DayZ Mission System

Very nice work guys! I have one small problem tho, everytime i get close to one of the mission vehicles it despawns. Maybe this is supposed todo that but i was wondering if there is some way around this check? So the mission vehicles can be used atleast until next restart. Maybe i should add that i'm using Sarge AI on my server to.

This is what i see in the rpt
6:55:27 "Deleting object UH1H_DZ with invalid ID at pos [12142.2,12693.3,-0.0496826]"
For those that are having the vehicle disappearing problem, try the following...

Open server_objectupdate.sqf and find this part:

if (!_parachuteWest) then {
if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0") then {
_object_position = getPosATL _object;
//    diag_log format ["DEBUG: Deleting object %1 with invalid ID at [%2,%3,%4]", typeOf _object, _object_position select 0, _object_position select 1, _object_position select 2];
//_isNotOk = true;
_isNotOk = false;
if (_isNotOk) exitWith { deleteVehicle _object; };

and delete it.

Should stop the vehicles being deleted.
I'm planing on adding this to a new Epoch server that will be online by next week but I was curious if anyone had some video showing the mission system in action.
has anyone that has added this and had something like the AI bus route had any issues with getting into said bus?
Thank you guys for your hard work. This mission system has been keeping me and my buddies busy for a week now, along with the AI system we use and salvaging (using Chernarus Epoch). It really is fun and gives us extra stuff to do. Thanks again.
im not sure if ive gotten mine to work, i've been checking my RPT and it contained the following lines.

19:10:35 "AIUNIT: Spawn initiated: Centre:[10090,6862.64] | Radius in m:80 | Waypoint number:4 | WeaponLevel:1"
19:10:35 No speaker given for Alexander Richter
19:10:35 "AIUNIT: Creating BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM by <NULL-object> at [10091,6863.64,0]. Result:R 1-1-E:1 | Loadout:["Sa58V_CCO_EP1","30Rnd_762x39_SA58","M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"] / Num:3"
19:10:35 No speaker given for Alexander Muller
19:10:35 "AIUNIT: Creating BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM by <NULL-object> at [10092,6864.64,0]. Result:R 1-1-E:2 | Loadout:["G36A_camo","30Rnd_556x45_G36","MakarovSD","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"] / Num:2"
19:10:35 "AIUNIT: Last Waypoint [R 1-1-D,4] at [10150,6922.64,80]"
19:10:40 "AIUNIT: Spawn initiated: Centre:[10090,6862.64] | Radius in m:80 | Waypoint number:4 | WeaponLevel:1"
19:10:40 No speaker given for Lucas Menger
19:10:40 "AIUNIT: Creating BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM by <NULL-object> at [10091,6863.64,0]. Result:R 1-1-H:1 | Loadout:["M4SPR","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"] / Num:5"
19:10:40 No speaker given for Jonas Weber
19:10:40 "AIUNIT: Creating BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM by <NULL-object> at [10092,6864.64,0]. Result:R 1-1-H:2 | Loadout:["RPK_74","75Rnd_545x39_RPK","M9","15Rnd_9x19_M9"] / Num:1"
19:10:40 "AIUNIT: Last Waypoint [R 1-1-G,4] at [10150,6922.64,80]"
19:10:45 "AIUNIT: Spawn initiated: Centre:[10090,6862.64] | Radius in m:80 | Waypoint number:4 | WeaponLevel:1"
19:10:45 No speaker given for Hans Muller
19:10:45 "AIUNIT: Creating BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM by <NULL-object> at [10091,6863.64,0]. Result:R 1-1-L:1 | Loadout:["Sa58V_CCO_EP1","30Rnd_762x39_SA58","M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"] / Num:3"
19:10:45 No speaker given for Jonas Bauer
19:10:45 "AIUNIT: Creating BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM by <NULL-object> at [10092,6864.64,0]. Result:R 1-1-L:2 | Loadout:["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","glock17_EP1","17Rnd_9x19_glock17"] / Num:0"
19:10:45 "AIUNIT: Last Waypoint [R 1-1-K,4] at [10150,6922.64,80]"

but there was no markers or mission info given to anyone at any point. i used the same script form the OP and did not edit any of the loot and installed BE filters included.

