[Support] ESS

You just need to make couple try and errors with your BE-Filters

Just as an Example:
If you have this in your createVehicle:
5 "Parachute"
Just add this to it:

So it looks like this:
5 "Parachute"" !="ParachuteC"
This will Prevent people from getting kicked because of the Chute.

Same Procedure with other BE-Filters
Ok, I'll play around with them. But I don't think anyone is getting kicked, we just are not falling, we are stuck in the sky floating in the halo position with the cool breeze rushing by our faces :)
I did not, was just trying to get this working and was going to do the altimeter later. You think maybe im spawning too high and it doesn't know to fall?
Does this look right for my createvehicle.txt?

//new !=(Citizen3|CZ_Soldier_DES_EP1|Rocket_DZ|TK_INS_Soldier_EP1|US_Soldier_EP1|Villager1|Worker1|ParachuteC)
5 "SeaGull"
1 ""
5 "box" !="DebugBoxPlayer_DZ" !="MedBox0" !="AmmoBoxSmall_556" !="AmmoBoxSmall_762" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox" !="CardBoardBox" !="FoodBox1" !="FoodBox2" !="FoodBox3" !="LockboxStorageLocked" !="LockboxStorage" !="WeaponHolder_ItemLockbox"
5 "BasicWeapons"
5 "SpecialWeapons"
5 "FunctionsManager"
5 "Logic"
1 "Bo_FAB_250"
1 "R_M136_AT"
1st Half of variables.sqf:

//Model Variables
Bandit1_DZ =     "Bandit1_DZ";
Bandit2_DZ =     "Bandit2_DZ";
BanditW1_DZ =     "BanditW1_DZ";
BanditW2_DZ =     "BanditW2_DZ";
Survivor1_DZ =     "Survivor2_DZ";
Survivor2_DZ =     "Survivor2_DZ";
SurvivorW2_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
SurvivorW3_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
Sniper1_DZ =     "Sniper1_DZ";
Camo1_DZ =         "Camo1_DZ";
Soldier1_DZ =     "Soldier1_DZ";
Rocket_DZ =     "Rocket_DZ";

AllPlayers = ["Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorWcombat_DZ","SurvivorWdesert_DZ","SurvivorWurban_DZ","SurvivorWsequishaD_DZ","SurvivorWsequisha_DZ","SurvivorWpink_DZ","SurvivorW3_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","Bandit2_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","BanditW2_DZ","Soldier_Crew_PMC","Sniper1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Rocket_DZ","Rocker1_DZ","Rocker2_DZ","Rocker3_DZ","Rocker4_DZ","Priest_DZ","Functionary1_EP1_DZ","GUE_Commander_DZ","Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","Haris_Press_EP1_DZ","Pilot_EP1_DZ","RU_Policeman_DZ","pz_policeman","pz_suit1","pz_suit2","pz_worker1","pz_worker2","pz_worker3","pz_doctor","pz_teacher","pz_hunter","pz_villager1","pz_villager2","pz_villager3","pz_priest","Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ","Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ","Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ","Drake_Light_DZ","CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ","FR_OHara_DZ","FR_Rodriguez_DZ","CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","Graves_Light_DZ","GUE_Soldier_MG_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ","GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ","GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","TK_Special_Forces_MG_EP1_DZ","TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","TK_Commander_EP1_DZ","RU_Soldier_Crew_DZ","INS_Lopotev_DZ","INS_Soldier_AR_DZ","INS_Soldier_CO_DZ","INS_Bardak_DZ","INS_Worker2_DZ"];

meatraw = [
exceptionsraw = ["ItemTuna"];
meatcooked = [
no_output_food = ["FoodMRE", "FoodPistachio", "FoodNutmix","FoodBioMeat"]+meatcooked+meatraw;

// Food with increased chance for infection.
badfood = ["FoodBioMeat","FoodCanUnlabeled"];


food_output = [
no_output_drink = ["ItemWaterbottle", "ItemWaterbottleBoiled"];
drink_with_output = [
    "ItemSoda",  //just to define item for ItemSodaEmpty
drink_output = [
boil_tin_cans = [

dayz_combination = "";
dayz_humanitytarget = "";
dayz_combatLog = "";
canRoll = true;

canbuild = true;

