DayZ Mission System

This is just a part from szerdis mission system.the axe murderer is a nice feature when u want some more horror.sry for my translation i'm just awake...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk
I want to pick up the information from the marker and recreate the marker for the player who just joined...

soo, in my Init i write
onPlayerConnected "[_id, _name] execVM ""jipmarkers.sqf"""; // Prep my JIP side mission markers
- in my jipmarkers.sqf i write...
private ["_MainMarkerb","_pos"];
    _pos = getMarkerPos "MainMarker";
    _MainMarkerb = createMarker["MainMarker2", _pos];
    _MainMarkerb setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
    _MainMarkerb setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _MainMarkerb setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    _MainMarkerb setMarkerSize [100,100]

anyone see a better way to go about this or - is this method incorrect?
I'm testing.... but I'm doing something wrong, trying to figure out what that is..

I'm looking to try to do a pre qualify with a --- if ("MissionGoMinor" == "0") then --- and it may be messing me over, i will let you know
I think I've made this more complicated than it needed to be....

Testing -
Move what's in your Debug folder (the addmarker.sqf etc...) into your mission.pbo inside a folder called custom...

inside your init

onPlayerConnected "[_id, _name] execVM ""jipmarkers.sqf"""; // Prep my JIP side mission markers

inside jipmarkers.sqf

[] ExecVM "custom\addmarkers.sqf";

[] ExecVM "custom\addmarkers75.sqf";


from what I can tell , the location of the markers was already passed as a public variable and should be able to be picked up later in the game at any point, so we just have to grab it... well, its already being grabbed natively inside the addmarkers.sqf, so we simply have to call the addmarkers again for the new guys (or returning dead players)..

I will let you know how this turns out.
Installed this on epoach working good, only 1 problems.

No error messages in log.

1. No message when missions starts
2. Seems like some bandits are wearing Military uni's on missions only. *changing 1's to 0's
3. no credit for killing bandits at missions. Found fix

Only problem now is after first run missions will not start again.
ok, well I've resolved some mystery

inside the init

_preplacedmkr = MainMarker;
_markname = "MainMarker";
objmkr = [_markname, _preplacedmkr]; publicVariable "objmkr";
_preplacedmkr2 = MainMarker75;
_markname2 = "MainMarker75";
objmkr2 = [_markname2, _preplacedmkr2]; publicVariable "objmkr2";
onPlayerConnected {"MainMarker" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "MainMarker")};
if (isServer) then
    "objmkr" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    createMarker [((_this select 1) select 0), position ((_this select 1) select 1)];
    MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
    MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    MainMarker setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    MainMarker setMarkerSize [175,175];
onPlayerConnected {"MainMarker75" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "MainMarker75")};
if (isServer) then
    "objmkr2" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    createMarker [((_this select 1) select 0), position ((_this select 1) select 1)];
    MainMarker75 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    MainMarker75 setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    MainMarker75 setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    MainMarker75 setMarkerSize [100,100];

this works correctly for the red marker ( MainMarker75 ) - and throws an error for the green marker
maybe some one who's less tired than myself at the moment can see what I did wrong...

5:31:13 Error in expression <ateMarker [((_this select 1) select 0), position ((_this select 1) select 1)];
5:31:13 Error position: <position ((_this select 1) select 1)];
5:31:13 Error Generic error in expression
5:31:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\init.sqf, line 150
5:31:13 Error in expression <ateMarker [((_this select 1) select 0), position ((_this select 1) select 1)];
5:31:13 Error position: <position ((_this select 1) select 1)];
5:31:13 Error Generic error in expression
5:31:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\init.sqf, line 164
Anyone come across an issue where after the C130 major mission no other major missions spawn because no matter where you walk around the plane or loot crates the mission wont finish?
Could you show me how I would be able to switch the mission? Its pretty annoying that when the C130 comes there is nothing after
yeah its fairly easy - check the missions in the major folder, one of them is set up for the c130 crash, i think it's titled that in the top - just delete the mission, lets say inside the MAJOR folder its SM2 (I honestly dont recall what one it was, its been awhile since I have deleted it) - open them up with notepad or wordpad (right click, open, choose program) and look for the title text
//Medical Ural Attack by lazyink (Full credit for original code to TheSzerdi & TAW_Tonic)

look for the one that mentions that c130 and delete the entire mission. Copy another mission (copy, paste) and rename your copied mission to the mission you just deleted.

so if it happened to be SM2 - I would delete SM2 , make a copy of SM3 and rename my copy to SM2
Change the trigger that ends the mission for the c-130 to a lager area fixed it for me, I changed it to 25

waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _c130wreck < 25 } count playableunits > 0};
I'm having problems with this code,
Got Sarge AI , Animated crash sites and DayZ Epoch running on my server with no problems,
but when i start to follow this guide i cant get past the first part because im missing this

fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fn_bases.sqf";

in my server server_functions.sqfSo i dont know if i should just add
at the bottom of the server_functions.sqf
fnc_hTime = compile preprocessFile "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\misc\fnc_hTime.sqf";

Any suggestions ? :)
Im still having trouble with friendly AI attacking heroes and survivors after they've killed mission bandits...any ideas?
You mean AI that's invisible to the player,
(if so, check my cleanup section as well as check your AI version)

or AI that's simply still roaming around the map killing players.
(that's normal)