Release 2.2.1 (For DayZ 1.7.6)

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Skaronator, any chance you can mark what has to be changed on the mission.sqm to prevent the "teleport" problem when logging out on certain areas (I've isolated the no-man land around grid 75-33 and everything to the west and north of it)? I'd like to know what in particular I've got to switch around in order to make it work.

EDIT: Sorry, is it what's marked with green and red here ?

EDIT2: Sorry again, I think I found it as you posted! Thanks.
It was pretty much the same issue Eddie was talking about, I guess I just called it differently, thanks again though, I'll try the fix you posted (though I still don't understand how it fixes the problem, it's all magic to me).
for the road block, do u know that when large vehicles such as truck, they cannot cross or really really hard to pass the bridge between the city Maruko to Puente Malargo at the beginning of the bridge, when i use a normal sizes of vehicles it take a while becoz i hv to turn left slowly and turn right slowly again. do u think...u can delete that roadblock or just delete one of the (block)? thank you :)
The bugs all around the map are still pretty bad, moving the Debug island helped a bit in most areas, but some new ones popped up. Like the other guys said, a lot of the mainland is still VERY buggy in "spots" and you will notice your debug monitor disappear and self actions stop working.
Mhh don't know what is the best position for this debug stuff. Feel free and open the mission.sqf (in Arma 2 MP Editor) and move the Debug Stuff (from top/left) to a other point.
Okay now Test this File:

Give me feedback as fast as you can. (Check South Coast)

Editor Screenshort:
We will try this out right now, thanks for the quick response Skaro. Have you heard anything recently from IceBreakr about the progress on the new island?
Skaro, I've noticed that since using this update many players spawn swimming. I'll assume this is because when their character is created they are on water (because the debug is now on the sea) and when they get ported their current ... er... "player move action" or whatever you call it is not updated, so they appear swimming on ground until they mvoe to uneven terrain or a building...

EDIT: Sorry, by update I mean the fix for the dead-zones around the map that we mentioned earlier.
I think one solution to this problem would be that we could ask IceBreakr to make a very basic island very far off in the grey area to put the debug area down at.
i am sorry, i believe i have trouble understand the problem u guys talk about. are u guys saying the debug problem still exist in Lingor in some particular place? or something else? i have test the debug this few days and the debug problem seems to be fix, (hvn't teleport somewhere else)
In my case I haven't gotten any reports of people getting teleported if they log out at a certain grid. But my players spawn as if "swimming on ground" very often. This is, I believe, because the player initial spawn point used by the login mechanic (before you are "transformed" into your last alive survivor) is over water... But I may be wrong.
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