//Hunting Variables
dayZ_partClasses = [
    //"PartGeneric",    //No need to add, it is default for everything
dayZ_explosiveParts = [
//Survival Variables
SleepFood =                2160; //minutes (48 hours)
SleepWater =            1440; //minutes (24 hours)
SleepTemperatur    =         90 / 100;    //Firs Value = Minutes untill Player reaches the coldest Point at night (without other effects! night factor expected to be -1)            //TeeChange

//Server Variables
allowConnection =         false;
isSinglePlayer =        false;
PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor = [];
PlayerDeaths = [];

//Streaming Variables (player only)
dayz_Locations = [];
dayz_locationsActive = [];

Dayz_GUI_R = 0.38; // 0.7
Dayz_GUI_G = 0.63; // -0.63
Dayz_GUI_B = 0.26; // -0.26

//Player self-action handles
dayz_resetSelfActions = {
    s_player_fire =            -1;
    s_player_cook =            -1;
    s_player_boil =            -1;
    s_player_fireout =        -1;
    s_player_butcher =        -1;
    s_player_packtent =     -1;
    s_player_packvault =     -1;
    s_player_lockvault =     -1;
    s_player_unlockvault =     -1;
    s_player_fillwater =    -1;
    s_player_fillwater2 =     -1;
    s_player_fillfuel =     -1;
    s_player_grabflare =     -1;
    s_player_callzombies =     -1;
    s_player_showname =     -1;
    s_player_debuglootpos =     -1;
    s_player_pzombiesattack =     -1;
    s_player_pzombiesvision =    -1;
    s_player_pzombiesfeed =     -1;
    s_player_removeflare =     -1;
    s_player_painkiller =    -1;
    s_player_studybody =     -1;
    s_player_madsci_crtl =    -1;
    s_player_parts_crtl =    -1;
    s_build_Sandbag1_DZ =     -1;
    s_build_Hedgehog_DZ =    -1;
    s_build_Wire_cat1 =        -1;
    s_player_deleteBuild =    -1;
    s_player_forceSave =     -1;
    s_player_checkGear =     -1;
    s_player_flipveh =         -1;
    s_player_stats =        -1;
    s_player_sleep =        -1;
    s_player_movedog =        -1;
    s_player_speeddog =        -1;
    s_player_calldog =         -1;
    s_player_feeddog =         -1;
    s_player_waterdog =     -1;
    s_player_staydog =         -1;
    s_player_trackdog =     -1;
    s_player_barkdog =         -1;
    s_player_warndog =         -1;
    s_player_followdog =     -1;
    s_player_repair_crtl =  -1;
    s_player_information =  -1;
    s_player_fuelauto    =  -1;
    s_player_fuelauto2    =  -1;
    s_player_fillgen     =  -1;
    s_player_upgrade_build     =  -1;
    s_player_maint_build     =  -1;
    s_player_downgrade_build     =  -1;
    s_player_towing         =  -1;
    s_halo_action =         -1;
    s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1;
    s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;
    s_player_heli_lift = -1;
    s_player_heli_detach = -1;
call dayz_resetSelfActions;

//Engineering variables
s_player_lastTarget =    [objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull];
s_player_repairActions = [];
s_player_lockunlock = [];

// Custom
s_player_madsci         =     [];
s_player_parts             =     [];
s_player_combi             =     [];

//Initialize Medical Variables
r_interrupt =             false;
r_doLoop =                 false;
r_self =                 false;
r_self_actions =         [];
r_drag_sqf =             false;
r_action =                 false;
r_action_unload =         false;
r_player_handler =         false;
r_player_handler1 =     false;
r_player_dead =         false;
r_player_unconscious =     false;
r_player_infected =        false;
r_player_injured =         false;
r_player_inpain =         false;
r_player_loaded =         false;
r_player_cardiac =         false;
r_fracture_legs =        false;
r_fracture_arms =        false;
r_player_vehicle =        player;
r_player_blood =         12000;
r_player_lowblood =     false;
r_player_timeout =        0;
r_player_bloodTotal =     r_player_blood;
r_public_blood =        r_player_blood;
r_player_bloodDanger =    r_player_bloodTotal * 0.2;
r_player_actions =         [];
r_handlerCount =         0;
r_action_repair =         false;
r_action_targets =         [];
r_pitchWhine =             false;
r_isBandit =            false;


