HELP specific vehicles despawn after reset if more than 1 is on map....

I still can't find this table.. Im also trying to get HeidiSQL connected to my database, I had no problem getting filezilla connected but I can't Heidi connected. sigh....
Vilayer should display the mysql login information somewhere or you got them via email. Maybe ask the support if you can't find it.
check your tcAdmin for the account information, but you'll need username, password, port (3306), and database name
gotcha thanks guys, I actually looked at youtube and lo and behold Vilayer has a few tutorials. looks like I was actually trying to add my Vilayer username instead of just "root" and that's why I couldn't connect.
edit- Im referring to HeidiSQL by the way, and I think I know where these tables are located I just have never been able to access them! I've always relied on TSW or the simplified buttons on the control panel...