A brief overview of how much development time was allocated to different parts of A3EAI (rough estimates):
As shown in the diagram, there's still much to do and test with vehicle AI and custom spawns. Much of the effort was spent on "supporting framework code", which refers to all code that performs important tasks in the background.
To further simplify the diagram, actual hands-on-keyboard coding takes up 50% of the time, and 50% is actual playtesting to check whether the Static, Dynamic, Random, Air, Land, Vehicle, Custom AI spawns are working as intended.
As shown in the diagram, there's still much to do and test with vehicle AI and custom spawns. Much of the effort was spent on "supporting framework code", which refers to all code that performs important tasks in the background.
To further simplify the diagram, actual hands-on-keyboard coding takes up 50% of the time, and 50% is actual playtesting to check whether the Static, Dynamic, Random, Air, Land, Vehicle, Custom AI spawns are working as intended.