//ammo routine
r_player_actions2 = [];
r_action2 = false;
r_player_lastVehicle = objNull;
r_player_lastSeat = [];
r_player_removeActions2 = {
    if (!isNull r_player_lastVehicle) then {
            r_player_lastVehicle removeAction _x;
        } forEach r_player_actions2;
        r_player_actions2 = [];
        r_action2 = false;

USEC_woundHit     = [
DAYZ_woundHit     = [
    [ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3]
DAYZ_woundHit_ok = [
DAYZ_woundHit_dog = [
USEC_MinorWounds     = [
2nd part:
USEC_woundPoint    = [
    ["aimpoint"], //,"RightShoulder","LeftShoulder"
USEC_typeOfWounds = [

DZE_vehicleZwounds = [
    "sklo predni L",
    "sklo predni P",
    "sklo zadni",
    "sklo zadni L",
    "sklo zadni P",
    "sklo P",

DZE_HeliAllowTowFrom = [

DZE_HeliAllowToTow = [

//Initialize Zombie Variables
dayz_zombieTargetList = [
PVDZE_plr_Hit = [];
PVDZE_obj_Publish = [];        //used for eventhandler to spawn a mirror of players tent
PVDZE_plr_HideBody = objNull;
dayz_selectedVault = objNull;
dayz_selectedDoor = objNull;

PVDZE_veh_Publish = [];        // for vehicle traders
PVDZE_obj_Trade = [];        // For all traders increment qty
PVDZE_plr_TradeMenu = [];          // For all traders
PVDZE_plr_DeathB = [];

//DayZ settings
dayz_dawn = 6;
dayz_dusk = 18;
DAYZ_agentnumber = 0;
dayz_animalDistance = 800;
dayz_zSpawnDistance = 1000;

if(isNil "dayz_maxAnimals") then {
    dayz_maxAnimals = 5;
if(isNil "timezoneswitch") then {
    timezoneswitch = 0;
if(isNil "dayz_maxLocalZombies") then {
    dayz_maxLocalZombies = 15;
if(isNil "dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit") then {
    dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit = 15;
if(isNil "dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease") then {
    dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease = 5;
if(isNil "dayz_maxZeds") then {
    dayz_maxZeds = 500;
if (isNil "DZE_PlayerZed") then {
    DZE_PlayerZed = true;
if (isNil "DZE_GodModeBase") then {
    DZE_GodModeBase = false;
if(isNil "DZEdebug") then {
    DZEdebug = false;
if(isNil "DZE_TRADER_SPAWNMODE") then {
if(isNil "dayz_tameDogs") then {
    dayz_tameDogs = false;
if(isNil "dayz_sellDistance_vehicle") then {
    dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 10;
if(isNil "dayz_sellDistance_boat") then {
    dayz_sellDistance_boat = 30;
if(isNil "dayz_sellDistance_air") then {
    dayz_sellDistance_air = 40;
if(isNil "dayz_paraSpawn") then {
    dayz_paraSpawn = false;
if(isNil "dayz_minpos") then {
    dayz_minpos = -20000;
if(isNil "dayz_maxpos") then {
    dayz_maxpos = 20000;
if(isNil "DZE_BuildingLimit") then {
    DZE_BuildingLimit = 150;
if(isNil "DZE_HumanityTargetDistance") then {
    DZE_HumanityTargetDistance = 25;
if(isNil "DZE_FriendlySaving") then {
    DZE_FriendlySaving = true;
if(isNil "DZE_BuildOnRoads") then {
    DZE_BuildOnRoads = false;
if(isNil "DZE_MissionLootTable") then {
    DZE_MissionLootTable = false;
if(isNil "DZE_ConfigTrader") then {
    DZE_ConfigTrader = false;
if(isNil "DZE_LootSpawnTimer") then {
    DZE_LootSpawnTimer = 10;
if(isNil "DZE_HeliLift") then {
    DZE_HeliLift = true;
if(isNil "DZE_DamageBeforeMaint") then {
    DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0.09;
if(isNil "DZE_StaticConstructionCount") then {
    DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 0;

