Release 2.2.1 (For DayZ 1.7.6)

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Haven't tried it. I think it's supposed to address something entirely different, he's still trying to fight the random teleportation when signing off in no-man areas of the map. My problem is different I think.
Haven't tried it. I think it's supposed to address something entirely different, he's still trying to fight the random teleportation when signing off in no-man areas of the map. My problem is different I think.
I think its the a Issues with the Antiteleport Script. You can Disable it (in the next version) via the mission file.

1. Find your Arma 2 MP Folder (My: C:\Users\Skaro\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Skaronator\MPMissions\ )
2. Create a new folder called 'Missiontest.lingor' (without -> ' <-) (.lingor in the name is important)
3. Copy Paste the Mission.sqm in this Folder
4. Start Arma 2 with my Version -> Go Back to Mainmenu -> Press Multiplayer -> New Server (Local) -> On right Side use Lingor as Map and Open the Editor. (Not the Mission)
5. Now Load the Mission into the Editor.
6. Search for the Debugarrea (100 Units + respawn_west Marker)
7. Move him to an other Position, Save Mission
8. Try and Error :)
Thanks Skaro. I have moved our debug zone WAY up north off the edge of the map and we are having NO problems and 90% less lag. Thank you once again.
Kinda solved the swimming on the ground issue by spawning a patch of dirt below the spawning area. This way, when the character is created prior to the teleport that puts him on his last known position on the DB, he falls to the ground and is not stuck in the "swimming" animation, preventing the bug.
Kinda solved the swimming on the ground issue by spawning a patch of dirt below the spawning area. This way, when the character is created prior to the teleport that puts him on his last known position on the DB, he falls to the ground and is not stuck in the "swimming" animation, preventing the bug.
Thank you deathcall! thats a great Idea! Did you do that in the MPeditor or did you upload it to your DB?

Okay, can you Upload it?

These have everything you need to get every addon we have working on the lingor and lingor skaro map. :)

Mission File:

I used the 2D editor. Was fairly easy, just make sure the patch of dirt is somewhat on sea level, I recommend setPosASL command.
Sorry to bring this up again but since the problems are related, I thought I'd mention it.

Going back to the teleportation issues (that cause us to move around the debug plains in the first placer), I found this on server_playerSetup on line 69:

if (count _worldspace > 0) then {
    _position =    _worldspace select 1;
    if (count _position < 3) then {
        //prevent debug world!
        _randomSpot = true;
    _debug = getMarkerpos "respawn_west";
    _distance = _debug distance _position;
    if (_distance < 2000) then {
        _randomSpot = true;
    _distance = [0,0,0] distance _position;
    if (_distance < 500) then {
        _randomSpot = true;
    //_playerObj setPosATL _position;
} else {
    _randomSpot = true;

Isn't this code responsible for people getting ported away from the vicinity of the debug plains? Look at that _distance, 2000 meters. In Cherno it's probably not too much, but Lingor is another story. Specially if we take into consideration that the debug island on Lingor is pretty close to shore...

I might be wrong though, I just stumbled on this thing while re-checking my files.
Sorry to bring this up again but since the problems are related, I thought I'd mention it.

Going back to the teleportation issues (that cause us to move around the debug plains in the first placer), I found this on server_playerSetup on line 69:

if (count _worldspace > 0) then {
    _position =    _worldspace select 1;
    if (count _position < 3) then {
        //prevent debug world!
        _randomSpot = true;
    _debug = getMarkerpos "respawn_west";
    _distance = _debug distance _position;
    if (_distance < 2000) then {
        _randomSpot = true;
    _distance = [0,0,0] distance _position;
    if (_distance < 500) then {
        _randomSpot = true;
    //_playerObj setPosATL _position;
} else {
    _randomSpot = true;

Isn't this code responsible for people getting ported away from the vicinity of the debug plains? Look at that _distance, 2000 meters. In Cherno it's probably not too much, but Lingor is another story. Specially if we take into consideration that the debug island on Lingor is pretty close to shore...

I might be wrong though, I just stumbled on this thing while re-checking my files.

The Debug Island is wherever you make it in the mission.sqm. If you have things you added yourself to your mission sqm, then i suggest using the MP editor to just move it yourself. Also Skaro's SQM has extra wrecks and such placed around wich were overlapping with some of the Items in my Database.
I've seen no such wrecks on the sqm he linked a few post above... If anything, he even removed the H-Barriers present on the vanilla Lingor file. Those wrecks you mention, someone else asked me about them, aren't they the wrecks that were present on older versions of the map? I believe they got erased for the newer ones.

It's those wrecks on roads and stuff right? Like the checkpoint at the beggining of Puente Malargo on Maruko?

Maybe Skaro began his work with the old version of Lingor and since those wrecks were cooked-into it he hasn't removed them? I don't know frankly. Haven't played Skaro's Lingor, though I'd like to try it out soon.
I've seen no such wrecks on the sqm he linked a few post above... If anything, he even removed the H-Barriers present on the vanilla Lingor file. Those wrecks you mention, someone else asked me about them, aren't they the wrecks that were present on older versions of the map? I believe they got erased for the newer ones.

It's those wrecks on roads and stuff right? Like the checkpoint at the beggining of Puente Malargo on Maruko?

Maybe Skaro began his work with the old version of Lingor and since those wrecks were cooked-into it he hasn't removed them? I don't know frankly. Haven't played Skaro's Lingor, though I'd like to try it out soon.
Here can you find the Wrecks Postion/File:
Kinda solved the swimming on the ground issue by spawning a patch of dirt below the spawning area. This way, when the character is created prior to the teleport that puts him on his last known position on the DB, he falls to the ground and is not stuck in the "swimming" animation, preventing the bug.

I've talked with Visad. This is a "Global" problem with the spawnsystem.
I've talked with IceBreakr and he is working on a update for Lingor Island! ;)

Since we started using our old mission.sqm (came with lingor 1.3) and changed the debug location ourself, we have not had any objects coliding with our database objects and most of the bugs are gone. If you get people swimming on start up, just use the database to add a fake island made out of dirt mounds.
I've talked with Visad. This is a "Global" problem with the spawnsystem.
I've talked with IceBreakr and he is working on a update for Lingor Island! ;)

Very nice news to hear! :) i cant wait!
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