dayZ Street Lights

sry for late response the thing is that i am also updated on 1.7.7... about the createVehicle as mentioned above now there is 1 before createVehicle instead of 5.....
1 createVehicle !createVehicleLocal !"_bolt = createVehicle [\"WoodenArrowF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt se" !"spawn player_alertZombies;" !="createVehicleLocal"  !"_item = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"  !"_item = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", position player, [], 0.0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"]"
1 createVehicleLocal !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos (_this select 0);" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal [_position select 0,_position select
so where i have to edit the files so to bypass the lights sript??

should i edit on this section??
  1 publicVariable !"publicVariableServer" !"addPublicVariableEventHandler" !"publicVariable \"BIS_" !"publicVariable \"PVDZ_" !"publicVariable \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHideBody\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHitV\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHumanity\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin2\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLoginRecord\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzPublishObj\"" !"publicVariable \"dayzRoadFlare\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzSetFuel\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzUpdateVehicle\";" !"publicVariable \"remExFP\";" !"publicVariable \"usecBandage\";" !"publicVariable \"usecBleed\";" !"publicVariable \"usecEpi\";" !"publicVariable \"usecMorphine\";" !"publicVariable \"usecPainK\";"
1 reload !"\"reload\"" !"I should probably reload it" !"preloadCamera" !"dayz_preloadFinished" !"PRELOAD_" !"player_reloadMag" !"BIS_CPP_Muzzle_ForceReload"  !"dayz_clientPreload"  !"dayz_clientPreload and !(isNull _agent)"  !"entPreload } do {"  !"reload player;"  !"dayz_clientPreload = true;"
1 removeAllEventHandlers !"_this removeAllEventHandlers \"HandleDamage\";"
No. That publicvariable entry is set to 1 which should only log, not kick. look elsewhere. .
axeman, I just want to say thanks. I use this and the house lighting, wow. Adds a whole new feel to night time in DayZ. Thanks a ton for your contribution!
in the scripts.txt there isn't any line like 5 createVehicle maybe cuz of the BE filters of 1.7.7??!!

Does BE update the scripts.txt for the new verision ? Up to now dayZCommander only provides the @dayZ files, have never had a dayz update mess with any other files.
axeman, I just want to say thanks. I use this and the house lighting, wow. Adds a whole new feel to night time in DayZ. Thanks a ton for your contribution!
Thank you, and everyone else that likes the addition and for the ideas of how to improve the script. I will be updating this and it will be more in the spirit of the original dayZ. I like the fear this game gave me.

Am currently merging all of the lights scripts into one package. A generator will be a part of it. It will require fuel and parts.

Light is about to become another luxury that is hard fought over and scavenged for..
Does BE update the scripts.txt for the new verision ? Up to now dayZCommander only provides the @dayZ files, have never had a dayz update mess with any other files.

Because of the server swaps from [retired old ones and assigned new ones] I got all new BE filters so I updated them from razor's github. They were sending warnings out for a while saying this would happen. Once the ip changed my BE scripts.txt were all 5's. So I copied/pasted the new ones from the github. I even made a backup of my old BE script.txt and tried that with zero result.
ok i found the wrong part of my story i download outdated filters instead of the new terribly sry for the waste of your time :))))))) btw great job mate about the scripts
I was hopeful about updating the BE filters, but no such luck. I noticed there were several filters in the update that weren't in there before. I added those as well, tested and still getting the publicvariable #0 boot. Unfortunate as I do love this script.
I was having issues with that with another script I was using, so I just removed it. I mean, you always open yourself up to a few things when u remove a filter, but it is give and take, so I just got rid of it. I would assume you are running some sort of custom anti hax anyway.
If I delete publicvariable.txt it does work. But after a few hours the whole server goes down. Tested 2x.After the 1st x I redid the BE filters top to bottom. Restarted tested, lights were on went to bed. Woke up this mornings serv is all jacked up. In dayz commander serv name disappears and only ip shows and ping is red at 10k. Removing the script for now.
Oh dear. Well the publicvariable.txt will only be kicking, by not being there it won't make a server crash. I got my streetlights working as of this morning, will keep an eye on server overloading and crashing though.
I have noticed a lot of logging in public variable log. That's with two of us on the server, I haven't deleted it for a while but was up to 35mb. Have been investigating the chance that lights are getting created more than once and haven't found that happening. Lights definitely act differently on Tavi and therefore origins.. When flying round the map i find the lights tend to light only in a small radius from the player. .