New version of anti-cheat script!

that still does the same thing remove the gear but nothing on the screen. the reason i wanted it is because i dont wont to run another program to just auto ban. be a lot better to just see it in-game.
It's because of the anti-hack 'signing' the vehicles before the server has fully loaded them
that still does the same thing remove the gear but nothing on the screen. the reason i wanted it is because i dont wont to run another program to just auto ban. be a lot better to just see it in-game.

I think you need a 'hint' if you want it on screen:

hint format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue];
also with the remove weapons part you should add in some of the other hacked in weapons you have missed, far few items mission from that list of weapons.
_cght = format ["if !(isServer) then {['Anti-Hax', 'Caught: %1', 'For: %2 (%3)'] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;};", _name, _reason, _field];
and this? a globachat with a gamelogic unit.
"hackFlag" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    _array = _this select 1;
    _player = _array select 0;
    _hackType = _array select 1;
    _hackValue = format ["%1", _array select 2];
    diag_log format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue];
    _center = createCenter sideLogic;
    _group = createGroup _center;
    _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
    _logic globalChat format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue];
_cght = format ["if !(isServer) then {['Anti-Hax', 'Caught: %1', 'For: %2 (%3)'] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;};", _name, _reason, _field];

that didnt work

and this? a globachat with a gamelogic unit.
"hackFlag" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    _array = _this select 1;
    _player = _array select 0;
    _hackType = _array select 1;
    _hackValue = format ["%1", _array select 2];
    diag_log format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue];
    _center = createCenter sideLogic;
    _group = createGroup _center;
    _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
    _logic globalChat format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue];

that didnt work either
I run my own version of the m0nky monitor antihax and my server has been up for 4 weeks, already have over 200 bans :)
Does anyone have a specific filter setup for this to work with pyBEScanner? Would be great if this code could flag a player in a way that a specific filter could detect.
Here's a possible fix for false vehicle hack detection:

Open pkg/bliss/system/server_monitor.sqf
Go to line 76 and add this below:
_object setVariable ["legitFlag", "1", false];

If you use buildings package for bliss, do this too:
Go to line 189 and add this below:
_building setVariable ["legitFlag", "1", false];

Enable strict remoteexec filtering in the config!