Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

Fire is done via a different publicVariable name on 1.7.7.x

if (_spawnFire) then {
                PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_crash,2,time,false,_fadeFire];
                publicVariable "PVDZ_obj_Fire";
                _crash setvariable ["fadeFire",_fadeFire,true];
This is not working for me. I used the script veX posted, I get the CRASHSPAWNER info in my RPT, but I've got nothing. My RPT game me this one error only once:

23:53:22 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_cleanup.fsm, line 294: '/FSM/States/general_cleanup.init': Missing ';' at the end of line
23:53:22 Error context ,0] != 1) )  then {" \n
23:53:22 Warning Message: File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_cleanup.fsm, line 294: '/FSM/States/general_cleanup.Sarge': '"' encountered instead of '='
23:53:22 Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile.

and says these certain helis spawned at X location. I don't get the message that it's spawning loot like the rest of you and I only have one crashed heli and that was just a static spawn. Any help?
Looks like you broke your FSM file sir! (the server_cleanup.fsm one) - as the error states your missing a ; (which should be at the end of the line in theory)

Feel free to post the section of code up for us to see that you modified on the FSM during the install process.
Fire is done via a different publicVariable name on 1.7.7.x

if (_spawnFire) then {
                PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_crash,2,time,false,_fadeFire];
                publicVariable "PVDZ_obj_Fire";
                _crash setvariable ["fadeFire",_fadeFire,true];

Good news, it worked ! Finally everything is working like it should and now I can tweak the settings! Thx for the script GZ.

Bolbies, as stated above, post your changed server_cleanup.fsm and the original backup.
Looks like you broke your FSM file sir! (the server_cleanup.fsm one) - as the error states your missing a ; (which should be at the end of the line in theory)

Feel free to post the section of code up for us to see that you modified on the FSM during the install process.

Here's that section (282-316)

    /*%FSM<STATE "sync_the_time">*/
    class sync_the_time
      name = "sync_the_time";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Send request" \n
      "_key = ""CHILD:307:"";" \n
      "_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;" \n
      "_outcome = _result select 0;" \n
      "if(_outcome == ""PASS"") then {" \n
      "    _date = _result select 1;" \n
      "    _dateNum=dateToNumber(_date); " \n
      "    _diff=((_dateNum - dateToNumber(date)) * 365 * 24 * 60);" \n
      "    if (abs(_diff) > 5) then {" \n
      "    setDate _date;" \n
      "    dayzSetDate = _date;" \n
      "    publicVariable ""dayzSetDate"";" \n
      "    diag_log (""TIME SYNC: Local Time set to "" + str(_date));" \n
      "};" \n
      precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
      class Links
        /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/
        class true
          priority = 0.000000;
          precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
appears to be the same as mine, could you upload the whole file? (e.g. pastebin or dropbox). thy
Is there a way to make it so the loot doesn't spawn until the zombies do? Perhaps even a minimum # of zombies needing to be killed in the vicinity before the loot spawns?
It's an old bug where people just drive right up to the crashsite so the zombies don't spawn, and loot the goodies without a fight.

Actually, an even better idea would be to allow zombies to spawn even if someone is in a vehicle near a crashsite.
Any ideas?
i got this error
20:04:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for animated helicrashs - written by / Grafzahl [SC:false||PW:1||CD:1]"
20:04:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: 90000% chance to start a crashing UH-1H with loot table 'HeliCrashEAST' at -1245.11"
20:04:58 Error in expression <fnc_selectRandom;
} else {
_position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius>
20:04:58 Error position: <getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius>
20:04:58 Error getmarkerpos: Type Number, expected String
i got this error

I had that problem too.
This is how I fixed it. You need to comment out the line in server_monitor.sqf file that tells how many helicopters to spawn at server start. Should look something like below...

// [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, spawnOnStart, _frequency, _variance, _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire, _useStatic, _preWaypoint, _crashDamage]
nul =    [
    3,          //Number of the guaranteed Loot-Piles at the Crashside
    3,          //Number of the random Loot-Piles at the Crashside 3+(1,2,3 or 4)
//    3,          //Number of Heli spawned at server start
    (10*60),    //Fixed-Time (in seconds) between each start of a new Chopper
    (15*60),    //Random time (in seconds) added between each start of a new Chopper
    0.90,    //Spawnchance of the Heli (1 will spawn all possible Choppers, 0.5 only 50% of them)
    'center',    //Center-Marker for the Random-Crashpoints, for Chernarus this is a point near Stary
    5000,        //Radius in Meters from the Center-Marker in which the Choppers can crash and get waypoints
    true,      //Should the spawned crashsite burn (at night) & have smoke?
    false,      //Should the flames & smoke fade after a while?
    false,      //Use the Static-Crashpoint-Function? If true, you have to add Coordinates into server_spawnCrashSite.sqf
    5,          //Amount of Random-Waypoints the Heli gets before he flys to his Point-Of-Crash (using Static-Crashpoint-Coordinates if its enabled)
    0.0001      //Amount of Damage the Heli has to get while in-air to explode before the POC. (0.0001 = Insta-Explode with any damage//bullethit, 1 = Only Explode when completely damaged)
    ] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;
no smoke and no loot at the crashsites HELP ME :(

20:44:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[2910.52,4698.84,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:44:05 Error in expression <s select _index;
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error position: <select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error Zero divisor
20:44:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 244
20:44:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[2907.86,4691.25,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:44:05 Error in expression <s select _index;
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error position: <select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error Zero divisor
20:44:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 244
20:44:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[2918.36,4697.03,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:44:05 Error in expression <s select _index;
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error position: <select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error Zero divisor
20:44:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 244
20:44:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[2915.01,4700.47,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:44:05 Error in expression <s select _index;
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error position: <select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error Zero divisor
20:44:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 244
20:44:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[2913.05,4701.12,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:44:05 Error in expression <s select _index;
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error position: <select _index;
_lootPos = [_pos, ((ran>
20:44:05  Error Zero divisor
dude, check one page back (page 25), I had the same issues. also post the rpt are we suppossed to help if you're just like "problem blah blah help" and won't give us any details :(
Has anyone been able to get this working with DayZCC (control center)??

I cant get this to work no matter what I try, AI hellis and all that work on my server but not this.
Feel free to add me to skype if you think you can chat support me? Squadron_2
Has anyone been able to get this working with DayZCC (control center)??

I cant get this to work no matter what I try, AI hellis and all that work on my server but not this.
Feel free to add me to skype if you think you can chat support me? Squadron_2