Dayz Sahrani - Mod Development - Work In Progress

Posted by one of my members on our forum.

Try this Flagrunner.

If you wanna still do it trough the dayz commander you can do it like this:
1.Go to settings
2.Go to Dayz Directory-->click Override-->input: _Sahrani at the end so it should look like @Dayz_Sahrani
3.Go to Additional Launch Parameters: put this in -mod=@DayZ_Sahrani -nosplash -high -noPause -world=empty
4.Click Launch dayz now
5.Go to Multiplayer-->filter dayzhorror-->find dayz horror Sahrani map #1 and connect.
6.Play the game & have fun.
Posted by one of my members on our forum.

Try this Flagrunner.

If you wanna still do it trough the dayz commander you can do it like this:
1.Go to settings
2.Go to Dayz Directory-->click Override-->input: _Sahrani at the end so it should look like @Dayz_Sahrani
3.Go to Additional Launch Parameters: put this in -mod=@DayZ_Sahrani -nosplash -high -noPause -world=empty
4.Click Launch dayz now
5.Go to Multiplayer-->filter dayzhorror-->find dayz horror Sahrani map #1 and connect.
6.Play the game & have fun.

Thank you, that works for me :)
Dont know why it wont work with normal startup...
Have try to get the map up and running but keep on getting error " You cannot play/edit this mission it dependent on downloads content that has been deleted.oac_core"
have you tried what is outlined by Cookz above? I assume you are using DayZ Commander if you're getting that error. If not please advise what launcher you are using.
Your best bet for getting sorted out is to join the DayZHorror teamspeak. There are a couple guys on there helping out with install issues.

The problem is there are so many factors causing issues because of how many different methods for installing Dayz, Aram2, OA, then you have al the different launchers/launching methods etc etc.

Your best bet is really to avoid using a launcher program at all and make a desktop icon for the map until its on DayZ Commander.
Your best bet for getting sorted out is to join the DayZHorror teamspeak. There are a couple guys on there helping out with install issues.

The problem is there are so many factors causing issues because of how many different methods for installing Dayz, Aram2, OA, then you have al the different launchers/launching methods etc etc.

Your best bet is really to avoid using a launcher program at all and make a desktop icon for the map until its on DayZ Commander.

" You cannot play/edit this mission it dependent on downloads content that has been deleted. ______"
Happens when you connect to a server that has a map, in which in the "Addons" section of the mission.sqm file it has listed a mod which you do not have loaded.

The issue is when you use all the different launchers or launching methods and don't stick with just one.

Six launcher is better than commander, all you have to do is put the mods in your Arma 2 profiles folder and it will connect you, just choose dont update in case its repository has an incorrect version. I even use six launcher when working on mods and just put the files i need in the mod folder.
Six launcher is too complicated for most users IMO... it is VERY robust...

You can get that error for different reasons, I've had bad installs where the file literally isn't there.

Imo the EASIEST and BEST thing for people to do is familiarize themselves with making desktop launchers for their specific install... then it's just a matter of unzipping the download and making another launcher real quick. No loading a 3rd party app to crash in the background while you're playing, no third party app taking up space on your main drive, no updates to 3rd party app breaking your ability to play the game etc etc etc..

After having problems with just about every install combination possible I have gone with doing disk/file installs directly to the program files folder then putting EVERYTHING inside the Arma2 Folder... ALL mods, ALL DLC's, ALL everything... it makes dropping launchers on your desktop super easy and you can mod them with .ico files so they are all individual...

We got pretty far into an installer that will do this but there are SOOOO many combinations it makes it a REAL pita to get working right so we kind of dumped that for now in favor of moving forward on some other fronts.
Well, after reading some of your posts on other forums Nonov, I don't think I'll be playing on CIFOR or Sahrani. I personally didn't like the new items, I felt it was intrusive and I don't like Meta gaming(side chat, meme's etc) in the game as it is. Have fun with the new items, not for me :\ .
Sorry but I will ALWAYS side with more options, more styles, more FREEDOM... I absolutely HATE mods or devs limiting their maps and imposing their morals... much less trashing the hard work of people contributing to their project because of outside pressures... so don't think that you not streaming will have any effect on our decision.... I'm sorry to hear that you would not play such an amazing map that will grow in features and assets over something so silly as a can label you can barely read anyway... but that is your choice.

