[Request] AI menu "Prostitutes in the markets"


New Member
Prostitutes in the markets

Need AI like a traders.

When player near AI - he show menu:

1. dance - 1 gold - take 1 gold from player and play animation "dance" on AI
if player dont have gold - message "you dont have 1 gold"
2. oral sex- 2 gold - take 2 gold from player and send to knockout player 2 sec and sick player
if player dont have gold - message "you dont have 2 gold"
2. Anal sex- 4 gold - take 4 gold from player and send to knockout player 4 sec and sick player
if player dont have gold - message "you dont have 3 gold"
I have option to spawn personal hooker for 10ozgold and she will follow the owner, but you are taking this to next level with anal sex and all :D
Well, guys, it's a simple script. 5 minutes to a knowledgeable person. Help with a script please. I promise - I will upload the video.
You could simple force the npc to stand there, and when it spawns set a hooker variable to it.
Then in fn_selfActions if the target isTypeof (hooker skin classname) and getVariable hooker is true, then addactions to run the scripts.

As for the actual code, It would be an adjust and attempt thing for me so I'm not going to attempt it.

The reason you would want to set and get a variable is so you could set any model as the npc in the trader without getting scroll options on normal players.

On the otherhand if you used only a variable check, you could use an admin tool to set the variable on players so people can get the options on them for ensued laughter.
On another forum some1 call me:
[quote="You sick bastard![/quote] :D
So help to realize this stupid idea please...