Old Tent Placement [working]


First you need to grab this fn_niceSpot.sqf LINK
And paste it in your compiles folder!
if you don't have one make one!
Next find this:
    case "TentStorage" : { // tent pitching must follow all restrictions
        _testPond = true;
        _testSlope = true;
        _testSea = true;
        _noCollision = true;

and replace it with this:

    case "TentStorage" : { // tent pitching must follow all restrictions LOL LIES!
        _testPond = true;
        _testBuilding = false;
        _testSlope = false;
        _testSea = true;
        _noCollision = false;

now grab compiles out of your Dayz code pbo! or LINK

Paste it in a folder called exe
and find this in it:

    fn_niceSpot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_niceSpot.sqf";

Replace it with this:

    fn_niceSpot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles\fn_niceSpot.sqf";

Last but most important open your ini.sqf
and replace your call compile line with this:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "exe\compiles.sqf";                                        //Compile scripted functions
//call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions

and you are done enjoy your old tents!
Alright, Im already asking GP for help doing this, cause I am very confused by the directions, but I'd like to ask the group as well so that perhaps someone explains it in a way I understand... Im very confused by what to do after I've downloaded the link to his fn_nicespot file... I put it in my missions compile folder? And then what? Where is this file called EXE that Im supposed to put my compiles folder into? And where do I find this line?
fn_niceSpot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_niceSpot.sqf";
@ dangerruss compiles is a file withing your dayz_code.pbo if you already have scripts installed you might have it already (mine is in a file folder called custom withing my mission.pbo which i upload to my server) if not create a folder called exe inside your mission pbo and paste it in there now follow ghostphantom172s very easy steps :) if how ever your compiles file is elsewhere you need to change
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "exe\compiles.sqf"; //Compile scripted functions
//call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
where it says exe to the file name of where the compiles file is i hope this helps you .
you will find the line your looking for in the compiles file
ok Vilayer does things differently, and easier. They already unpack your server/mission.pbo into a file called vilayercodecustom.. from there you open everything in SQF format and edit the test, save, restart server, and done.. No unpacking or packing... Ive found a compiles folder and my compiles SQF... I guess my question is, when he originally says paste his FN_Nicespot in the compiles folder, does he mean the actual folder in my Dayz_Code or does he mean paste it in the compiles.sqf? I know I have to edit the compiles.sqf, but where do I paste his file?

EDIT!!!!!- OK........ I "THINK" I've got this done right, going to have to restart server to find out, in the mean time.. will this allow players to hide tents in ponds?
dude i dunno vilayer files but maybe theres a file already called compiles it will be a folder so you paste the fn_niceSpot.sqf file if not create a folder called compiles and paste it in there. And the same for the exe folder thats where you paste the compiles file and edit it . hopefully thats a little bit clearer :) or maybe more complicated lol
Don't know what Im doing wrong guys, keep getting "can't find script compiles/fn_niceSpot.sqf. I have the fn_niceSpot.sqf in my dayz_code > compile and I have the compiles.sqf in missions > chernarus > exe folder. I've made all the text edits to those and my init.sqf yet I still get the can't find fn_niceSpot.sqf. I also can't pitch tents.. I'd love to post my missions.pbo but its all unpacked and divided into folders already.
Mine looks like this...
VilayerCodeCustom > Missions > Chernarus > addons, admintools, dayz_code, exe and each of those is filled with files and folders as well. Im at a road block here guys :(
I think I discovered my error... I was setting my server back to the way it was until I got this sorted out and discovered an extra ;"; at the end of a line. Gonna have another go at it. If that's what I'm doing wrong I'm gonna kick myself
they added an exstra check in 1.8, i belive this will still work but it will course errors in the rpt file ...

i belive its some thing here:
// check that tent position is outside the pool footprint.
// we can't check altitude since pool has no height
_checkPerimeter = {
    private ["_inside","_relPos","_point","_boundingBox","_min","_max","_myX","_myY","_building"];
    _building = _this select 0;
    _point = _this select 1;
    _inside = false;
    _relPos = _building worldToModel _point;
    _boundingBox = boundingBox _building;
    //diag_log format ["%1 %2", _relPos, _boundingBox];
    _min = _boundingBox select 0;
    _max = _boundingBox select 1;
    _myX = _relPos select 0;
    _myY = _relPos select 1;
    if ((_myX > (_min select 0)) and {(_myX < (_max select 0))}) then {
        if ((_myY > (_min select 1)) and {(_myY < (_max select 1))}) then {
            _inside = true;

but i havent figured how to overide it yet :(
they added an exstra check in 1.8, i belive this will still work but it will course errors in the rpt file ...

i belive its some thing here:
// check that tent position is outside the pool footprint.
// we can't check altitude since pool has no height
_checkPerimeter = {
    private ["_inside","_relPos","_point","_boundingBox","_min","_max","_myX","_myY","_building"];
    _building = _this select 0;
    _point = _this select 1;
    _inside = false;
    _relPos = _building worldToModel _point;
    _boundingBox = boundingBox _building;
    //diag_log format ["%1 %2", _relPos, _boundingBox];
    _min = _boundingBox select 0;
    _max = _boundingBox select 1;
    _myX = _relPos select 0;
    _myY = _relPos select 1;
    if ((_myX > (_min select 0)) and {(_myX < (_max select 0))}) then {
        if ((_myY > (_min select 1)) and {(_myY < (_max select 1))}) then {
            _inside = true;

but i havent figured how to overide it yet :(
I don't see how its necessary anymore.... you can for the most part put tents anywhere again.
true ... i just got used to be able to litteraly place them anywhere ... at some point ill figure out how to "fix" this tho, but was hoping someone maybe had the answer for this already ...