Have you even seen the food items in game? How does more variety NOT make for more immersion?

It's up to you as a player to find servers YOU like to play on... I don't have side chat on Cifor nor will I on any Sahrani servers I run... Hell I normally turn off cross hairs and way points too. We will unban LOTS of vehicles and weapons that I plan on limiting on my servers... but people should have the choice... People will be able to exclude the added drinks from our map if they want to on their servers. But I won't on mine. More loot to be dropped in the piles is a win IMO.

We already have "meta gaming" in the form of base building... which I personally have ZERO interest in... but LOTS of other players DO... and it's a good add to the game for those people... so it's in.

How can you say you don't like meta gaming when you spend time fixing a car and eating in a FPS Game?

Why doesn't anyone mind US brand soda's and food in Cherno Russia? or the hundreds of other flaws in the game.
You're jumping to a couple conclusions there, I saw the models before the big drama, I liked the model and styling, just not the naming; I didn't dislike all the food, but the names in terms of it being after some forum mods and youtubers I thought was gimmiky, it doesn't fit the tone of DayZ. The way I see it, you give em an inch, they'll take a mile, so where does it stop? Are we going to start seeing CS style sprays everywhere with the latest memes? I like my DayZ like my Walking Dead show, its serious, you wouldn't see herp derp foods in that would you? I'm all for more options, but if they line up with the tone correctly. I'm not really concerned too much if I stream or not either; DayZ usually ends up being troublesome with steam snipers anyways.

I also agree with the US brands being in russia, I wish it was changed to something more authentic. I think you misunderstood me, fixing a car or eating is something that'd be in a Survival FPS, I just found their methods to give honor to a couple individuals to be a little imposing, some people are really bothered by seeing someones forum name everytime they pick up a certain item.

I come from playing ACE mod, so maybe I'm too serious, but the community there already thinks that DayZ is childish as it is; which bums me out, DayZ has a chance to be a close to realistic zombie apocalypse simulator we can get.

P.S. thank you for your response, it's nice to have a good conversation without name calling :D
I'm sorry I don't want this thread to turn into another one of these "Down with this sort of thing" threads. As a group we have decided that the food names are non bothersome to us. Our design plans for Sahrani involves a feature rich map. We are giving the user endless possibilities to how they want to run their server. If they want the food, they turn it on, they don't, there is an option.
We liked the food, didn't care what the name is, Only time your going to see it is if you want to waste your time staring at the texture of the model on the ground. Inventory says "Can ( beans )" nothing else.
I just don't believe the name of a tin of food in a game, can cause such a stir. It shows how childish this community can be.

Fair enough if you want nothing to do with Sahrani. Because of our design choices. But that is our choice as the developers of the map. We want choice. We don't want to limit people how standard DayZ locks everything down. This is where you get to choose what type of game you want to play. This is what mods are. Other peoples ideas brought to life because developers gave us the choice to learn and use their engine to how we please.
If it is the choice of the server owners, then it becomes no problem at all, I was mistaken that all the tribute items were going to be pushed on server owners and players regardless. If thats the case, then play on!
Just wondering what custom guns people would like to see in DayZ Sahrani? I am open to a lot of suggestions but I will be putting my focus on "civilian/Non-miltary" weapons. I will start making guns as soon as my additions to the map are finished.
Holy cow this map looks AMAZING, keep up the good work. Wish I could help but I don't have time
Hmm, having a problem with the mk16. Whenever I log out with one it's gone the next time I log back in! Please fix this :)
Hmm, having a problem with the mk16. Whenever I log out with one it's gone the next time I log back in! Please fix this :)

That sounds like a server side problem, since the equipment you logged off on is saved in the servers database. Which server did this happen to you on?
That sounds like a server side problem, since the equipment you logged off on is saved in the servers database. Which server did this happen to you on?

Prob over at us, Seven had me temporary disable the SCAR (mk16's) from spawning, because they indeed disappear on logouts.

Seven is aware of it :)