Base Building

Hey maca. May would u release your mission system or tell me/us how to create one ?!

I tried to add chernarus mission system several times nothing showed up ,never.
but i really want a mission task in our dayz environment .

Thanks in advance

same but in origins :)
Ah sry bro now i understand ^^ if u would know how i would share it . But since i dont know how to do this ... bored gets me really bored ;)
Missions are really easy guys;
Bsically you create an ai allegiance sqf (usually called faction.sqf)
Create an sqf that spawns ai from another sqf that holds gear data
Then at a time defined or at random run another sqf that pulls the ai spawn and populates inventory
If you want a mission such as "Secure the Humvee" then stick in a hummer spawn near them too on the mission sqf

Look in the forums for any of the AI, Sarge is probably easiest as its most used so lots of support

Back to the point of this thread.... NICE WORK MAN!
I am also looking forward to it. Played on your server a few weeks ago after we shut our Origins one down and it was in part due to you that me and my mates have gotten a Vilayer server up :D

Keep up the good work and don't let people rush you. If your other work is anything to go on then its worth the wait x
Yea maca, give me a basebuilding that works with the modular system in epoch pls....!! ;-)
Hey Maca, any chance you could tell me how to do the inventory check on the tents? I'm working on a script which will require a large number of items to create something and I can't figure out how to check the tent inv, but it's way too much for a player inv to carry.