// needed on server
if(isNil "DZE_PlotPole") then {
    DZE_PlotPole = [30,45];
if(isNil "DZE_maintainRange") then {
    DZE_maintainRange = ((DZE_PlotPole select 0)+20);

DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS = [["Crossbow","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet"],["Crossbow_DZ","ItemMatchbox_DZE","ItemHatchet_DZE"]];

if(isNil "dayz_zedSpawnVehCount") then {
    dayz_zedSpawnVehCount = dayz_maxLocalZombies / 2;
if(isNil "dayz_spawnAirCount") then {
    dayz_spawnAirCount = 0;
if(isNil "dayz_zedsAttackVehicles") then {
    dayz_zedsAttackVehicles = true;

// update objects
dayz_updateObjects = ["Plane","Car", "Helicopter", "Motorcycle", "Ship", "TentStorage", "VaultStorage","LockboxStorage","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","StorageShed_DZ","GunRack_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ"];
dayz_disallowedVault = ["TentStorage", "BuiltItems","ModularItems","DZE_Base_Object"];
dayz_reveal = ["AllVehicles","WeaponHolder","Land_A_tent","BuiltItems","ModularItems","DZE_Base_Object"];
dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage","TentStorageDomed","TentStorageDomed2", "VaultStorageLocked", "Hedgehog_DZ", "Sandbag1_DZ","BagFenceRound_DZ","TrapBear","Fort_RazorWire","WoodGate_DZ","Land_HBarrier1_DZ","Land_HBarrier3_DZ","Land_HBarrier5_DZ","Fence_corrugated_DZ","M240Nest_DZ","CanvasHut_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","MetalGate_DZ","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","StorageShed_DZ","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ","Generator_DZ","StickFence_DZ","LightPole_DZ","FuelPump_DZ","DesertCamoNet_DZ","ForestCamoNet_DZ","DesertLargeCamoNet_DZ","ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ","SandNest_DZ","DeerStand_DZ","MetalPanel_DZ","WorkBench_DZ","WoodFloor_DZ","WoodLargeWall_DZ","WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ","WoodLargeWallWin_DZ","WoodSmallWall_DZ","WoodSmallWallWin_DZ","WoodSmallWallDoor_DZ","LockboxStorageLocked","WoodFloorHalf_DZ","WoodFloorQuarter_DZ","WoodStairs_DZ","WoodStairsSans_DZ","WoodSmallWallThird_DZ","WoodLadder_DZ","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor","Land_DZE_WoodDoor","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked","CinderWallHalf_DZ","CinderWall_DZ","CinderWallDoorway_DZ","CinderWallDoor_DZ","CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ","CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ","MetalFloor_DZ","WoodRamp_DZ","GunRack_DZ","FireBarrel_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ"];

DZE_LockableStorage = ["VaultStorage","VaultStorageLocked","LockboxStorageLocked","LockboxStorage"];
DZE_LockedStorage = ["VaultStorageLocked","LockboxStorageLocked"];
DZE_UnLockedStorage = ["VaultStorage","LockboxStorage"];
//["ModularItems", "DZE_Housebase", "BuiltItems", "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ" ,"FireBarrel_DZ"] - Skaronator, looks like some classes are missing not sure if this is intended
DZE_maintainClasses = ["ModularItems","DZE_Housebase","LightPole_DZ"];

DZE_DoorsLocked = ["Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked","CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ"];

// List of removable items that require crowbar
DZE_isRemovable = ["Fence_corrugated_DZ","M240Nest_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ","FireBarrel_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ"];
DZE_isWreck = ["SKODAWreck","HMMWVWreck","UralWreck","datsun01Wreck","hiluxWreck","datsun02Wreck","UAZWreck","Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1","Fort_Barricade_EP1","Rubbish2"];
3rd part:
DZE_isWreckBuilding = ["Land_wreck_cinder","Land_wood_wreck_quarter","Land_wood_wreck_floor","Land_wood_wreck_third","Land_wood_wreck_frame","Land_iron_vein_wreck","Land_silver_vein_wreck","Land_gold_vein_wreck","Land_ammo_supply_wreck"];
DZE_isNewStorage = ["VaultStorage","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","StorageShed_DZ","GunRack_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ"];

