DayZ 1.7.7 update soon


you either have to manually merge in the changes from 1.7.7 or rebuild and merge back in your customizations.

also the BE filters got a major overhaul
16:29:59 "HIVE: Starting"
16:29:59 "HIVE: Local Time set to [2012,6,6,14,29]"
16:29:59 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
16:29:59 "HIVE: found 0 objects"
16:29:59 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
16:29:59 "HIVE: got 0 objects"
16:29:59 "SERVER: Fetching buildings..."
16:29:59 "SERVER: Spawned 0 buildings!"
ErrorMessage: Incompatible game FSMs in between Save and later Load.

Buildings, custinv, killmsgs, and sszeds. Reality hive, of course. dayz_chernarus

I have a theory it may be because I am not on the right beta. Fixing that now-- but apparently it won't run nice as I have origins running at the same time. Gotta shut it all down to run it.

Edit: Not the beta.
It's just a very weird error, one I've not seen before. I'm retrying without sszeds.

Edit: New error, error connecting to the service now that I have removed sszeds. Can confirm that was the error. Now onto fixing my users.
The error was that the hive couldn't connect. Simple fix.

I'm getting kicked for script restriction #44 but I can resolve that myself.

Verified working now. Cannot be using sszeds as it does not work.
please post details on script restrictions so I can fix those.

ssZeds is likely from the server_cleanup.fsm

I'll have to look into that more later.
16:55:05 Player ]TPG[*Dagger kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #44
16:55:05 Player ]TPG[*Dagger disconnected.

Assuming we're using the same txt files.

0 fadeSound 0;
waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreen"
13.06.2013 16:53:18: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #128 "_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingTextCustom.sqf';"
13.06.2013 16:53:18: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #128 "private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessfile '\ca\ui\scripts\server_interface.sqf';"
13.06.2013 16:53:18: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #138 "leLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\loot_init.sqf";

if(isServer) then {
dayz_players = [];
dead_bodyCleanup = [];
13.06.2013 16:53:18: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #139 "edUpdate_objects = [];
Server_InfectedCamps = [];

if(!isDedicated) then {

_funcGetLocation =
for "_i" from 0 to ((count "
13.06.2013 16:53:18: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #44 "andler {(_this select 1) spawn local_gutObject};

"PVDZ_veh_SetFuel"addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn loca"
13.06.2013 16:55:05: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #139 ""\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";

if (!isDedicated) then {

0 fadeSound 0;
waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreen"
13.06.2013 16:55:05: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #128 "_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingTextCustom.sqf';"
13.06.2013 16:55:05: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #128 "private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessfile '\ca\ui\scripts\server_interface.sqf';"
Just joined and was kicked. This:

13.06.2013 17:14:10: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #139 ""\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";

if (!isDedicated) then {

0 fadeSound 0;
waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreen"
13.06.2013 17:14:10: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #128 "_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingTextCustom.sqf';"
13.06.2013 17:14:10: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #128 "private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessfile '\ca\ui\scripts\server_interface.sqf';"
13.06.2013 17:14:10: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #138 "leLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\loot_init.sqf";

if(isServer) then {
dayz_players = [];
dead_bodyCleanup = [];
13.06.2013 17:14:10: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #139 "edUpdate_objects = [];
Server_InfectedCamps = [];

if(!isDedicated) then {

_funcGetLocation =
for "_i" from 0 to ((count "
13.06.2013 17:14:11: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #44 "andler {(_this select 1) spawn local_gutObject};

"PVDZ_veh_SetFuel"addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn loca"
I don't even fully load in.
It's this:

_funcGetLocation =
for "_i" from 0 to ((count "
13.06.2013 17:14:11: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #44 "andler {(_this select 1) spawn local_gutObject};

"PVDZ_veh_SetFuel"addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn loca"
Let me know what you come up with for #44. I've commented it out so far, I can't seem to figure it out exactly as to what's kicking for it. I think #44 for me is the setfuel line-- which doesn't make sense.

Edit: it makes perfect sense. The last line is in reference to refuel, but why the hell is that triggering during spawn?

After commenting out, then kicked for #21 script restrict.

if (!isServer) then {
"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEven"
13.06.2013 17:24:21: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #0 ";

if (!_actionSet) then {
s_player_holderPickup = _holder addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"),_name], "\z\addons\dayz_"
13.06.2013 17:24:23: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #32 " fnc_usec_damageBleed;
PVDZ_hlt_Bleed = [player,_x,_x];
publicVariable "PVDZ_hlt_Bleed";
} forEach USEC_typeOfWounds;

13.06.2013 17:24:36: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #21 "re = getNumber (_config >> "onFire");

_object = _type createVehicleLocal [_position select 0,_position select 1,-100];
_object "