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  1. D

    Hosters for this Mod

    Hello everyone. I've been really interested in this new mod since I heard about it! As I think any Lingor fan should be. However, my community doesn't have the funding or the know how to host our own server. Is there something we can do on our side so hosting companies (Vilayer,
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    Question about Gear/Vehicle Choices for the mod

    Hello there! I downloaded the mod yesterday and tried it out on one of the few servers available. I must say I like the additions to the land mass of the archipelago a lot and that the zombies are much harder to kill... I'm kind of in the middle about the aliens, I like the "patient zero" type...
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    [WIP] Ground Fog "on command"

    Hello everyone, Once more I come to you with a problem to which I'm sure the solution is very easy, but I simply cannot get to it. So here's the deal: I've been toying with the Admin Tool Panel (BluePhoenix's) and started adding some custom tabs to it in order to allow our server admins to...
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    [Problem] Scripted-In Vehicles repair themselves

    Hello everyone, I'd like to consult with you on the following matter: I'm working on an event for my server in which we'll populate a bridge with wreckage and abandoned cars and have people fight over resources on the bridge. In order to make it look realistic, I've damaged most of the...
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    DB problems with new vehicle spawn locations

    Hello everyone. I spent a couple days creating several (1797) new spawn locations for vehicles across the Lingor Map, my intention was to have these vehicles spawn in more realistic locations and better distributed. After converting the info to the DB, I noticed some problems right away...
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    Vehicle Wrecks Staying through Restarts

    Hello everyone. I'm encountering a bothersome problem on one of the servers I work on (hosted by The wrecks created by some of the vehicles that get destroyed by players (mostly air vehicles, AN2s and Helicopters) don't clear out with restarts. I asked some official representatives...
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    Decreasing amount of zombies?

    Hello everyone, I'd like to ask you guys if you know how I can decrease the amount of zombies that spawn in the server. Currently, I believe it's a bit too much, when highly populated, we get about 1200 zombies spawned in the map, this lags the server something fierce. Does anyone know what...
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    The Hunting Grounds | DayZ Lingor 1.3 | Community and custom Scripts | Custom Locations

    The Hunting Grounds THG is a DayZ Lingor Server hosted by Vilayer. We have our own webpage, forums and teamspeak. Our staff has both admins and developers. We are an open concept community and prefer to share our ideas and decisions with our players, so you'll see that even the staff sections of...
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    Lingor Island - Old Spanish Castle

    Hello everyone, I'd like to share one of my creations to you in exchange of some help... Here's what I have to offer: Uploaded with The Old Spanish Castle is a small construction I did for Lingor. It's situated atop "Sniper Hill", nearby El Villon and provides for...
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    Jerry Cans and New Building Types

    Hello everyone. I've been working on a script to disable auto-refuel and auto-repair in Lingor. After some work I finally got it working and tested, but I've encountered a little problem. Though I can add fuel tanks through the editor in order to give players places to refill their jerry...
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    Latency and FPS loss Issues

    Hello everyone, I'd like to submit a question to your expert opinion. I'm in charge of implementing scripts and building custom locations for my community - The Hunting Grounds -, even though I'm no expert at all, I think I've managed to run most of the scripts other servers use and build some...
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    Disabling Auto-Refuel and Auto-Repair (Lingor Island)

    Hello everyone. I used the search function but I couldn't find anyone bringing this up... Sorry if it has already been discussed. Well, my question to you is rather plain. Is there a way to remove auto-refuel and auto-repair from Lingor Island? I see people wanting to add these functions...