// These work with just a running generator
dayz_fuelpumparray = ["FuelPump_DZ","Land_A_FuelStation_Feed","Land_Ind_FuelStation_Feed_EP1","Land_FuelStation_Feed_PMC","FuelStation","Land_ibr_FuelStation_Feed","Land_fuelstation_army","Land_fuelstation","land_fuelstation_w","Land_benzina_schnell"];
DZE_fueltruckarray = ["KamazRefuel_DZ","UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZ","MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ","V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ","MtvrRefuel_DZ","KamazRefuel_DZE","UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZE","MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZE","V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE","MtvrRefuel_DZE"];

// Standard Fuel sources
dayz_fuelsources = ["Land_Ind_TankSmall","Land_fuel_tank_big","Land_fuel_tank_stairs","Land_fuel_tank_stairs_ep1","Land_wagon_tanker","Land_fuelstation","Land_fuelstation_army","land_fuelstation_w","Land_benzina_schnell"];

DZE_Lock_Door = "";

//init global arrays for Loot Chances
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\loot_init.sqf";

if(isServer) then {
    dayz_players = [];
    dead_bodyCleanup = [];
    needUpdate_objects = [];

    DZE_DYN_AntiStuck = 0;
    DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = 0;
    DZE_DYN_AntiStuck3rd = 0;

    if(isNil "dayz_fullMoonNights") then {
        dayz_fullMoonNights = false;
    if(isNil "EpochEvents") then {
        EpochEvents = [];
    if(isNil "DZE_vehicleAmmo") then {
        DZE_vehicleAmmo = 0;

    if(isNil "DZE_BackpackGuard") then {
        DZE_BackpackGuard = true;

    if(isNil "DZE_CleanNull") then {
        DZE_CleanNull = false;

    DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"];

if(!isDedicated) then {

    dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player;

    dayz_buildingMonitor = [];    //Buildings to check
    dayz_bodyMonitor = [];

    // weather control var
    zeroPreviousWeather = [0,0,[0,0],0];
    zeroCurrentWeather = [0,0,[0,0],0];

    if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
        dayz_baseTypes =         getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
    } else {
        dayz_baseTypes =         getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");

    //temperature variables
    dayz_temperatur         =     36;        //TeeChange
    dayz_temperaturnormal     =     36;        //TeeChange
    dayz_temperaturmax         =     42;        //TeeChange
    dayz_temperaturmin         =     27;        //TeeChange

    //player special variables
    dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate = 0;
    dayZ_everyonesTents =    [];
    dayz_hunger    =            0;
    dayz_thirst =             0;
    dayz_combat =            0;
    dayz_preloadFinished =     false;
    dayz_statusArray =        [1,1];
    dayz_disAudial =        0;
    dayz_disVisual =        0;
    dayz_firedCooldown =     0;
    dayz_DeathActioned =    false;
    dayz_canDisconnect =     true;
    dayz_damageCounter =    time;
    dayz_lastSave =            time;
    dayz_isSwimming    =        true;
    dayz_isKneeling    =        false;
    dayz_isCrawling    =        false;
    dayz_PreviousTown =        "Wilderness";
    dayz_currentDay =         0;
    dayz_hasLight =         false;
    dayz_surfaceNoise =        0;
    dayz_surfaceType =        "None";
    dayz_noPenalty =         [];
    dayz_heavenCooldown =    0;
    deathHandled =             false;
    dayz_lastHumanity =        0;
    dayz_guiHumanity =        -90000;
    dayz_firstGroup =         group player;
    dayz_originalPlayer =     player;
    dayz_playerName =        "Unknown";
Last part:
dayz_sourceBleeding =    objNull;
    dayz_clientPreload =     false;
    dayz_authed =             false;
    dayz_panicCooldown =     0;
    dayz_areaAffect =        2.5;
    dayz_heartBeat =         false;
    dayzClickTime =            0;
    dayz_spawnDelay =        120;
    dayz_spawnWait =        -120;
    dayz_lootDelay =        3;
    dayz_lootWait =            -300;
    dayz_spawnZombies =        0;
    //used to count global zeds around players
    dayz_CurrentZombies = 0;
    //Used to limit overall zed counts
    dayz_maxCurrentZeds = 0;
    dayz_inVehicle =        false;
    dayz_Magazines =         [];
    dayzGearSave =             false;
    dayz_unsaved =            false;
    DZE_ActionInProgress =        false;
    dayz_scaleLight =         0;
    dayzDebug = false;
    dayzState = -1;
    //uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display',displayNull];
    //if (uiNamespace getVariable ['DZ_displayUI', 0] == 2) then {
    //    dayzDebug = true;

