Bigger ai group size?


New Member
Is there any way to increase the group size? When we are out fighting, we tend to get 2-3 ai show up, I would like to bump this to 5, to give more of a challenge. But not quite sure where to look lol
In spawnBandits_dynamicV2.sqf you need to look for this code block.
_totalAI = switch (true) do {
    case (_spawnChance <= CHANCE_LOW): {1 + floor(random 2)};
    case (_spawnChance > CHANCE_HIGH): {2 + floor(random 2)};
    case default {1 + floor(random 3)};

The first line is 1 AI with a chance of 1 or 2 more.
The second line is 2 AI with a chance of 1 or 2 more.
Change the left numbers up to increase the minimum AI spawning.
Just be extremely careful about how many AI you add to the dynamic spawns. Dynamic AI have the upper hand on players in most cases since they're already aware of your position and will hunt you for a certain distance. Even adding a single unit will have a noticeable difficulty increase.
Is this the same for static AI? I want to increase those and leave dynamic spawns with the default low numbers.
Static spawns are much safer to increase. I personally recommend a maximum group size of 5 units for best gameplay but in the end it's up to you to decide.
world_spawn_configs/world_<mapname>sqf. Chernarus and some other maps use the "new" static spawn format and for those maps there are comments describing the meaning of each parameter.