DZAI headless client?


New Member
I remember reading about this somewhere on here awhile back. Did this ever go through/is there support for it?
The main problem for me is that I don't have the time or hardware needed to do the testing need to implement headless client support. The headless client sounds good in concept, but from what I know of it, there are a bunch of technical issues associated with headless clients.

Because a headless client is essentially another client, a great deal of BattlEye exceptions will be needed to permit the running of scripts that are normally run on the server. The primary issue with headless clients is the "desync" that happens when the HC character is far away from the AI its controlling. For example, you may have thought you narrowly dodged some bullets from enemy AI, but if the HC character thinks you're standing where you were 5 seconds ago, you're still going to get hit as if you stood still for 5 seconds.

While the headless client has huge promises for performance, it's only useful in non-DayZ environments where all the action is happening on a certain area of the map, as opposed to everywhere/anywhere on the map.

To put it shortly, there is no HC support for DZAI, but if there's someone else with the necessary time, willingness, and technical know-how, I'm more than willing to let them branch off a version of HC-compatible DZAI.
The main problem for me is that I don't have the time or hardware needed to do the testing need to implement headless client support. The headless client sounds good in concept, but from what I know of it, there are a bunch of technical issues associated with headless clients.

Because a headless client is essentially another client, a great deal of BattlEye exceptions will be needed to permit the running of scripts that are normally run on the server. The primary issue with headless clients is the "desync" that happens when the HC character is far away from the AI its controlling. For example, you may have thought you narrowly dodged some bullets from enemy AI, but if the HC character thinks you're standing where you were 5 seconds ago, you're still going to get hit as if you stood still for 5 seconds.

While the headless client has huge promises for performance, it's only useful in non-DayZ environments where all the action is happening on a certain area of the map, as opposed to everywhere/anywhere on the map.

To put it shortly, there is no HC support for DZAI, but if there's someone else with the necessary time, willingness, and technical know-how, I'm more than willing to let them branch off a version of HC-compatible DZAI.
Understandable, thanks for the quick reply!
Ebay do you have any idea how to implement this for DZAI? I'm interested in doing this on my server but don't really have an idea on how to go about it.
It would be far, far easier to develop a new HC AI addon from scratch than convert DZAI over. Because of the limitations I described above, it would be best to create one HC AI addon for one area. For example, an addon to add HC AI for only NWAF in Chernarus would provide all of the benefits and none of the problems associated with a headless client.
Are you saying that this:
did not correct the positional lag problem?

I have DZAI working with headless client. It takes minor changes to the DZAI code and requires the method whereby the DZAI folder is placed within the MPMissions\<server mission name> folder (and the .hpp file is modified). There are still the BE scripting issues (which I haven't solved and don't plan to) and headless client slotting issues (which can be addressed by a deliberate BE scripting kick:, but otherwise it seems to work.

I would be quite happy to post here or on github what I did to get it going. Just say the word. (Yes, you need to specifically tell me where to post this because your license stuff asks me to ask for permission ... just trying to be a good citizen and not confuse the heck out of your users).
@jwo7777777 If you are willing and able to create a parallel HC version of DZAI you have my go-ahead to do it. I'm unable to do this myself because I don't have the time and computer hardware to do the necessary development and testing. Thanks for asking for permission by the way, it's not my intention to stifle independent development but just for my own awareness of what's being done with the DZAI code.
@ebay I appreciate your comments in the epoch forums. Unfortunately, when I tried to view them earlier, the epoch server was having "issues".

I think I can still make the code available and advise people about what the community thinks it can and cannot do. My plan is to just create a github fork and report availability here.
Don't worry, the hard part is keeping up with my weekly updates plus critical hotfixes along the way.

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Development of new features will be slowing down to a halt, but bugfixes and optimizations will not since they take the least amount of time.
Hey jwo7777777 any way you could guide me on getting DZAI most current version to work with headless client?
I am sorry, but my spare time came to an abrupt end. Additionally, at about v1.8+ the dayz code started colliding with it. I am no longer involved, but you might find help on the Epoch boards if not here.