    // DayZ Epoch Client only variables
    if(isNil "DZE_AllowForceSave") then {
        DZE_AllowForceSave = false;
    if(isNil "DZE_AllowCargoCheck") then {
        DZE_AllowCargoCheck = true;
    if(isNil "DZE_ForceNameTags") then {
        DZE_ForceNameTags = false;
    if(isNil "DZE_ForceNameTagsOff") then {
        DZE_ForceNameTagsOff = false;
    if(isNil "DZE_HaloJump") then {
        DZE_HaloJump = true;

    if(isNil "DZE_AntiWallLimit") then {
        DZE_AntiWallLimit = 1;
    if(isNil "DZE_requireplot") then {
        DZE_requireplot = 1;
    if(isNil "DZE_R3F_WEIGHT") then {
        DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true;

    DZE_AntiWallCounter = 0;

    DZE_FreshSpawn = false;

    DZE_myHaloVehicle = objNull;

    DZE_Friends = [];

    DZE_CanPickup = true;
    DZE_Q = false;
    DZE_Z = false;

    DZE_Q_alt = false;
    DZE_Z_alt = false;

    DZE_Q_ctrl = false;
    DZE_Z_ctrl = false;

    DZE_5 = false;
    DZE_4 = false;
    DZE_6 = false;

    DZE_cancelBuilding = false;
    DZE_PZATTACK = false;

    DZE_trees = ["t_picea2s_snow.p3d","b_corylus.p3d","t_quercus3s.p3d","t_larix3s.p3d","t_pyrus2s.p3d","str_briza_kriva.p3d","dd_borovice.p3d","les_singlestrom_b.p3d","les_singlestrom.p3d","smrk_velky.p3d","smrk_siroky.p3d","smrk_maly.p3d","les_buk.p3d","str krovisko vysoke.p3d","str_fikovnik_ker.p3d","str_fikovnik.p3d","str vrba.p3d","hrusen2.p3d","str dub jiny.p3d","str lipa.p3d","str briza.p3d","p_akat02s.p3d","jablon.p3d","p_buk.p3d","str_topol.p3d","str_topol2.p3d","p_osika.p3d","t_picea3f.p3d","t_picea2s.p3d","t_picea1s.p3d","t_fagus2w.p3d","t_fagus2s.p3d","t_fagus2f.p3d","t_betula1f.p3d","t_betula2f.p3d","t_betula2s.p3d","t_betula2w.p3d","t_alnus2s.p3d","t_acer2s.p3d","t_populus3s.p3d","t_quercus2f.p3d","t_sorbus2s.p3d","t_malus1s.p3d","t_salix2s.p3d","t_picea1s_w.p3d","t_picea2s_w.p3d","t_ficusb2s_ep1.p3d","t_populusb2s_ep1.p3d","t_populusf2s_ep1.p3d","t_amygdalusc2s_ep1.p3d","t_pistacial2s_ep1.p3d","t_pinuse2s_ep1.p3d","t_pinuss3s_ep1.p3d","t_prunuss2s_ep1.p3d","t_pinusn2s.p3d","t_pinusn1s.p3d","t_pinuss2f.p3d","t_poplar2f_dead_pmc.p3d","misc_torzotree_pmc.p3d","misc_burnspruce_pmc.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm8.p3d","brg_umbrella_acacia01b.p3d","brg_jungle_tree_canopy_1.p3d","brg_jungle_tree_canopy_2.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm4.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm3.p3d","palm_01.p3d","palm_02.p3d","palm_03.p3d","palm_04.p3d","palm_09.p3d","palm_10.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm2.p3d","brg_jungle_tree_antiaris.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm1.p3d","str habr.p3d"];
    DZE_TEMP_treedmg = 1;

