Dancing Script?


New Member
i just want to know if there is a dancing script for server side i want to know what the code is to get my character to do a dance on my server?
If you want to make your own script you'll need to use the playMove command with a desired move, you can find most moves here.

The dance moves are:

So, to start a dance you could use:
player playMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingStefan"

Hope this helps.
Hmm, why not make it :D

in fn_selfActions.sqf add somewhere:

    if (inflamed cursorTarget and _canDo) then {
            if (s_player_dance < 0) then {
            s_player_dance = player addAction ["Dance!","dance\dance.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_dance;
        s_player_dance = -1;

Somewhere under //Others add:

    player removeAction s_player_dance;
    s_player_dance = -1;

This will give you the option to dance near the fireplace. You can change it to anything you want. Personaly I like the indian style idea :D


_ent = _this select 3;
player removeAction s_player_dance;
s_player_dance = -1;
player playMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingStefan";
cutText ["Let the party begin!","PLAIN DOWN"];
r_interrupt = false;
_animState = animationState player;
r_doLoop = true;
_started = false;
_finished = false;
    while {r_doLoop} do {
        _animState = animationState player;
        _isDancing = ["ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingStefan",_animState] call fnc_inString;
        if (_isDancing) then {
            _started = true;
        if (_started and !_isDancing) then {
            r_doLoop = false;
            _finished = true;
        if (r_interrupt) then {
            r_doLoop = false;
        sleep 0.1;
    r_doLoop = false;
if (_finished) then {
cutText ["Awesome performance mate!","PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
r_interrupt = false;
[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
player playActionNow "stop";
cutText ["Dance Canceled! ;(","PLAIN DOWN"];
ok done all that then do you just repack it and put in the @dayz folder ? or do you do some thing els ?
Follow any other thread regarding custom compiles/fn_selfAction files in your mission. This has been posted ~1mln times.
I downloaded some DayZ hacks because there where some scripts I wanted to incorporate into admin tools.
If you would like I can post a dropbox link to them, they are just a collection of sqf files in a zip. No .exe.
when i was using Dayzcc I had to use playMoveNow not sure why, might just have been me. Had the same effect though :)
Here I packaged all the custom movements and dances here. Includes a Handstand, Boxing, Crouch, Laydown, Run, Salute and two dances. Sorry for the late reply, totally forgot about this.