Base Building




This one is just an example of using any item

So I made the changes and its not working, I already have it calling a custom player_build.sqf due to basebuilding 1.2

In my servers init.sqf i put
[] execVM "custom\building_view.sqf";                    //building birds eye view

then inside building_view.sqf
BUILD_camera_mode = 0;
BUILD_player_camera = cameraView;
showCinemaBorder false;
BUILD_switch_camera = {
    if (BUILD_camera_mode == 0) then {
        cutText ["Build Camera Active.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
        BUILD_camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
        BUILD_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];
        BUILD_camera camsettarget player;
        BUILD_camera camsetrelpos [0,10,20];
        BUILD_camera camcommit 0;
        BUILD_camera_mode = 1;
    } else {
        cutText ["Build Camera Disabled.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
        BUILD_camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
        camdestroy BUILD_camera;
        player switchCamera BUILD_player_camera;
        BUILD_camera_mode = 0;

and this is my player_build.sqf(its too big to show code, so here is the file itself)

did i do anything wrong?
If this works nicely with Epoch as good as your menu system, this will be a must have on our server.
so far, it looks amazing and really looking forward to a release, keep up the great work maca
I found this in my RPT 16:34:13 Error in expression <+ 1;
if (_removable != "Grave") then {
allremovables set [count allremovables, >
16:34:13 Error position: <allremovables set [count allremovables, >
16:34:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: allremovables
16:34:13 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 258
16:34:13 Error in expression <+ 1;
if (_removable != "Grave") then {
allremovables set [count allremovables, >
16:34:13 Error position: <allremovables set [count allremovables, >
16:34:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: allremovables
16:34:13 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 258
16:34:13 Error in expression <+ 1;
Let him work -.- awesome work man!, i hope i can install it on my origins server i am using (major pain version with mod loader), i try with base building 1.2 but nothing worked for me... -.-

I only ask you one thing, please, make easy installation guide for stupid people (like me) :D. Also will be awesome, if we could ban and unban some stuff, like wells, fuel tanks, turrets, etc.

Thank you!, and keep it up! (sorry my english XD)
It will come lol. Probably looking like about a month away i expect. Regarding what can and can't be built, it is completely upto you. The recipe configs are very easy to configure and there is no limit on what items are required (unlike another popular mod which limits you to 6 item types)
Thanks for the quick reply. I can wait, :3 this is awesome, just want to see news eventually ;)

sorry my english!, and there are other scripts by you?
Erm I have done a CCTV script. Safe zones, some GUI improvements to epoch as well as a sample mission for the events system. Got other stuff I still need to write docs for before I release them... have a look at the features page on

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Hey maca. May would u release your mission system or tell me/us how to create one ?!

I tried to add chernarus mission system several times nothing showed up ,never.
but i really want a mission task in our dayz environment .

Thanks in advance