Is it possible to Accelerate in game time?


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
Id really like to get some night on my server, but not a full night. I run 4 hour restarts. I don't want to start the server during sunset hours. I want to start it somewhere in the middle of the day and have time accelerate more rapidly in game. So that within that 4 hour time period, it get progressively darker, sunset maybe lasts lets just say 15 minutes for example and then maybe the last 45-60 minutes would be dark. Is this possible? I remember back in the day playing on thirsk and the nights would almost come on instantly, like you would blink and itd be getting dark (exaggeration). If this isn't possible I suppose I'll just abandon my quest but I feel like some how this is doable. Thanks
Its a mission install but you should be able to pull the client and serverside script out of the pbo and then call them with execVM from the init.sqf to the same effect.