HALO Jump Tutorial - Simplified

How do you add in exceptions to ah.sqf? PLEASE I cant get this to work that is my last step. Anyone? How did you do it lazyink?
someone knows how to fix the problem that u can jump only 1 time per life? (out of the same sort of chopper)
How do you add in exceptions to ah.sqf? PLEASE I cant get this to work that is my last step. Anyone? How did you do it lazyink?
If I am correct, you open your ah.sqf then just type in action in the search function until you find the dayzActions and just add those lines that lazyink said.
i was asked to add this to my server but all i see is issue reported by people here, can anyone confirm if this is worth installing or skip it, chernarus map 1.7.6 with Sarge AI running
i was asked to add this to my server but all i see is issue reported by people here, can anyone confirm if this is worth installing or skip it, chernarus map 1.7.6 with Sarge AI running

if im not mistaken a step in this which comments out 5 lines, conflicts with ur sarge.
I'm running into an issue with hueys not getting the option to HALO jump, while other air vehicles do. At this point I'm pretty confused as to what is causing this because on a rare occasion a huey will get the HALO jump option for no apparent reason with no apparent pattern.

Edit: Also seeing this with MI17s now, but no problems with the little birds or the plane

Edit Edit: fixed, fuck the fn_selfActions method.

How did you get this to work? I'm having the same problem!
Ok so i whitelisted this in my anti hack so now people dont jsut fall from the sky with no option to chute. (was very funny).

_dayzActions = (s_player_repairActions + s_wardrobe_array + r_player_actions2 + r_player_actions +

this is a snippet of my AH script.
i have also whitelisted my own wardrobe s_wardrobe_array.

But here is the problem, i can control the chute very well, and my players didnt notice but they cannot control it for the life of them, they basically just fall straight down.

What do i need to whitelist in order to get the regulars to be able to control their chute.

Has anyoune a correct server_cleanup.fsm and update_object.sqf for actual DayZ version. I realy don thave an idea whats going on in the server_cleanup.fsm

took the files from another post about halo spawnjump
If i'm understanding this correctly, the option to HALO jump is inconsistent for you? If that's the problem I can help you with it. I also had this problem so I wrote my own method of flagging the option. What you'll have to do to use it is add this to your init
if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] execVM "WHATEVERFOLDERYOUPUTITIN\haloaction.sqf";

then make a new file called haloaction.sqf and copy the following into it then put it into your pbo
private ["_vehicle", "_halo_jump_id"];
//Made by Rave because he is a cool guy
_vehicle = objNull;
while {true} do
    if (!isNull player) then {
        private ["_currentVehicle", "_jumpheight"];
                _jumpheight = (getPosATL player select 2) > 50;
                _currentVehicle = vehicle player;
        if (_vehicle != _currentVehicle) then {
            if (!isNull _vehicle) then {
                _vehicle removeAction _halo_jump_id;
                _vehicle = objNull;
            if (_currentVehicle != player && _jumpheight && (_currentVehicle isKindof "Air")) then {
                _vehicle = _currentVehicle;
                _halo_jump_id = _vehicle addAction [("<t color=""#FF9800"">" + ("HALO Jump") + "</t>"), "WHATEVERFOLDERYOUPUTITIN\jump.sqf",[],-1,false,true,"",""];
        if ((_currentVehicle isKindof "Air") && !_jumpheight) then {
            _vehicle removeAction _halo_jump_id;
            _vehicle = objNull;
    sleep 2;

Note: you will have to change the WHATEVERFOLDERYOUPUTITIN bits to make it work

Now if you want to change the height the HALO jump options shows up you'll have to find
_jumpheight = (getPosATL player select 2) > 50;
and change the 50 to whatever height you'd like

Worked for me. THX.
I shoot with the 1.7.7 release and neither solutions work, the first plant my server, and the second I break your legs while I open the parachute and I did not even touch the ground and I die
Followed this step by step. My server is on, and my players die when they deploy the parachute. I have added exceptions to my AH, done the server_cleanup.fsm, and yet nothing seems to do the trick.
im new to the whole server thing and im having some issues... first off im using hfb servers to host my dayz server... i cant seem to find mission.pbo or dayz_server.pbo anywhere... can someone help me out here... im totally lost
im new to the whole server thing and im having some issues... first off im using hfb servers to host my dayz server... i cant seem to find mission.pbo or dayz_server.pbo anywhere... can someone help me out here... im totally lost

the mission.pbo is in the MPMissions folder all the way at the bottom, it won't be named mission.pbo, it'll be something like DayZ_Chernarus_11.pbo. The dayz_server.pbo will be closer to the top, it will be in the folder "@Dayz_something_server, then the addons folder.
new way for the fn_selfActions.sqf

if((dayz_myHaloVehicle !=_vehicle) and _inVehicle and (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") and ((getPos _vehicle select 2) > 180)) then {
    if (s_halo_action < 0) then {
        dayz_myHaloVehicle = _vehicle;
        s_halo_action = dayz_myHaloVehicle addAction [("<t color=""#FF9800"">" + ("HALO Jump") + "</t>"),"jump.sqf",[],2,false,true,"",""];
} else {
    dayz_myHaloVehicle removeAction s_halo_action;
    s_halo_action = -1;

add this to the top of the jump.sqf

dayz_myHaloVehicle removeAction s_halo_action;
s_halo_action = -1;
Halo Jumps
By: Unkinhead
Credits: Hangender ; VentZero

Saw that many people wanted this, so here it is...
Known Bugs Before Installing Without Known Fix (At Least As Far As I Know):

Override compiles.sqf following this tut: http://opendayz.net/threads/how-to-override-compiles-from-dayz_code-pbo.8251/

Download misson.pbo and dayz_server.pbo and extract them using PBOView (Or Other)

Create Folder in root of mission.pbo named "fixes"

add this line to compiles.sqf in mission.pbo where all the other compiles are (Similar Lines):
bis_fnc_halo = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\fn_HALO.sqf";


works fine on overwatch 0.2.4 thanks
I got this working fine on Epoch! I used raveypoopoo's thing and I have the option recurring now. Only the first time I do it, I have both options. How can I remove the first option and only take the last one?