Dayz Sahrani - Mod Development - Work In Progress

DZH Will be back on Sahrani soon :)
It's already to late for some of us, we've fallin in love with the map hehe.

I apologize for some trouble and mess' but the shutdown of the server was inevitable when the 'new owner' ran off with all the money.

We'll be back, soon! ;)
Good to hear!

We are working on the release version now. It will still be the Sahrani map not United Sahrani as we thought we might switch to... We are balancing the map out with some added buildings for now.
Exciting day and night today guys, Seven is slaving away at the keyboard, and we spent all day balancing the map with buildings and ensuring they are placed as nicely as possible.

The "Zone Map" has now been implemented on a basic level, so the building and vehicles will be quick/easy to remove or edit for admins.

We have gone over plans for building interiors for some of the closed buildings and this may actually progress faster than we initially thought.

We are hoping to stir up a lot of interest in the community over this. These buildings are featured on MANY maps, and we will make them publicly available for ANYONE to use...

Our plans for the map edits are in the works, and we should be getting the balance of the files (these are files that can be re-constructed if need be but we've been assured the permissions are all in order and we will have the original source files directly from BI) by next week.

We are honored to have this opportunity and plan on doing a VERY thorough and complete port of the A1 map up to A2 standards (technically a bit higher, Chernarus is larger land mass and building count, so we can actually be higher res than Chernarus). We are getting guidance from some of the most respected Arma editors in the world!

As the least experienced member of the team I feel like I've been fast tracked, the amount and quality of information being handed to us is staggering, and we plan on taking every advantage of it!
Another long day of work out of Seven! He's gotten a test build going and will be hosting a test server for us to check over tomorrow.

The whole team got together on TS tonight and discussed a lot of the plans together. We're trying to attack the project on a couple fronts.

We're also very pleased to say we've already gotten some interest from a 3d modeller to help along our Arma I building project! Sherman has already had a look at several of the models and will be working on building out a few interiors for us to test out.

We could use some more artists, but again I think interest will increase once the files are released and people can get playing!

Seven has also drastically improved the already innovative method he's developed for our building additions... soon to be not so pertinent for us with Map level editing in Visitor on the horizon.
Anyone wanna come test with us?.

I need to get some sleep for now,but i would definately like to help you test it out tomorrow or whenever you have the server up. Also when we get our new dedicated server we'd like to maybe help run a test server for you. At present the dedicated server we run is struggling for many reasons but hopefully within a wk we may have moved on to a better machine and can offer a helping hand with a test server.
Got some testing done tonight, Seven has pushed 2 patches already and has a 3rd in mind for tomorrow.

On a separate note, I am unbelievably excited to announce that Bushlurker of is advising us on the terrain side of things. Anyone who is aware of his work and reputation will know what an unbelievable honor this is!
Nice!....ok i'm just grabbing the files, but patch 1 seems to be dead,do i still need this one or do i just go and install patch 2 without the need for 1? I hope to have some time later today to see how this plays. This game is in need of something fresh and hopefully this is it :)

Ok tried to get in with just the patch 1 files and the main install and got a lot of missing dayz_code,dayz_vehicles etc errors when trying to join, i guess i need patch 1 as well? But

The requested URL /dev/ was not found on this server.

I'll jump in your TS later on when i have time ;)
Ok ignore post above i am in the server now, I'll be ready to do some testing with you guys later in the day:D
Glad to see you're still working on this,

i'm sorry i had to leave the dev team at such an important time, this summer i may be available starting july (if you need me at that time ;) )

have you thought about porting the mod to ArmA 3 ?
Hello Pepin! So good to hear from you, and no worries at all, NWP, and Sherman have also had lots to do outside of the mod, so Seven has really been the workhorse. Anytime you want to check back in with us feel free, and if you have time to contribute we'd love to have you back! But again come on and chat anytime you want.

We would LOVE to port the project to Arma 3, but won't make any plans to do so until Deal Hall has made his feelings on the matter 100 percent clear.