Hello there,
I am having the same issue. My log states that AI Units were spawned but there was neither a message nor a marker on the map. Is it just the way it works or is there something wrong?
Did you just wait and another mission appeared that had message and marker?


EDIT: Is there any way to set a time in seconds for the first mission to start after server started?
Hello there,
I am having the same issue. My log states that AI Units were spawned but there was neither a message nor a marker on the map. Is it just the way it works or is there something wrong?
Did you just wait and another mission appeared that had message and marker?


EDIT: Is there any way to set a time in seconds for the first mission to start after server started?

i have no idea why it did that, but i left it alone and a mission did pop up after a little bit.

and i dunno about after the server is up but there is 2 timers in SMGoMajor and SMGoMinor that determine how quickly they will pop up.
i have no idea why it did that, but i left it alone and a mission did pop up after a little bit.

and i dunno about after the server is up but there is 2 timers in SMGoMajor and SMGoMinor that determine how quickly they will pop up.
Thanks, noticed them working after a while too.
Already had those values changed for minor and major missions.

Question to the authors of this script:
I got a report from a player who took an npcs backpack, put some ammo from the mission-crate into it and after a restart everything in the backpack had turned to food and medical supply.
Is this problem already known and if yes, is there a fix?


EDIT: Got another report froma group of players that was completely ignored by the AI. One being normal survivor and his two friends bandits. They could just run between the bots without any reaction.
Faction.sqf hasn't been changed, gets loaded and there is no error with it.
Everything works but after mission completion no crates/loot is spawning. v1.7.7.1, non-sarge AI server.

Any help/suggestions?
Everything works but after mission completion no crates/loot is spawning. v1.7.7.1, non-sarge AI server.

Any help/suggestions?
If you have issue with spawning crates you can do this:
Open mission file (sm1,sm2.sm3 etc) and find line where box type set and change it to TentStorage. For me that helped, tents with loot spawn every mission.
A little addon to the mission system for those who what it.

If you want to add humanity on AI death, change your bodyclean.sqf to the following. This adds +500 to the players humanity each time they kill an AI bandit.

private ["_ai","_aikiller","_humanity","_banditkills"];
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_ai = _this select 0;
_aikiller = _this select 1;
if(isPlayer _aikiller) then {
        _humanity = _aikiller getVariable ["humanity",0];
        _humanity = _humanity + 500;
        _aikiller setVariable["humanity", _humanity,true];
        _banditkills = _aikiller getVariable["banditKills",0];
        _aikiller setVariable["banditKills",_banditkills+1,true];       
sleep 2400;
deletevehicle _ai;

This would not have been possible without the SARGE AI system from where I got the idea and code!
hi all!

i cant get this working on namalsk 0.741 ;

Also tried with with the chernarus edition of this script from lazyink

Btw using DayZ CC [bliss]
I have changed the markers size larger to try and make people need to search the area but its dead in the center is there a way to do it so its just in the area of the marker?
I need help. I've installed the system with Sarge AI and when they AI spawns at the mission locations they're just laying down facing one direction.

Help would be appreciated!
For those that are having the vehicle disappearing problem, try the following...

Open server_objectupdate.sqf and find this part:

if (!_parachuteWest) then {
if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0") then {
_object_position = getPosATL _object;
//    diag_log format ["DEBUG: Deleting object %1 with invalid ID at [%2,%3,%4]", typeOf _object, _object_position select 0, _object_position select 1, _object_position select 2];
//_isNotOk = true;
_isNotOk = false;
if (_isNotOk) exitWith { deleteVehicle _object; };

and delete it.

Should stop the vehicles being deleted.

Can't find this file! :/