Remove Clothes from dead bodies!

hi I think have completed the tutorial and answer ... but I test .. So I kill myself I seek my body but nothing is happening I'm ordering .. take ...

clothes.sqf : >> file fixes

if( _model in ["Camo1_DZC", "Camo2_DZC", "Camo3_DZC", "Doctor_DZC", "Civ_Soldier_DZC", "Cameraman_DZC", "EuroMan01_DZC", "EuroMan02_DZC", "Storm_Trooper1_DZC", "Storm_Trooper2_DZC", "Storm_Trooper3_DZC", "Storm_Trooper4_DZC", "PrivateSec1_DZC", "PrivateSec2_DZC", "PrivateSec3_DZC", "Asano_DZC", "Hazmat_Black_DZC", "HazmatVest_Black_DZC", "Hazmat_Red_DZC", "HazmatVest_Red_DZC", "Hazmat_Yellow_DZC", "HazmatVest_Yellow_DZC", "Hazmat_Olive_DZC", "HazmatVest_Olive_DZC", "CIV_Pilot1_DZC", "US_Pilot1_DZC", "CZ_Pilot1_DZC", "CZ_Pilot2_DZC", "CZ_Pilot3_DZC", "BAF_Pilot1_DZC", "BAF_Pilot2_DZC", "BAF_Pilot3_DZC", "CZ_Heavy1_DZC", "CZ_Heavy2_DZC", "CZ_Heavy3_DZC", "BAF_Heavy1_DZC", "BAF_Heavy2_DZC", "BAF_Heavy3_DZC", "US_Heavy1_DZC", "US_Heavy2_DZC", "BAF_Officer1_DZC", "BAF_Officer2_DZC", "BAF_Officer3_DZC", "CZ_Officer1_DZC", "CZ_Officer2_DZC", "CZ_Officer3_DZC", "GER_Officer1_DZC", "Soldier1_DZC", "Soldier2_DZC", "Soldier3_DZC", "Soldier1_SF_DZC", "Soldier2_SF_DZC", "Soldier3_SF_DZC", "Snow_Trooper1_DZC", "Snow_Trooper2_DZC", "Sniper1_DZC", "Sniper2_DZC", "Sniper3_DZC"] ) then { _model = "Skin_" + _model;

if (_isMan and !_isAlive and !_isZombie) then {
        if (s_player_studybody < 0) then {
            s_player_studybody = player addAction [localize "str_action_studybody", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\study_body.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_studybody;
        s_player_studybody = -1;
    if (_isMan and !_isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal) then {
    if (s_clothes < 0) then {
            s_clothes = player addAction ["Take Clothes", "fixes\clothes.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_clothes;
        s_clothes = -1;

thank you
DayzMan7, in my experience you cannot remove clothes from your own dead body. only from others, don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but i seem to have it. Should work when you try to remove from other bodies :)
Hey Guys,
is anywhere here who run this script on an DayZ Epoch Server Version 1.0.1?
When yes, are you maybe willed to share your clothes.sqf? I need a list with all clothes for Epoch and i cant find anything.
Thx for your help.

5 setDamage !"fixes\clothes.sqf"!"\"setDamage\"," !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n0.1 fadeSound 0;"!"(vehicle _x) setDamage 1;\n_x setDamage 1;\n};" !"if (!_isSync) then {\n_veh allowDamage true;\n_veh setDamage 1;\nplayer setDamage 1;\n};" !"if (!_isSync) then {\n_vehicle allowDamage true;\n_vehicle setDamage 1;\n_character setVelocity [0,0,100];\n};" !"_object setdir _dir;\n_object setDamage _damage;" !"if (!(_group in _groups)) then {_groups set [count _groups,_group];};\n_x setDamage 1;\n};

in the script BattlEye>>script
Anyone looking to customize this to drop a female body when stripping clothes from ladies?

Would it be just creating a 2nd If statement for female skins and then having SurvivorW_DZ as the return?
This currently does NOT work with the new update. We should have an updated version by this weekend! Thank you for your patience!!
Hi Churchie,

Not sure if its planned but as a cheap way for now.. (I am no coder)
Create a 2nd copy of your script in a clothesw.sqf for removing female clothing and returning a female body?

Added the same way as the first? Recreating what you have done currently and having only the female classes return.

Line 8
if( _model in ["SurvivorW2_DZ", "SurvivorW3_DZ", "SurvivorWpink_DZ", "SurvivorWcombat_DZ", "SurvivorWdesert_DZ", "SurvivorWurban_DZ"]  ) then { _model = "Skin_" + _model;

Line 10
if (_result) then { player playActionNow "PutDown";
    _name = _body getVariable["bodyName","unknown"];
    _method = _body getVariable["deathType","unknown"];
    _methodStr = localize format ["str_death_%1",_method];
    _class = "SurvivorW_DZ";

I think that's the default female class?

I am adding this to my epoch server and its working great bar this little glitch.

Thanks for the great script also by the way.
so I put this for the clothes u can remove and they don't seem to work did I do something wrong?
if( _model in ["Sniper1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","Skin_Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","Skin_GUE_Commander_DZ","Skin_Graves_Light_DZ","Skin_CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","Skin_FR_Rodriguez_DZ","Skin_FR_OHara_DZ","Skin_Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ","Skin_Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ","Skin_Soldier1_DZ","Skin_Rocket_DZ","Skin_Camo1_DZ","Skin_RU_Policeman_DZ","Skin_Pilot_EP1_DZ","Skin_Drake_Light_DZ","Skin_CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWurban_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWdesert_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWcombat_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWpink_DZ","Skin_SurvivorW3_DZ","Skin_SurvivorW2_DZ","Skin_BanditW2_DZ","Skin_BanditW1_DZ","Skin_BanditW2_DZ","Skin_BanditW1_DZ","Skin_Bandit2_DZ","Skin_Bandit1_DZ","Skin_Rocker4_DZ","Skin_Rocker3_DZ","Skin_Rocker1_DZ","Skin_TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ","Skin_TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","Skin_Survivor2_DZ","Skin_Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ","Skin_Sniper1_DZ","Skin_Priest_DZ","Skin_Functionary1_EP1_DZ","Skin_Haris_Press_EP1_DZ"] ) then { _model = "Skin_" + _model;
Well i tried to set it to have Sexes with Males returning males and females returning females..

I just broke it, haha.

Anyone out there know of a way to split this into the different sexes so they return the correct body type?
You could try this list, then. I have it working in a Server Pack also available.

if( _model in ["Sniper1_DZ", "Camo1_DZ", "Functionary1_EP1_DZ", "Haris_Press_EP1_DZ", "Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ", "Priest_DZ", "Rocker2_DZ", "Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ", "TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ", "TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ", "Rocker1_DZ", "Rocker3_DZ", "Rocker4_DZ", "Bandit1_DZ", "Bandit2_DZ", "BanditW1_DZ", "BanditW2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", "SurvivorW3_DZ", "SurvivorWpink_DZ", "SurvivorWcombat_DZ", "SurvivorWdesert_DZ", "SurvivorWurban_DZ", "CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ", "Drake_Light_DZ", "Pilot_EP1_DZ", "RU_Policeman_DZ", "Rocket_DZ", "Soldier1_DZ", "Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ", "Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ", "FR_OHara_DZ", "FR_Rodriguez_DZ", "CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ", "Graves_Light_DZ", "GUE_Commander_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_2_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ"] ) then { _model = "Skin_" + _model;

Server Pack:
Sorry ya'll I started a new job and it's taken a lot of my free time away. I'll see what I can do this weekend. Sorry! <3