IF all the mods disregard his request, and no one gets sued, and he throws up his arms AGAIN and says "well whatever"... then we will most likely do a port... to be perfectly honest I don't really like that I haven't seen the words "No worries" from him regarding our mod. I REALLY prefer direct clear approvals/permissions.

If he says I don't really care right off the bat, we will work on it but in the background.

No matter what we would like to do the most, it's important for us to respect the opportunity we've been given and focus on porting Sahrani to Arma 2 and then doing our version of the map for DayZ Sahrani FIRST... Even after that I think we would prefer to fully finish our "vision" of the mod in Arma 2 before even thinking about porting it to Arma 3. I can say that thanks to our relationship with .kju it would not be ANY problem for us to release a Arma 3 port VERY quickly, but again that will not be our focus.

IMO too many (including dean hall himself) have left the mod community on it's ass, Origins, Taviana, now Breaking Point all seem to be going about things in the "wrong" way or out right abandoning their supporters/players... and we'd like to try to do it right and give back the community we've taken so much knowledge, experience, and most of all FUN from.
PHEW! LONG day of testing for me, and even LONGER day of coding, patching, hosting, testing, fixing, and ass kicking for Seven.

Lots of code cleaned up, the crafting system has been re worked a bit, but left with the same books and craftable items for now.

Zombies have been toned down from our previous release, but not so much as 1.7.6 did.

LOTS and LOTS of loot positions have either been placed, or fixed. If you can't find loot it's because you're not looking.

Some clothes changing bugs have been ironed out, and we've added more clothing choices to the loot tables by default. (Old KSK German skin returns for the default Bandit Skin (no more low profile no-backpack bandits)

The building placement system is GREATLY improved and ensures no more accidents if you log out on/in or on top of a building that we've added, it will also ensure that broken hospital glass stays broken.

The building placement itself has been balanced a lot more as well. There are no truly OP areas anymore, and all areas have gotten quite a bit of industrial sheds placed around to ensure plenty of opportunities to find parts. We have also added a few more gas stations to the map.

The issues with the scar weapons not saving should be ironed out as well which is GREAT news for us fans of that series of rifles.

Next patch should unban and add some of the new vehicles we're going to be adding to the tables, as well as test our sexy little undead hooker. As outlined we will be adding tanks and APC's to ONE ISLAND ONLY, and they will not be able to travel off that island ever.

POSSIBLE FEATURES in the works for this build (time dependent and not a priority for now)
- Vehicles will have some inventory on spawn most likely
- MTVR Repair, and MTVR Refuel's are going to be modified so you can only repair one part at a time with the Repair, and must use Jerry Cans to transfer fuel, fill and refuel animations MUST play out.
- Slow "Auto" refuel at gas stations
- Slow onset of Blood received/food eaten (possible reduction of value of blood bags (1500-5000 Blood i/o upto full)
- MG mounted trucks/Heli's spawn with zero ammo, you must load ammo into them NO REFILLS ON RESTART! (we are going to try to make their ammo count persistent so you don't have to remember to unload them before logging out/before server restart)


ANYONE who has contacted us in the past about helping with coding... NOW is the time to hop on the TS and volunteer to take on any of the above tasks (or do so beforehand and just email us) we would love to have more hands on deck!)

A Public Repo will be set up once a server package is ready for release. A private one is also available but access is limited to those who have/will commit to contributing.
Also anyone interested in helping with the testing we have started a G+ group so contact me on here (or teamspeak (poke me if I'm in AFK or not in that server)) for details and we'll get you on the test server!
Another good day of testing, Seven is doing amazing work!

Today he managed a couple of stunning things.

1. He got female characters able to change to bandits, and back, and to change to ghillie suits and back!

2. He got the Female zombie in, but more work needs to be done for it to be ready for prime time, so that will def. not make this release. He also drastically sped up the cloth changing somehow so it's near instant now.
