[Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

Most likely your faction settings. On mods with custom skins like overwatch and epoch some of the skins by default are different factions. For example TK and INS skins will be friendly to OPFOR so the bandits won't shoot them. You have to set the side settings manually in faction.sqf. This is what I use. It makes them attack almost all custom skins except animals/zombies (civilian side).

createCenter east;
createCenter resistance;
WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0];
WEST setFriend [EAST,0];
EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0];
EAST setFriend [WEST,0];
EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN,0];
CIVILIAN setFriend [EAST,0];
RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST,0];
RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST,0];

I run Epoch and still they dont shoot players
Hey there,

I have a small issue witch i tried finding a fix for.

I'm running a Epoch server with Sarge AI & DayZ Missions System running, everything is working fine except for two things on the missions system.

First thing is the AI only attack sometimes, as in rarely attacking people doing the events. Mostly they just sit there and not shooting back.

The AI works fine on the other parts such as random squads and other stuff, just not on events.
Next thing is when i check the gear on the cars that spawns in with the events the cars will disappear.

Any ideas?
SO still no posts for a Novy Sobor fix? I thought there was one found? Can some one post it if so plz?
Ok for Novy go in to major\SM2 and change.

_c130wreck = createVehicle ["C130J_wreck_EP1",[(_coords select 0) + 50, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "NONE"];


_c130wreck = createVehicle ["C130J_wreck_EP1",[(_coords select 0) + 30, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "NONE"];


waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _crate < 10 } count playableunits > 0};


waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _c130wreck < 5 } count playableunits > 0};

see if that works for you
Hey, thanks alot for the quick reply! I hate to bug but the fix listed above.. Well I went to implement that and saw that it had already been done. None of those changes needed to be made. It all seems fine when approaching it, just the issue of not clearing the mission by getting close enough to whatever triggers that completed mission message.. I am not sure what else to try... but would love to have this function properly because it is some awesome work.. Thanks again for your help..
I've seen a few servers that have the missions, but they pop on the side in a debug, anyone know how to do that or link me to it?
Just change all the rTitleText in the mission files to rHINT. Only problem is if you have a debug monitor it will flash over the debug and then disappear shortly after making it hard to read.

I dont have a debug so that wont be a problem, and what files are the rTitleText in?
ok i have tried everything to get the map markers to work and they just wont. i am no coder or scripter but i have looked at it and i do not see any reason why they should not work.

this is the code for SM2 under major

private ["_coords","_MainMarker","_wait"];
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\SMGoMajor.sqf";
WaitUntil {MissionGo == 1};
_coords = [getMarkerPos "center",0,5600,100,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
[nil,nil,rTitleText,"A C-130 carrying medical supplies has crashed and bandits are securing the site! Check your map for the location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
Ccoords = _coords;
publicVariable "Ccoords";
[] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";

and this is the addmarkers.sqf in the debug folder in the mission pbo

//Created by Falcyn [QF]
    _MainMarker = createMarker ["MainMarker",Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _MainMarker setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    _MainMarker setMarkerSize [175,175];

and i put this in the mission pbo init.sqf

[] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";
[] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf";

i run sarge ai, r3f tow/lift, trader safezones, kill messages, and a few more that i dont think might have an impact. the missions all work fine it is just that noone can find them plz help me figure out why they dont work, i have tried everything i know to try.

edit: i forgot to mention the rpt log

12:40:16 Warning Message: Script debug\addmarkers.sqf not found
11:49:34 Warning Message: Script debug\addmarkers75.sqf not found
ebay said: ↑
Most likely your faction settings. On mods with custom skins like overwatch and epoch some of the skins by default are different factions. For example TK and INS skins will be friendly to OPFOR so the bandits won't shoot them. You have to set the side settings manually in faction.sqf. This is what I use. It makes them attack almost all custom skins except animals/zombies (civilian side).

createCenter east;
createCenter resistance;
WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0];
WEST setFriend [EAST,0];
EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0];
EAST setFriend [WEST,0];
EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN,0];
CIVILIAN setFriend [EAST,0];
RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST,0];
RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST,0];
I run Epoch and still they dont shoot players

I have the same problems, no shooting AI
Are you guys running sarge ai too?

If so you don't need another script with faction settings in it. You need to change the faction settings in the sarge files. You might also try using a different skin with a different faction for the AI so you don't have to mess up your bandit / soldier / survivor ai config.

Here are all the skins. They are all unbanned on epoch. Just don't use civ skins because they can't carry weapons:

so if i am right, i have to delete the faction.sqf and change SAR.but wich sqf is it?
Just found:
//Sides that are enemies of resistance // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east];
But the RPT saying its not there

i know that the rpt log is saying that it is not there. this is my problem but i have a folder inside the dayz_mission.pbo that is called debug. inside of the debug folder are the addmarkers.sqf, addmarkers75.sqf, remmarkers.sqf and remmarkers75.sqf. i dont know why they are not found. i have
[] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";
[] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf";
in dayz_mission\init.sqf and the mission folder that i downloaded in the dayz_server.pbo and followed all the instructions.