Dayz standalone

i have a server for the standalone does anyone no were i get an rcoll for kicking people and talking to them i have tried dart with no luck, any help would be great!.
You cannot kick people because you are not allowed to kick people. You are supposed to let anyone who wants to play join so that Rocket can test the response and get feedback as the Alpha is developed.

There will also be no RCon tool that works for standalone, because RCon is a Battleeye tool. Standalone does not use Battleeye, and will instead be using Valve Anti-Cheat. When or if admins get the power to kick, ban and such will be a tool or panel of some sort that will be released by Rocket or the DayZ Dev Team.
Ok so if we have hackers then we cant do anything? Which I may add people ate getting hacks already , just what we needed, thanks for your reply.
Ok so if we have hackers then we cant do anything? Which I may add people ate getting hacks already , just what we needed, thanks for your reply.
yeah, everyone is helpless.

I think arma 3 breaking point is better , I think people should forget about standalone , it uses yesteryears technology
yeah, everyone is helpless.

I think arma 3 breaking point is better , I think people should forget about standalone , it uses yesteryears technology

even arma 3 is full of hackers i no you will get hackers in all games, but least you can kick and ban them from there.
At least you can use your own antihack and battleye filters on arma 3 servers. SA atm is a mess of cheats, duping and exploits that were all supposed to be non-existent. I really hope Rocket can salvage it because he has done good work on all the character modeling, animations, inventory system, etc. If he can't he should just open it up so admins have full control like the mod.

btw this should be in the SA section

IMO its always going to be unless they lock down the engine, but if they do that they know that it will die due to no modding. If they don't, it's always going to be an exploit > patch cycle until there is hardly anything to mod.
Hey guys now server owners can kick players using rcon. I am not sure how to use it. if anyone has been able to get this done please post.. my new DAYZ STANDALONE SERVER IS