at the class selection screen but theres no selections
and i just have to go back to the lobby, you said the chords were XYZ right, am i doing something wrong here??
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This is how i did it:
in the spawn.sqf after the (2x)
spawn BIS_fnc_halo;
i called the altimeter.sqf
    if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;_nul = [] execVM "pathto\altimeter.sqf";} else {player setPosATL _position;};

and this is my altimeter.sqf:
sleep 5;
_myalt = getPos player select 2;
_myalt = round(_myalt);
//debug start
diag_log(format["ALTIMETER STARTED: %1m ", _myalt]);
while {(_myalt) > 0} do {
// Display my altitude text.
_myalt = getPos player select 2;
_myalt = round(_myalt);
titleText [("                                      ALTITUDE: " + str _myalt + "\n\n                                      Scroll ""mouse"" select Open Chute"), "PLAIN DOWN", 0.1];
//delete the chute
if ((_myalt) > 0) then {
deleteVehicle "ParachuteC";
//debug Stop
//diag_log(format["ALTIMETER STOPPED: %1m ", _myalt]);
Yeah I got this to work on an epoch with 112555 patch, but I am going to implement it on an overpoch server, anything i need to think of then? Also on my regular epoch server with no other scripts, once you have chosen a location to spawn in the next time you die you can not choose that location again as I could not find anything about this in these threads i thought i would ask, is it a bug thats causing the same location not to be available twice or is there any way to disable this? so that you could spawn in the same location endless times?
Assuming you are using Epoch code as the base, you should use the Epoch version and you won't need to change anything. But if you are using Overwatch pistols and pistol ammo in your default loadout then you need to add them to class.sqf pistol lists. I do not have full lists of all the special pistols and pistol ammo in Overwatch. If someone familiar with Overwatch is kind enough to provide them I will add them in to the Overwatch version.

You can choose the same spawn point as many times as you want, unless one of your dead bodies is within 5km of it. This is the new body check feature I just added to prevent people spawning right back where they died. If you don't want that you can disable it:

In spawn.sqf find and delete this:
call _bodyCheck;

Or you can change the distance, just search for "5000" and change it to whatever you want.

Okay many thanks!
just have a question. I have 4 humanity Tier Ranks of 9 classes per tier side how would i apply this? Tier1 new players tier 2 +20k and -20k tier 3 +100k -100k and tier 4 +200k and -200k.

Loving this script only problems being that there's no spawn selection and no class selection but people do spawn with the default loadout

We're running Overpoch and have added the Overwatch pistols to class.sqf along with their ammo unfortunately it's not working

Any help greatly appreciated
