DayZ Mission System

First of all thanks for this its alot of fun. Got this working some what on my 1.7.7 server. got a few issues tho i dont know if anyone can help.

Psychotic axe murderer is just lying on the ground not even attacking when u stand on top of him. also when u kill he doesnt have anything other then the coyote backpack and a hatchet.

If anyone got some custom missions to share i would like that very much aswell xD

Have a good day^^
Never could get him to actually attack. Don't think Arma AI supports melee weapons.

Also, all the AI backpacks are empty when you loot them, but if you put it on and then log out/back in they fill with the appropriate loot.

Edit to add: If folks want to develop more missions I will gladly add them to the github with appropriate credits. We can have a whole folder full of alternate missions.
Thanks for the tips. Would be awesome with more missions to chose from just for us noobs who dont know how to create them ourselves =)
Hmm anyway to reset the current mission then? not so many players on the server im using and if everyone relogs the mission seems to be stuck until someone kills or captures :D

like a timer when the mission starts or something like 30 min or an hour until the mission runs out :p

im too noob to script it myself sadly :(

hard to find them when there is no markers^^
That looks like he was picking up the Radio of the corpses. Looking at how to fix this now!

Hi, would it work if i changed the type of AI that spawn so we currently have TK_INS_Soldier_EP1 but would it work if i put Bandit1_DZ? This should stop them spawning with radios would it not?
atleast the axe guy in bandit skin dont have radio same with the hillbilly mission the survivor skinned guys do not either. so it might work =)
There is some errors in Chernarus edit by lazyink:

Ai will spawn without weapons some times because of this. i will just give an example :)

                "BAF_Soldier_Sniper_MTP" createUnit [_unitpos, SniperTeam, "_aiunit=this;",1,"LIEUTENANT"];
                _rndLOut=floor(random 4);
                switch (_rndLOut) do
                  case 0: {["AK_47_M","30Rnd_762x39_AK47","MakarovSD","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"]};
                  case 1: {["M4A1_RCO_GL","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"]};
                  case 2: {["Sa58P_EP1","30Rnd_762x39_SA58","MakarovSD","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"]};
                  case 3: {["Sa58V_CCO_EP1","30Rnd_762x39_SA58","M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"]};
                  case 4: {["Sa58V_EP1","30Rnd_762x39_SA58","MakarovSD","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov""MakarovSD","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"]};
                  case 5: {["M4SPR","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"]};
                  case 6: {["G36_C_SD_camo","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","MakarovSD","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"]};

Problem is this value "_rndLOut=floor(random 4);" this needs to be 7 in this case because there is 7 loadout options including the 0. but i noticed alot of them where wrong and it made alot of the ai spawn without weapons. so guys if you use this edit for cherno pls correct these files "add_unit_server.sqf, aad_unit_server2.sqf, aad_unit_server3.sqf"

Edit: Another thing now this might be a long shot! lets say we name all mapmarkers "Missionobjective" is it posible to like call for "Missionsobjective marker" when a player login so it shows back up after relogs?

hope it helps some atleast :)
Could you be abit more specific with the installation? I seem to be putting the lines in the wrong positions
I've tried to get this working too, but I can't be sure that it's working or not. I was playing with this active (at least Im pretty sure it was) for 3 to 4 hours on my server, and didn't recieve any notifications or marked areas on map etc. I think I must've gone wrong somewhere
Okay here is how i got it to work (Without sarge ui) with version 1.7.7 and im not sure if this applies for everyone tho. there must be a reason why its written as it is, and i cant say if its in the right places. but it works for me and all missions launch at some point.

server_functions.sqf search for
fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fn_bases.sqf";
insert right below this line
fnc_hTime = compile preprocessFile "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\misc\fnc_hTime.sqf"; //Random integer selector for mission wait time

dayz_recordLogin = {
_key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
_key call server_hiveWrite;

Insert right below
if (isServer) then { 
  SMarray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\Major\SMfinder.sqf"; //Starts major mission system
    SMarray2 = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\Minor\SMfinder.sqf"; //Starts minor mission system

Server_updateObject.sqf find

    diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);
    //force fail
    _objectID = "0";
    _uid = "0";
Insert right below
if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};
so it looks like this
    diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);
    //force fail
    _objectID = "0";
    _uid = "0";
if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};
if (!_parachuteWest) then {
if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0") then
_object_position = getPosATL _object;
   diag_log(format["Deleting object %1 with invalid ID at pos [%2,%3,%4]",
typeOf _object,
_object_position select 0,
_object_position select 1, 
_object_position select 2]);
_isNotOk = true;

This one should be quite easy to understand change the line in server_cleanup.fsm i just search for "if(vehicle _x"

if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n

Replace with

if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n

Now go to mission/init.sqf and add this at the bottom

[] execVM "faction.sqf";

Now remember if you use sarge ui there is some other steps to do. Have fun hope it helped.
I have updated my files with a more DayZ theme, fixed the problems with the ammo crates not spawning and added a new medical crate to some of the missions. I have also included two of the relevant BE filters to stop players getting kicked for some of the weapons I have added.

You can grab the files here:

Edit. I am still making a more changes and tweaks and will update again later. But the above files will work.
Awesome Lazyink, gonna test these out later :) thanks

Edit: first mission tested Lazyink, for some reason client crashes when trying to loot 1 of the bandits happens with bandit/camo clothed guys sometimes at the Humvee crash mission (SM5.sqf) is this because of my server or the script? =)

Edit2: happens on the c130 mission aswell. i dont know whats causing this.

rpt log : dropbox link

Gonna test some more ^^
Yeah, we were having the same issue, and I am currently looking at why it may be happening.
Here are the updated Mission files ONLY. You will still need to download the BE filters from the previous post. This update fixes the kick issue we were having and also expands the missions, and adds another crate option.

The missions now are as follows:


Bandit Weapon Cache
Bandits have discovered a weapons cache! Kill them and secure the weapons for yourself!

Medical C130 Crash
A C-130 carrying medical supplies has crashed and bandits are securing the site! Take them on and secure it's cargo for yourself

Bandit Medical Camp
Bandits have set up a medical re-supply camp! Secure it for yourself!

Bandit Heli Down!
A bandit supply helicopter has crash landed! Secure it and it's cargo for yourself!

Medical URAL Attack
Bandits have destroyed a Ural carrying medical supplies and secured it's cargo!

Medical Supply Crate
A medical supply crate has been secured by bandits! Kill them all to get the supplies!


Bandit Hunting Party
A bandit hunting party has been spotted! Kill them all and get their supplies!

Medical Outpost
A group of bandits have taken over a Medical Outpost!

Bandit Stash House
A group of bandits have set up a stash house!

Bandit Helicopter Crash
A bandit helicopter has crashed! Kill any survivors and secure the loot!

Bandit Hummer Crash
A bandit Humvee has crashed! Kill any survivors and secure the loot!

Bandit Weapons Truck
A bandit weapons truck has crashed! Kill any survivors and secure the loot!

Grab the mission files here:
Have been testing this for about an hour its not much but they just keep getting better. Good work, just 1 question are the vehicles supposed to kill people if trying to enter them before they despawn? or is it my antihack doing it?