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  1. gaga11

    Self-Duping Exploit

    check rpt log for errors when its happening.. if thats the case post them be more specific when it happens
  2. gaga11

    Admin Tools for this Server
  3. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    maybe the thing i just quoted up there? derp.. u didnt read a single post here <.<
  4. gaga11

    BlurGaming - Updated Anti-Hack Public Release

    you are doing it wrong
  5. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    not sure what its related to .. also u cut out the info in which file that error was found
  6. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    that syntax is wrong customize this: _heliModel = ["UH1H_DZ","Mi17_DZ"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  7. gaga11

    I must be special :( Massive BE Error

    try updating bec or just change ur rcon pass .. maybe somebody discovered it
  8. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    Dunno if that script is updated for Also there is no an2wreck that can be spawned ingame.... Id suggest using this
  9. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    if u dont post ur rpt log then i have to look into my crystal ball to see whats wrong
  10. gaga11

    bug in server_onplayerdisconnect.sqf. bodyduping !

    rpt log would help...
  11. gaga11

    bug in server_onplayerdisconnect.sqf. bodyduping !

    // log disconnect #ifdef LOGIN_DEBUG _characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"]; _timeout = _playerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0]; diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6", getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call...
  12. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    strange, anyways .. u can change it in the carepackage sqf .. line 56 _num = round(random _randomizedLoot) + _guaranteedLoot; should work :X
  13. gaga11

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    looks pretty good, id love to see a map showing vehicle, tent and survivor locations
  14. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    just try the default code... if it doesnt occur there its a problem with the stuff u pasted in
  15. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points

    Doesnt use loot type... u specify the possible loot in the carepackage code
  16. gaga11

    Animated C130 crashes - Eventually dropping carepackages at way points
  17. gaga11

    Always In combat - Works well with discobot

    update: not fully working for me... sometimes the countdown went negative ... must stand still -20 seconds to abort... etc and it wouldnt let me abort ever :S basicly used the file you provided and only edited the text that is displayed