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  1. B

    Epoch & Missions

    the factions file shouldn't effect the traders and it defiantly wouldn't delete them
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    [BUG] A bug i found and fixed :P

    i prefer to clean up it all :P
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    60sec Godmode on spawn HELP

    remove however your calling godstart.sqf and at the very bottom of your init.sqf add this waitUntil{!isNil "dayzPlayerLogin"}; waitUntil{count (dayzPlayerLogin) > 1}; if (dayzPlayerLogin select 4) then { execVM "godstart.sqf"; };
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    [BUG] A bug i found and fixed :P

    basically when the AI die after a few seconds they will play an animation were they wake up and die again if you shoot the AI in the head after they have done this it repeats the cycle they play the death animation after a few secs they wake up and die again you can repeat this forever now the...
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    60sec Godmode on spawn HELP

    if you didnt get this fixed i have found a solution to it let me know if you still need help
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    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    there is but i wouldnt cus it means you have add what happens at exactly what time instead of just adding do this at every 30 minutes past and it also means re writing all of the time checking functions in the server_spawnEvents script i would just try syncing my restart cycle with 0 minutes...
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    [Epoch] How to add a new trader?

    using createUnit
  8. B

    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    in your init.sqf theres the line EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"],["any","any","any","any",0,"crash_spawner"],["any","any","any","any",15,"supply_drop"],["any","any","any","any",45,"supply_drop"]]; mines modified so yours may be differant but to modify how frequent...
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    [Epoch] How to add a new trader?

    add the AI you want to be your trader in the place you want on the server and remember the class name of the ai for example i create a AI in the middle of cherno and the AI's class name is ins_villager4 and i want that AI to be a black market dealer then i would add at the bottom of my...
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    Epoch Animated Heli Crashes

    Epoch Animated Heli Crashes Version 1.2 Update V1.2 = added mass graves as per MadHatter's request Replace your crash_spawner.sqf with this one (couldnt post it in the code tags as its to long to fit) Help Thread
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    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    couldnt post the script in the code tags as its to long to fit in one post so i uploaded it to media fire
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    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    would you like so it randomly selects from all the helis, planes and the mass grave or it randomly selects from the helis and planes then it takes that selection and randomly selects between it and the mass grave so the mass grave has a higher chance to spawn ?
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    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    i can add them in if you would like ?
  14. B

    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    underneath this line _crash = createVehicle [_crashModel, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; add _clutterCutter = createVehicle ["ClutterCutter_EP1", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  15. B

    Loadout by UID

    //defualtLoadout DefaultMagazines =["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","30Rnd_545x39_AK","30Rnd_545x39_AK","ItemSodaMdew","ItemGoldBar","FlareYellow_GP25","1Rnd_HE_GP25"]; DefaultWeapons = ["ItemWatch","AK_74_GL_Kobra","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemHatchet"]; DefaultBackpack =...
  16. B

    Death cross script ??

    Its kind of a tricky one cus you can fix that but then if they die in an heli thats flying or something similar the grave and loot will be floating in the air but if you dont mind that just find this line in your player death and remove/comment it _containerLoc = [((_containerLoc select 0) +...
  17. B

    Loadout by UID

    _uid = getPlayerUID player; //loadout1 if(_uid == "donatersUID here")then{ DefaultMagazines =["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","30Rnd_545x39_AK","30Rnd_545x39_AK","ItemSodaMdew","ItemGoldBar","FlareYellow_GP25","1Rnd_HE_GP25"]; DefaultWeapons =...
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    60sec Godmode on spawn HELP

    try this waitUntil {(!isNull Player) and (alive Player) and (player == player) and (!isNil 'dayz_animalCheck')}; if (dayzPlayerLogin select 4) then { player_zombieCheck = {}; fnc_usec_damageHandler = {}; fnc_usec_unconscious = {}; player allowDamage false; _EH_Fired =...
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    DayZ Mission System

    it does spawn a vehicle
  20. B

    DayZ Mission System

    in sm1 you can try changing waitUntil{({alive _x} count (units SniperTeam)) < 1}; to waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _hummer < 10 } count playableunits > 0};