Killed by messages


Well-Known Member

I made this thread for the topic from Fort. since i can not reply there.

Fort. I saw that you made killed by messages in the log. I checked my log and i must say. It look likes it works pretty good.

11:37:17 "DEBUG: server_playerDied: Verticel [43723654] died from MaRs [Object:B 1-2-L:1 (MaRs) REMOTE]. Distance:3.16032 Weapon:Winchester1866 Method:bled"

So i'm just wondering if the messages will be enabled ingame. Or maybe toggle kill messages true config file. Would be cool !

Keep up the great work.

(ps: if you need a big log with your latest fixes. Message me. )
i dont know simple solution for display ingame message...
do you REALLY need this?
i dont know simple solution for display ingame message...
do you REALLY need this?
They don't really need it. It's not a fix it's a request that doesn't need to be fulfilled. Don't stress yourself on this.
Indeed. its a request. But it would be nice to have it. :)Almost all of my people wants it back in the game.
11:37:17 "DEBUG: server_playerDied: Stapo [43723654] died from Stapo [Object:B 1-2-L:1 (Stapo) REMOTE]. Distance:0.00123 Weapon:Hand Method:facepalm"

Thats a kill
on dev branch
Great work. Will test it soon and let you know

EDIT: Oke, its on my server now. It work. but after a while the messages appear with 1 minute delay :( Saw this issue before, with some code on tunggle forums
I will. And will report back soon :) Tanks bud

Do you need anything for testing Fort ? RPT?