    DZE_Surrender = false;
    DZE_Quarantine = false;
    DZE_InRadiationZone = false;

    DZE_SaveTime = 30;

donorListBase = ["0","0","0"];
donorListBases = [[],[],[]];

donorListClass = ["0","0","0"];
donorListClasses = [[],[],[]];

DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodPistachio","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17"];
DefaultWeapons = ["ItemMap","ItemFlashlight","ItemToolbox","glock17_EP1"];
DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1";
donorClassLvl1 = ["0","0","0"];
donorClassLvl2 = ["0","0","0"];
donorClassLvl3 = ["0","0","0"];
presetClasses = [
   ["British Soldier","Soldier1_DZ",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"],["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo"],"",[],[],0,0],
   ["Business Person","Functionary1_EP1_DZ",["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","ItemBriefcaseEmpty"],["Remington870_lamp"],"",[],[],0,0],
   ["Czech Soldier","CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ",["30Rnd_762x39_SA58","30Rnd_762x39_SA58"],["Sa58P_EP1"],"",[],[],0,0],
   ["Police Officer","RU_Policeman_DZ",["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug"],["M1014"],"",[],[],0,0],
   ["US Soldier","Graves_Light_DZ",["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"],["M4A1"],"",[],[],0,0],
Next time use
Pastebin.com for long Codes ;)

Your Create Vehicle looks fine even without the extra line:
use this
5 "SeaGull"
1 ""
5 "box" !="DebugBoxPlayer_DZ" !="MedBox0" !="AmmoBoxSmall_556" !="AmmoBoxSmall_762" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox" !="CardBoardBox" !="FoodBox1" !="FoodBox2" !="FoodBox3" !="LockboxStorageLocked" !="LockboxStorage" !="WeaponHolder_ItemLockbox"
5 "BasicWeapons"
5 "SpecialWeapons"
5 "FunctionsManager"
5 "Logic"
1 "Bo_FAB_250"
1 "R_M136_AT"

Your Varibales has nothing to do with the helo spawn.
Its the spawn.sqf
This line to be more detailed:
if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};
OK, this is the step that is getting me and I feel I am missing something right in front of my face:

6. In dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf find this:
Code (Text):
dayz_recordLogin = {
_key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
_key call server_hiveWrite;
Copy everything in config.sqf and paste it right below the above.

Where is the config.sqf that I am supposed to copy from?????

I don't see it in the Download file.

**UPDATE** I found it, sorry for the confusion

Last edited:
OMG! I found it. I had drug it out of the download file :( I re downloaded the ESS and it's there. Sorry guys and thanks for all the help, hopefully this works.

I'm really not this dense.

My server is heavily scripted and I have been able to figure it all out except this lol, guess you win some you lose some.

Well, I'm going to throw the towel in :( I just cant get it to let me fall. Looks amazing and all the selections work but we just hang in the air. Thanks for the help guys, maybe Ill try again later, going to move onto a few other remaining scripts I need in.

I need help with this on my epoch server (103718/ whenever I try to install this and run it joining the server it doesnt give you a spawn menu the colors are only black and white (even at full health) and sometimes theres a box in the bottom left with numbers and soldier faces (like in regular arma 2 missions) also it always causes it to crash.
RPT log messages pastebin.com/9dFXEmfP keeps spamming same thing over and over.
Any help would be appreciated.
ok so i didn't have the config server side but after i did now i get some BS error when loading in at 45-50 seconds says you must be near a rock to mine ore and heres my rpt now different variable error that's supposeably in server monitor which i never even touched.
RPT: pastebin.com/u15gN7kt
Anyone else getting the spawn location text truncated? On the spawn map I'm only getting part of the spawn location names, for example Berizino reads as "irizn" .. Might just be my graphics settings, as I've not had a chance to speak with my players yet. Thought i'd check here while i'm waiting though :D